S6 - the most uneven seasons of all? S7 - speculations....

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Re: S6 - the most uneven seasons of all? S7 - speculations.

I liked a lot of episodes this season (Gum Drops, Still Life, Bite Me, Rashomama, POTTR, Shooting Stars, Unusual Suspects, Dog Eat Dog, ABRTI, Killer, Kiss Kiss Bye Bye, and Bang Bang).

But the season also sucked in some ways...
- Not enough Warrick
- Grave Danger "resolution"
- Not so much character interaction
- Finale which didn't live up to the hype. But hey it's a finale, it's supposed to be brilliant. ABRT would've been a better finale IMHO.
Re: S6 - the most uneven seasons of all? S7 - speculations.

I didn't know until recently that two of the main cast members were filming movies during the shooting schedule for CSI. Even so, they could have done a better job with Warrick's storyline. Nick got off to a phenomenal start, but his storyline was relegated to a footnote for no apparent reason. It's frustrating to see what the show could be if TPTB could get their act together.

Alyssa said:
Gum Drops was an INCREDIBLE episode, and then we went through a lull with the ok-two parter, then KKBB sorta pulled me in again. Another lull until Unusual Suspect and Roshamama.

I know a lot of people watch just for the science, but for me, it's all about these characters and their relationships as they use science. Science is a part of the equation to me, not the answer...

Wow, Alyssa, I was nodding all through your post. I almost gave up on the show, too, this year...after PotTR. And I LIKE Lady Heather. After that, I decided not to worry about ships or continuity and just watch the show, and you know what? I was entertained. Sometimes only mildly, but sometimes I was rewarded with shows like KKBB and Rashomama. I guess the season finale was consistant with the season. Great setup, weak follow-through. I'm hoping next season TPTB will get their act together.
Re: S6 - the most uneven seasons of all? S7 - speculations.

If you choose not to be interested in the individual characters, the show can be entertaining enough. I'm one of those people who tunes in for the characters and their interrelationships, instead of for the science or the sensationalistic plots. Although there were a few entertaining episodes, the overall season was not, at least for me. Warrick had what could have been a great story line in the beginning but it fizzled into the background. Nick started out with an exciting story line, but whether it was the writers or the actor who lost interest, that story ended abruptly and Nick, too, faded into the background. Greg's move into the field had potential for some wonderful character growth/development, but it never went anywhere, and the character is still very one-dimensional. Catherine, who always had some high drama in each season, had little to none this season. Sara didn't grow/develop at all this season and was pretty much unremarkable except the last scene in the finale. We were told this was to be Grissom's season, yet we learned little about the character. In fact, none of the characters shined this season, except possibly Brass (in ABRTI), with each character simply rotating in and out of the episodes without leaving much impact.
Re: S6 - the most uneven seasons of all? S7 - speculations.

You know, I think we should start a thread about how pissed we all are about like of Grave Danger continuty...
Re: S6 - the most uneven seasons of all? S7 - speculations.

happy_me_111 said:
You know, I think we should start a thread about how pissed we all are about like of Grave Danger continuty...

I can understand the writers not knowing what to do with the story since they didn't write "Grave Danger". However, that was the only story line Nick had all season so the lack of continuity left the character with little to do. Same with Warrick's marriage--it was rarely mentioned until near the end and then dropped completely. I'm not pissed so much as I'm disappointed that this season had so few real story lines and is probably why we didn't have much character interaction all season.

Now there were some good moments throughout, but overall the season seemed dull compared to past seasons, despite the many wild, sensational plots and different approaches the writers used to keep things interesting. Didn't work for me.
Re: S6 - the most uneven seasons of all? S7 - speculations.

I actually really liked this season. If there's one thing I've learned from watching TV (and trust me, I do it a lot :)), especially shows like Friends (which I admit is totally different, but bare with me) is that the writers will constantly throw stuff in, and not to judge it before it has been completely played out. I mean, when stuff like Ross and Rachel's baby came around, people thought it would ruin the show, but it didn't. So my two cents is just wait and see- and you might be surprised as to what you like next season according to how it works out.

Season six I thought was very good. I didn't care a whole lot for season five, maybe because it was just kinda dark and I didn't like Sofia very much (no offense!). I liked it, just wasn't my type of thing. And yeah, S6 was defficient in a lot of ways, but overall, I think it definately could've been a lot worse. Lack of continuity, but hey- there's a lot of stuff to continue, while still trying to solve some complicated cases. Missing some characters- but, a lot of characters to fit in in certain slots.

So, I just say, keep your mind open, and don't lose hope yet... You never know what you might end up liking. :)
Re: S6 - the most uneven seasons of all? S7 - speculations.

I think some of the S6 problems came from the new crew working on the show. New writers and such will affect things.

