S6 - the most uneven seasons of all? S7 - speculations....

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Re: S6 - the most uneven seasons of all? S7 - speculations.

I think that season 6 was full of really good episodes. I cant really comment on the first 5 or 6 episodes because i wasnt able to see them but i heard a lot of really good review on "Gum Drops" (i really wanna see it BTW anyone knows when is going to air again?). I really like this seasons episode and storylines. Who can forget "Rashomama" i LOVED that episode. Oh and then the Finale I loved the outcome of it and i was really happy. And guys of course they are going to be some episodes that just going to sting but that has to happen once in a while not all the episodes are going to be great and it happens to all TV shows. And of course this season had a lot of personal lives that were in the question but hopefully they will resolve them season 7. I cant wait! :)
Re: S6 - the most uneven seasons of all? S7 - speculations.

I definately think this season had its ups and downs and I definately think that the writers had a struggle on their hands to follow up a sensational episode like Grave Danger.

To me the disappointment was the Kelly Gordon fiasco. Daddy's Little Girl was so rushed and making it into a B story was stupid. We expected a lot more and deserved more then that. The only good thing about that episode was George's Eads performance. It was both subtle and emotional.

Gum Drops was probably one of the best episodes all year along with ABRTI part one and two.

Way To Go was a good episode. I'm kind of indifferent to the ending because GSR was not my thing, but I like the fact that Sara got her man after years of yearning.

As a Nick fan, I'm happy we had more of him this year and that his character's recovery was portrayed to some degree. We saw him happy go-lucky, then depressed for the time being, bitter and eventually full cirlce back to the old Nick again. But my concern is that this will be dropped off the face of the earth and never to be even mentioned again. They are not good with arcs when it comes to Nick. It was a shock we got any continuation of the GD storyline.
Re: S6 - the most uneven seasons of all? S7 - speculations.

well me I can't wait for S7 lots of drama GSR trouble, people finding out about them,Marriage?, Warrick and his wife? will Brass return to work? Greg, will he change again?, Me, I think that someone will die, leave or quit this season.But what ever happens I know I'll be there to watch it.

Ps: GSR rules
Re: S6 - the most uneven seasons of all? S7 - speculations.

I think this season was great till around the 10th episode and then "Rashomana".
For me there were a lot of mistakes
- Grissom-Srarh ending (We will see next season)
- the lack of Greg and Warrick
- after Grave Danger fiasco, the death of Kelly Gordon, the Nick-Grissom relationship
- the lack of character relationship
- the lack of funny scene (I miss Greg-Nick scene :()
- the lack of continuation (C'mon I have the impression to say that till season 1!)
- Ecklie!

... and some very good episodes like "Gum drops", "ABRTi". And a lot of Nick (but not with Grave Danger continuation)

I think season5 was better and there were more interaction between the characters even though the team was split.

I'm so disapointed about the season finals of CSI and Wat.. I want my shows back like before. Now I'm not even attentive for the next seasons! :( and if it's not better I'm afraid to be less and less interested... it's hard to say but it's really what i feel. :(
Re: S6 - the most uneven seasons of all? S7 - speculations.

i hv 2 agree S6 wasnt the best season 4 CSI: but idc coz its my fav show!! :D
Re: S6 - the most uneven seasons of all? S7 - speculations.

I definitely was not a huge fan of Season 6. Most of my friends over in shipper central know I almost left the show mid-season (which had nothing do with with my ship. It had to do with my distaste for the writing).

I felt like the characters were taking too much of a backseat, and that the continuity was seriously lacking. Gum Drops was an INCREDIBLE episode, and then we went through a lull with the ok-two parter, then KKBB sorta pulled me in again. Another lull until Unusual Suspect and Roshamama.

POTR didn't work. And please don't pull ship into it, that has nothing to do with this one, for me. The story could have been so much more powerful, but somewhere, in the execution, the power was lost.

Same problem with "Still Life." I thought the idea of it was intriguing, but the execution of it made it really bland. Something just never clicked, never worked.

Poppin' Tags was ridiculously crazy. The episode itself was ok, I even enjoyed a lot of it, but it really felt more like "look at all our current references and rap stars!"

Killer: I've said a thousand times that if this was an episode of a brand new show, I'd love it, but it just wasn't CSI to me. It was an interesting idea, following the killer through the episode, and the actor was incredible, but it was just not CSI to me.

