Sandle RP

(Okay, Grissom is in the building! :lol:)

The tired entomologyst slowly walked inside, folders in hand and took a look around.
"Where's Nick?" he decided not to bother.
"Greg, you're needed over at the strip. You're working with Catherine on this one."
He glanced over at Sara, "I need to talk to you in my office, please."

(BTW, do we still have the same problem as before, hollie? Or maybe Grissom isn't so mad at Sara this time? :))
[Oops! Hestia posted while I was typing this up, so I had to edit it and change the story...]

Greg saw Grissom entering the room. When finally Grissom handed him his case and assigned him with Catherine, he couldn't help but wonder. What case he would face this time? How the rest of his night would be? How many people are losing their lives tonight?
It seems like never ending. Always someone dies in similar or different ways. For similar or different reasons.

He sighed.

He was just about to follow Catherine out of the door when he heard Grissom said he needed to talk to Sara. He glanced at her. What Grissom wanted to talk about? He couldn't help but wonder.

Something in his chest hurt.
He shook his head. Get a grip, Sanders. His mind told him.

He chose to focus on case at hand. Forced a smile at Catherine, "I drive?"

[Oh man... here we go... my first case... I'm gonna suck at the science part :lol:
This is my first ever RP too, ziggy. So no fear. First timers are allowed to mess up a little ;) Anyway, what expertise do you need from Greg? Hmm... I'm thrilled...]
Cath nodded and smiled. "Oh, and Greggo? There's an extra bag in Sara's office. She bought some last week." She brushed her hair off her shoulder again.
Greg blinked, Cath let him drive? That's rare. But he was glad.

Wait, an extra bag, she said? Sara bought it? For him?
Greg shook his head. No way, he thought, Sara bought it for herself. You're just letting your hopes too high, Sanders...

Greg followed Catherine silently behind. His thoughts racing.
Cath's voice startled him. "Umm, no," he just shook his head, "Nothing's wrong." Tried to sound like it was nothing, faked a smile.
He might even be his goofy self again now, "Your hair looks great today, Cath." He quickened his pace and walked beside Cath. "May I know what product you're using? Do you think it could add shine to my spiky hair?"

He felt Cath looking at him like he was nuts.
He heard himself saying, "Anyway, that was weird, Grissom wanted to talk about something. What do you think it is? Sara's getting a promotion?" He grinned, trying to light up his own mood.

He felt Cath's knowing smile.

Greg quickly changed the subject, "Do you have any idea about what kind of case this one would be?" He tried to be excited again. He hoped the case would be interesting, he needed something to put his mind into.

[Oh my, that's my 3-in-the-morning attempt to write... I hope I haven't mess up so far :lol: I might wake up tomorrow and think 'what the hell did I write??' :D]
(You're doing awesome Silhouette! Your posts are long and in-depth. Very good! :))

Grissom walked into his office, making sure Sara was behind him. She didn't look very happy and truth be told he was dreading their conversation. But it had to be done, and the sooner they talked, the better.
Cath smiled again. "Well, I use this stuff called Aussie 3-minute- Miracle. It might work for you." She laughed. "I'm not sure what's up with Sara. She's seemed upset lately. I haven't asked, though. If she wants to talk, she will."
(Thanks, Hestia! :) )

"Aussie 3-minute- Miracle? I might try that."
They were heading towards the car.

When Cath mentioned Sara though, Greg was about to open the car's door. He looked at Cath, nodded, and looked down. Mumbling to himself as he opened the driver's door, "Yeah, she will..."

They drove away.

(Okay, ziggy, we're coming your way... Hmm I like writing Greg. I'm having fun with him :D Maybe I could make him dancing in latex next time muahahahahahahaha :devil: We'll see... :lol:)
Sofia watched everyone leave the room as she stayed behind alone, with a cup of poison in one hand, and a can of delicious coffee in her other. What a difficult choice...not. She flushed the poison down the sink and poured a new cup in for herself. She found it strange that Grissom had passed her without saying a word. On the other was Grissom.

She slowly walked to the cupboard and looked at the mess inside. It indeed looked like her little brother's bedroom...except the fact that she didn't have a little brother anymore. His room had always looked like the cupboard though. She sighted and took the box with the tarantula out of it. It looked rather...neglected and...dead. She wondered if this was one of Grissom's experiments and decided to go ask.
(Dutchie, you're back! :D
I'm gonna wait for toomuchovertime or ziggy to return cuz I'm not sure what I have to write next :))
(Me neither, and I can't talk to you since you're gone. I'll just continue my monologue a bit)

On her way to Grissom's office, Sofia received many weird looks from lab techs walking through the hall. Hodges even stepped out and stared at her. "What are you looking at? Don't you have something to do?" She snapped and he walked back in. Shaking her head, she reached Grissom's office and she opened the door, stepping in, interfering in Grissom's conversation with Sara.

"Gil, what is this doing in the cup...board." She saw Sara looking at her, her eyes seemed to spit fire. "Whoops, sorry. I'll just...wait outside."

And she walked back out, closing the door behind her. "Stupid stupid stupid! Why did you have to walk in without knocking? Just because he normally doesn't I pissed off Sara. Just great. She doesn't like me anyway." She told herself, looking at the tarantula. "And what am I doing with this thing?"
[sorry dudes! I'm here now!]

David watched the black Tahoe pulling up and breathed a sigh of relief. He could tell that it was, indeed, Sanders behind the wheel.
David was aware that any of the very competent CSIs could have handled this case, but it seemed prudent to call on one who had spent weeks last month talking of this particular subject matter. Greg's prior knowledge would just make the situation go a little smoother. Or so he hoped.
As Greg approached the body, David could see the young CSI's eyes grow wide. He couldn't blame him- a body this mangled and abused was a hard sight to behold, even for the seasoned. The identity of the body made it just that much harder.
"Hi Greg. Thanks for coming so quickly. I knew you always wanted to meet him... " David's wry smile was lost on Greg, so he coughed to cover it up. "Greg Sanders, meet rock star Keith Richards."

[heyyyy, why the hell not? ;)]
Grissom frowned lightly. Sofia interrupted them and he lost his train of thought. When he noticed the tarantula in her hand he sighed and briefly excused himself.
"I'll be right back."

He stepped outside and spotted Sofia.
"What do you have there? Where did you find him?"
[I'm back! And Hestia, sure I guess it can be the same as last time just not so angsty.]

Sara just sighed as Grissom left his office, but though it was strange she was actually glad to see Sofia. Even though she glared at her when she butted in on hers and Grissom's conversation, it gave her a little extra time to think. What would she say to Grissom? Quite frankly she didn't really want to talk to him, but I guess she had to sometime. Then for some odd reason she had remembered that she had forgot to give Greg the coffee she had bought him. She frowned as she remembered it was still in her office. She must have been too caught up on the whole thing with Grissom to remember. Then she heard the door open behind her and took a deep breath.