I think it got better as the writers got used to writing CSI style, and the second half of the season kicked butt.
Re: S6 - the most uneven seasons of all? S7 - speculations.

best episode of the season: gum drops. (and not even just because i love nick)

weakest episode of the season: killer (it was built up so much with how "revolutionary" it was going to be, and i ended up DISAPPOINTED)

general impression: i liked this season. it wasnt my favourite, but i looked forward to watching a lot and i thought there was some integral character development. i really hope they dont completely neglect the "grave danger" storyline though. they dont need to overuse it; just mention it on rare occasion. just because kellys dead doesnt mean nick never got buried.

next season: i wonder if sara and grissom hooking up is a death sentence for the show like it was in the x-files. i mean, it was lead up to so much, and i wonder what theyre going to do with it now. if they ever break up, i think the show would be screwed. also, i dont htink they make a very good couple. sorry, but theyre way too similiar. lady heather was better for him.
Re: S6 - the most uneven seasons of all? S7 - speculations.

Season 6 was definitely the most inconsistent season to date. Lack of continuity from the beginning of the season to the end was evident every single week, much of which I attribute to the musical-chairs with the writers.

The season started on a positive note- the team back together. Plotlines were sometimes weak, but the actors were able to do enough to keep things together at the beginning of the season.

The first six episodes held my attention and each week left me with anticipation for the next episode. Then it became hit-or-miss the rest of the way. "Still Life", "werewolves", "KKBB", "POTTR", and "Rashomama" were high points. The problem is, you mix in the pathetically written episodes like "Daddy's little girl" (They really dropped the ball with the Kelly Gordon storyline), "Poppin Tags", "Spellbound" and "Time of your death", and you've left the viewer scratching their head in wonderment at how, for five and a half seasons they've held things together by using a great formula to their writing, only to have the show get to the point where things just don't flow as smoothly as they used to.

I'd challenge the CSI writers, over the hiatus, to go back and watch seasons 1-4 and take a close look at what worked in those episodes,then compare them to the last half of season 6. There's a glaring difference, even to the casual viewer.
Re: S6 - the most uneven seasons of all? S7 - speculations.

Well...if it ain't broke, don't fix it....I think season 6 is to clean up all the messes they did on season 5. Not I am saying season 5 is not good...but they expand it until beyond viewer's acceptance.

I would agree some episodes in Season 6 are in fact.....not that interesting. But, lets keep an open heart for the upcoming seaons. And oh, remember some of the series that had more than 5 seasons such as X-files, Friends and ER. They always have this "mid life crisis" where they dump a lot of things into it and finally get started again.

I sure hope this is the same thing too ....
Re: S6 - the most uneven seasons of all? S7 - speculations.

What I'm looking forward to in S7 is how they're going to explain Grissom's two months' absence. Sure, there'll be reruns tossed into the mix but they can't have him be the "Man Who Isn't There" for 4 to 6 new episodes.
Re: S6 - the most uneven seasons of all? S7 - speculations.

^^^ Grissom is gonna be absent for two months? Where'd you get that? :)
Re: S6 - the most uneven seasons of all? S7 - speculations.

I haven't seen all of season 6 yet so I haven't read all the posts on this page in case i read something i don't want to.
i agree that there have been a couple of dud episodes from what i've seen so far. i really did not like the episode where they brought lady heather back. i just felt like it was really stupid and over the top for CSI.

however it seems like they have been trying out new things with CSI this season which is good. Like 'Killer' when you knew who the killer was from the start and saw the episode from his point of view. i thought that was a really interesting take on it.

and last nights episode (in the U.K) where they had the reality show camera following them around was really cool as well because it kind of took the pee out of the show itself which is always nice when a show doesn't take itself seriously. i think i'm only halfway through season six over here but i would like season 7 to have more Greg in it (i know i'm biased!) even if he's only helping out on a case cos it seems that lately he wanders into the lab n talks to one of the others and doesn't do anything else although last nights eppy was better.

i think Brass's character has been used really well this season though. in the episode where he found out he shot that cop and he met the guys wife at the funeral. that was such a good scene. actually made me want to cry and i never cry at the television.

anyway i think that's enough rambling on from me. i don't want season 7 to be the last one. i think with season 6 they are just trying things out and season 7 might go a bit more back to normal which would be nice but i dont think a bit of change is a bad thing. avoids predictability (is that a word? LOL) :D
Re: S6 - the most uneven seasons of all? S7 - speculations.

Cofi shot, WP's going to do a play in Rhode Island from Dec thru Jan. Counting rehearsal time, I figure that means we'll see nothing of Grissom from somewhere in the November sweeps to possibly the beginning of February sweeps.
Re: S6 - the most uneven seasons of all? S7 - speculations.

AlexOCSI said:
I would agree some episodes in Season 6 are in fact.....not that interesting. But, lets keep an open heart for the upcoming seaons. And oh, remember some of the series that had more than 5 seasons such as X-files, Friends and ER. They always have this "mid life crisis" where they dump a lot of things into it and finally get started again.

I sure hope this is the same thing too ....

I hope not!
ER is a big crap since season 6! and Friends was less funny . Third watch (I adore this show) was also not as good as the first seasons.
I still think writers could be better, but I have the impression that they rest more of the time on their laurels.
They think quantity... but I think quality. It's why I have more and more problem with CSI.
Sorry but I'm desapointed with this season. For me, it was the worst even if I'm a Nick fan. I will be harsh but I would have prefer a death Nick if there weren't Gum drops and Rashomana.
There were soo much potential scenarii but they didn't even try.

(same problem with Without a trace)
(I hope Criminal minds will be better)

Happily "Rescue me" is back! :D
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