I Like to Watch: Another one where the idea intrigued me, but the execution was lacking. It just felt a little stiff, and the camera crew aspect of the show ended up being a distraction more than anything else.

Daddy's Little Girl: Oh yes, let's completely kill off the Kelly Gordon storyline by having her commit SUICIDE. Yes, this way, we don't have to worry about the storyline anymore and Nick can have some kind of resolution... um, no!

Room Service: An interesting episode in how it was shot, etc, but the main message just seemed a little weak. The message that rich or poor, we're all the same in a bodybag, was easy to obtain at the top of the episode. Also, the connected cases was a little, erm, too coincidental. It just happens a lot more as the seasons go on, which is unfortunate.

Spellbound: An ok episode. It just didn't stick to your ribs. It's funny that this episode had a concentrated amount of Grissom, and yet it's nowhere close to my fav ep of the season.

Dog Eat Dog: Is it bad I hardly remember this episode? Yeah...

TOYD: It's not a bad ep. It's not a great ep. That's the problem with it. The characters in this ep are incredible, especially those little minor character who blip on the screen and are heard no more (like a tale told by an idiot.... erm... sorry). I thought it was a good setup for those unfamiliar with Gris/Sara who were tuning in for May sweeps and might be confused by the finale otherwise. And I enjoyed the concept, but some parts of it just dragged too much for me to get wrapped up in it.

BB/WtG: I want to talk about these collectively. The first half, Bang Bang, was a blast to watch. It may not have been an armchair gripping ride, but it was fun, and finding out that Sammy had been dead for a while was a great little twist. I mean, I suspected something like that all along, but I'm weird. It was still fun.

WtG was not enough of a continuation. I understood the need for one case during Brass' ordeal to show that things do keep moving in Vegas, but two felt like they were pushing it. I remember seeing a clip of Grissom looking like he had tears in his eyes in one of the promos, and someone on a spoiler board I'm on said there was a really great emotional Grissom scene in the finale... It looks like that was cut, and I think this one little scene could have been enough to help those who felt like Brass' siutation wasn't effecting people enough.

Episodes I actually remember the casefile and thought them pretty good: Bite Me, Shooting Stars, Gum Drops, ABRTI, Werewolves, KKBB, Unusual Suspect, Roshamama....

Bite Me: It was just a twisted story. I mean, true, we got another teen murderer, but the idea of it was really interesting, and I did wonder for a bit if the woman's own father had killed her. The episode definitely held my attention.

Shooting Stars: Still don't think it was the greatest ep, but it was intriguing, especially that ending with the one girl who survived. That ending sorta stuck with me.

Gum Drops: Probably my fav dramatic episode of the season. This and Roshamama were my highlights. It's a shame they were so many months apart. Though the script was not originally intended for Nick, it became a great ep for him, and showed some actual continuity. "I was rescued." Yes, you were Nick. We remember! And I loved Sara being there for him. She's my fav character, and I remember this ep had a lot of her at her best.

ABRTI: While parts of it drove me nuts, it brough some new stuff in for PG, and that's good enough for me. It also had a lot of fun interaction between all the characters. Everyone felt connected in this two-parter. And, this gave us some continuity in the future for Brass... with his situation mentioned in Dog Eat Dog, I Like to Watch, and the finale. Nice.

Werewolves: It was an intriguing story, and while the condition was not the star of the episode, I think that young lady was, for me. It was nice to see the CSIs, especially Catherine, being really human, showing concern.

KKBB: How great a guest star they had, but that wasn't what made this ep great. It was all about the characters, and Greg shined here. He was absolutely hilarious, a joy to watch, and I remember thinking "Look! It's the old Greg! YAY!" This episode was just FUN to watch.

Unusual Suspect: Not a lick of Grissom in it, and it's one of my fav eps of the season. It was just something a little different. Yes, another young killer, but the way it all happened was intriguing. I was a bit peeved that our dear Sara was deceived, but after consideration saw this as a bit of continuity. God bless her, she sometimes lets her obujectivity get clouded, and this little girl took advantage of that!

