Sandle RP

Cath noticed he was watching her. She tossed her hair off her shoulder again. She always did that when she was nervous. She'd been wondering about Sara, too. Something seemed to be bothering her, but she knew her too well. "Here we are." She stepped out of the car and sighed. "Hmm. It's gonna be a long night," she said, pulling on gloves and surveying the scene, waiting for Greggo to join her. "Comin', Greggo?"
[Whoa :eek: suddenly there's a lot of posts! I need to catch up... Wait, Keith Richards??? :eek: :eek: Oh God, you've gotta be kidding me... Of all people?? I thought you're gonna kill off Maryln Manson :lol:
I have no expertise on the Rolling Stones, think I need to do some research... Anyway this is a bit long...]

Greg expected it to be another John Doe. Or at least someone he didn't know. Maybe a grocery store owner. A banker. A homeless man... Could be anyone.

And indeed, it could be anyone. Even a legend.

As soon as he got off the car and took a first look at the scene laid before him, he silently agreed with her it was going to be a long night... If not a long week.
He unloaded Cath's and his own kit from the car, and queitly followed her behind, carrying their two kits.
A few steps as he approached the body, he stopped dead on his tracks [Correct idiom? I'm not too good with idioms...]. He couldn't believe the sight before him...
He didn't even hear David the first time.

Only when David mentioned the name, the famous name, that his brain clicked into reality. "This can't be serious..." The body was hard to look at. He's used to blood and corpses, you name it... but this? Even he got a sick feeling in his stomach.
He glanced at Cath, wondering if she felt it too. Weird enough she just tossed her hair like nothing bothers her. Bless that woman...

"This is ironic... That's always be my dream, you know, since I was a kid." He said when he's recovered a little from the shock. "I've always wanted to meet him in person..."

He knelt before the body and put on his gloves. "Taking some pics with him," He started taking some photos. "... shaking his hand..." and touching Keith's right hand. Which was a foot away from his torso... and three feet away from his stomach contents.
"But I imagined he would shake my hand back, you know..." He looked around, the sight of blood was sickening. "This? Uh... a little different from my expectation."

Greg noticed something. He opened his kit, "Hey I found something..." Black sticky substance covering the fingers and most of the hand.

Cath joined him to look and started wondering what the hell it was...

Greg just grinned when the irony hit him, "Huh, Sticky Fingers..."

[Hey ziggy, are you still on that latex story? :lol: Well anyway, if something's wrong (science part, music part, anything) feel free to correct me :) ]
Sofia looked up when Grissom started to talk. "In the breakroom cupboard. It looks dead. Did you forget to feed him or is this some experiment? Anyway, I don't know if you want it back. I certainly don't want it, so here." She pushed the box into his hands and smiled. "Little gift from me."
Grissom frowned and took the small arachnid into his hands.
"Uhhh, thank you Sofia."
He turned and walked inside, and noticed Sara take a breath. Carefully placing the tarantula in a small box, he sat back down and looked at Sara.
"Something has changed between us, hasn't it?"
Sofia raised an eyebrow. A simple 'uhhh thank you Sofia' wasn't what she'd expected. After all, she'd carried a tarantula to him. Yuck. A bit more appreciation wouldn't hurt him. But then again: this was Grissom. She heard him talk to Sara, and though she wasn't really planning on it, she listened, standing a bit closer to the door then she should. But then again: this was Sofia. She was curious, it was her nature.
Sara looked at Grissom. "I donno ... I guess. I mean ... I just thought ... that you actually wanted to be with me. And that we actually had something. But, I don't know how I didn't relize it. I was blind to think you were capable of actually having feelings for me." Sara said. Wow she thought, suprised how easily all of her feelings just kind of came pooring out. She didn't want to be with Grissom anymore, I guess she just wanted ... you know ... closure.

She sighed as she looked at Grissom. She couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking. She also was curious about the tarantula that was sitting in the box on Grissom's desk that he had just brought in. Why did Sofia bring him a tarantula? She tried to get that out of her mind and focus back on the indepth conversation inbetween her and Grissom.
[Haaaaaaahahaha, Silhouette that was beautiful. Very nice post indeed. And yeah, let's go with the liquid latex fosho.]

David stole a glance at Catherine as he watched Greg's reaction to the dismembered rock star. They shared a wry smile. Greg seemed to be unsure of how to behave.. he would reach out to touch pieces, then snap his hand back. All the while he was muttering about how he'd grown up wanting to meet Mr. Richards.
It appeared that Greg was about to get his childhood wish. He was going to know the drummer intimately. Inside and out.

David cleared his throat, breaking Greg out of his trance. "I uh.. I couldn't find the liver. But the temp reading I could get indicates time of death at around 9pm this evening- 2 hours ago, give or take. Again.. that.. isn't as accurate without a liver." David shrugged helplessly.

He looked over at the sticky black substance Catherine was scraping into a tube, and something snapped.. "Cath, if you don't mind.." he picked up the tube and studied it's contents. "This looks almost like.. liquid latex.."
Cath raised a pointed eyebrow at him, and he immediately felt himself blush right red. "Bachelor party."
[Ooooh, why did I not see that coming? Damnit, now I wanna play Heather! XD Well, let's find us a Heather then. Nice one toomuch!]
[You're not intruding, BT! If you're into our happy Sandle lovin', you should jump in as Heather! So long as nobody else minds.. *glances around*?]
{Mmm, I can put up with the Sandle lovin', Ziggy. I'll play her, but I can't promise I'll do a great job. Also, where do you guys want me? If it's okay with other people that I play her, that is. ETA: Dude, you guys killed off Keith Richards? lol}
(It's fine by me. Let's start at the fetish club and pick up from there.)
Cath and Greg finished up at the scene and drove over to Lady Heather's. Cath sighed. She had a feeling this was about to get complicated. Then again, things always did when Lady Heather was involved.
[Pardon me but I have to comment
ziggystarduzt said:
David cleared his throat, breaking Greg out of his trance. "I uh.. I couldn't find the liver.
Mwahahahahahahahaha that is hilarious! I can so imagine that :D
Nice posts everyone! And we find Lady Heather YAY! :D This gonna get interesting...
Oh anyway, Sticky Fingers is one of The Rolling Stones album, if I'm not mistaken. ;) Kinda appropriate for our... uh, latex case :lol:]

When David said 'liquid latex', Greg grinned with amusement. "Now, that, my man, is quite a bachelor party."

He chuckled when he saw David blushed more, then he turned to Catherine, "Hey Cath, my birthday is coming up." He cocked his eyebrows at her in a very suggestive manner.
Cath just rolled her eyes.

A few hours later, there they were.
Greg stopped the car in front of the metal gate. "I almost thought there's a vampire actually living in there."
He said, staring at the mansion before them. "Or a witch..."

Cath got off the tahoe and he followed her.
"I still thought I was dreaming... I mean, Keith Richards. Then Lady Heather."
Greg looked around, "Are we being Punk'd?"