Roshamama: What can I say about this episode? My favourite "light" ep of the season. The four different point of views were great to watch, and it was so fun to get inside the heads of the characters. I really hope that CSI attempts more episodes like this in the future. It wasn't just about the story, but the characters in this ep. I loved them talking about the diner, and about random silly things like they used to. The lock down was great because we got to see them sleeping, and complaining. Nick and Warrick's scene is still one of my favs because it's so honest. What do we do? We complain about work to our buddies! It's part of life... Ah... Loved it.

Woah. I seriously did not mean to write that much, but you can see that I've thought out my arguments! Viva Las Vegas was an interesting start, with them seeming to try to go back to early-CSI, but the rest of the season didn't follow that example at all. As a whole, this season wasn't great. I mean, I was ready to give up on CSI many times this season. What saved it for me? Episodes like Roshamama. Episodes like KKBB, or Gum Drops. These episodes were so much fun to watch! They made it interesting, while showing a LOT of the characters. I know a lot of people watch just for the science, but for me, it's all about these characters and their relationships as they use science. Science is a part of the equation to me, not the answer...

Here's hoping next year is better. I'm onboard to give season 7 a try. I really am, I just hope it works.
Re: S6 - the most uneven seasons of all? S7 - speculations.

For the record, Gary Dourdan filmed two movies during this season and Marg Helgenberger filmed a movie as well which would account for their lower visability. :)
Re: S6 - the most uneven seasons of all? S7 - speculations.

I am still with my idea of bring BIG director to write and direct an episode, and if we are lucky the season finle.

Any one thinks the same?
Re: S6 - the most uneven seasons of all? S7 - speculations.

Right now, as it stands, I don't think Season 6 was outstanding, but I remember thinking that of Season 5 (possibly others) before. Then, I'd get the box set and watch it almost one episode after another and it came out a lot better! (So, there may be hope)

Gumdrops was my fave by far, but since it originally was not written with Nick in mind, I constantly wonder HOW it WAS written. That was suppose to have the infamous bed scene! It definately wouldn't have played out the same. I guess instead of the friendly breakfast gathering it would have been (oops they did it?) I don't know.

My least fave was Daddy's Little Girl. Continuity and hype were it's biggest problems. There's a cliff-hanger never answered: WHY? Who was this women and why did she set up this kidknapping, really? Noting it was replayed before the finale, I started wondering if Kelly was going to return at the end (she was Playing Dead- yes, I know the reference was suppose to be in Bang Bang, but THAT would have been a great cliff-hanger, wouldn't it?) I also thought how could they make everyone mad (bring up those hostile feeling from the first viewing) only to make a number mad again!

As for Season 7, I am still hopeful. It is probably the last one if Billy is serious about leaving. So, them trying to live a happy couple's live behind everyone's back (okay, dating myself, but that's how Silk Stockings true team ended) will probably not work. I didn't watch the Early Show yet, but have heard basically what was said. Catherine KNOWS Gil, and she WILL confront him (think about his hearing issue). Meanwhile, Nick knows Sara (I can actually see them hanging out to watch movies together) and may caution her. (They have done that kind of "are you sure you know what you are doing?" thing)

I guess it all depends on how much imphasis they put on it compared to the other characters and their lives/affect on each other and the work.

I did enjoy some of the unique, testing ways to tell a story and would like to see some more of that. I would like to see them may be bring back a case from the past or such (remember the magician from several season back-Zephyr, righ? It appeared he may have escaped, but they never really let us know). I also would like to see some even episodes in which the characters a seen throughout the episode and interacting (I seemed to notice someone like Nick would appear in the first few scenes, then Sara would do a few, and then Cath or something like that!) I LOVE the round table type discussions!

Season 7 can be good. I think some of the episode suffered more because of the hype rather than the actual content. If we had seen it without the promos, some of them may have come out better! They also seemed to put the promos out before they finished the final cutting of the episode (like in Gumdrops, Cassie's voice saying she was told to hide under the bed if there was any trouble was only in the promo and not in the show itself! In Way to Go, we really didn't see the explosion at that angle that got a lot of people speculating WHO it was!) It makes some of us wonder, where was that, did I miss something?

Okay, I fell I'm rambling. But someone did mention Gary and Marg filming movies. Billy took time off for personal/ health reasons. Maybe in the long run, that was part of the problem, their hearts weren't into the show itself. Hopefully, there will be a little more focus and we can ALL enjoy possible the last season of a GREAT show!
Re: S6 - the most uneven seasons of all? S7 - speculations.

okey i don't know really why everyone didn't like this season (except GrissomFREAK :D ) i mean, this season was FULL of totally amazing episodes!!! gum drops, secrets & flies, ABRTI 1,2, PotTR, Shooting stars, Bite Me, Still Life (absolutely marvellous), Rashomama, and the final two - just to name only few which are on my mind right now. this season KICKED A$$, that's what i personaly think. i totally loved it, and NEVER in my life i would think about not watching the next season! (only because i wouldn't like GSR, which i actually love :D ). the end of the season brought me back to ship GSR. before the finale i was like "i'm totally G/LH, no sara there please", but after they made GSR happen i felt in love with it, and i'm both G/LH and GSR :) IMO this season is one of the best, i know a lot of normal people who are not crazy about the show as we are, say that they loved this season. i think we expect way to much. for me CSI has been handled perfectly from the beggining to the end. i can't wait for S7. it will ROCK :)
Re: S6 - the most uneven seasons of all? S7 - speculations.

i would have liked season six, but the finale just absolutely destroyed my faith in CSI. don't get me wrong. Bang, Bang was an awesome episode. even though i already knew all the spoilers, PG gave such a great, convincing performance. but Way to Go was beyond horrendous.

it's true that it was hard to follow after Grave Danger- but all the attention and hype built up so much tension that i was completely disappointed by the letdown. there was almost no characterization, the characters didn't even seem that affected by brass's condition, the resolution was way too cliche (oh no, he's in danger--- never mind, he's good), AND THE ENDING!!! it's too horrible to repeat. i am a GSR fan, but that does not justify the utter repulsiveness of that scene. i am not trying to offend anyone (i am sorry if i am) but it destroyed all the years of characterization that made this show so great. the show is all about subtlety- grissom's enigmatic character was completely sacrificed for that one bad decision.

if it weren't for that episode, season six was not that bad- there were great episodes, like Rashomama and Unusual Suspects. Lady Heather was awesome in her return (her character was captured PERFECTLY), there was plenty of nick :lol:, there was a good balance of lightheartedness and nailbiting thrill... BUT WHERE'S MY GREGGO?!! :(

i was really tempted to stop watching CSI... but a certain snarky technician named hodges and his band of crazy lab geeks are restraining me :D

Re: S6 - the most uneven seasons of all? S7 - speculations.

elanor_fields said:
i would have liked season six, but the finale just absolutely destroyed my faith in CSI. don't get me wrong. Bang, Bang was an awesome episode. even though i already knew all the spoilers,

Yeah, I felt that too. That Bang Bang was really good then it went downhil in Way To Go...Suprised me
Re: S6 - the most uneven seasons of all? S7 - speculations.

With too many cast members vying for screentime, it seemed the writers resorted to making Nick, Sara, Warrick, and Greg interchangeable--each taking part in an investigation for one or two scenes and then disappoearing for the rest of the episode.

Now it looks like Sara at least will be saved from this due to the canonization of GSR. I think Brass will continue to get some good, meaty scenes. Perhaps the writers will consider YoBling next season and give Warrick something to do. But Nick and Greg? I fear we'll be seeing less of them.
Just a little reminder, that "shirt" is Billy's real shirt! Check the photo archives. He wears it from time to time when he's out with Gina. Maybe it's his way of reminding Gina that when he's looking at Sara (Jorja) he's really thinking of his wife! Ercila
Re: S6 - the most uneven seasons of all? S7 - speculations.

kkennedytx said:
With too many cast members vying for screentime, it seemed the writers resorted to making Nick, Sara, Warrick, and Greg interchangeable--each taking part in an investigation for one or two scenes and then disappoearing for the rest of the episode.

Now it looks like Sara at least will be saved from this due to the canonization of GSR. I think Brass will continue to get some good, meaty scenes. Perhaps the writers will consider YoBling next season and give Warrick something to do. But Nick and Greg? I fear we'll be seeing less of them.

If you have to sleep with the boss to get screentime it's a collective slap in the face to every woman with some kind of intelligence. :D

If they don't use the marvellous actor that GE is to his full potential I so am gone.

ETA; IMHO GE saved a lot of otherwise mediocre episodes and Gum Drops was probably the most outstanding ep of this season. To put an actor like that on the backburner is harakiri in showbiz.
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