Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party!'

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Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party'

I think he's supposed to be around 25-30, about Jon's age. Probably closer to 25 though, since actors usually play younger characters in their shows.

Ryan/Jonathan #16: 'Welcome to Wolfe's Casino!'

It's mean but it came to me and I want to contribute. :lol:

Ryan/Jonathan #16: 'Thread Recycling Plant Here!'
Ryan/Jonathan #16: 'General Wolfe's Home Fort

That last one is after General Wolfe, who attacked Canada sometime back in the 1800s. Cause I'm just a History/Science nut. :p
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party'

Born to Kill is in two weeks, but Kill Switch is listed for next week. :D

I still like Ryan/Jonathan #16: 'Mr. Hot Togo'

522: Burned

That's a foreboding look, isn't it?

Alright, you got me! :p

I wonder if his hair is really that fantastic or they edited it?

Wouldn't you just love to have him that close in your face?

Here's Mr. Hot Togo

Dummy :p

Don't get comfy buddy

Does that mean you love me?

Wow, what a face?

Oh, *sigh*, such a terrible lier.


The last person you want to see, uh Ryan?





I wanna give him a hug.

ETA: I had an ultrasound today, and I got to see my baby for the first time. I think it's so cute already, and it doesn't even have fingers or toes yet. :D :D :D :D Due Nov. 23rd day after Thanksgiving :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party'

Okay, Im taken down A LOT of suggestions, anymore would just be too much so if you still have suggestions, maybe you could save them for Thread #17, which probably wont be too far ahead :lol: Poll will be up soon!

Thanks for answering me Athlov, I got scared for a little bit when I thought it wasnt for 2 weeks!
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party'

Im deeply sorry for this double post!! I wasnt thinking...:lol:. I wont do it again :D
Okay I know present...Our Thread #16 Title Suggestions! Hooray :)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party'

very original title there....hopefully wolfe will still be around next season...*i hope*
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party'

i hope so too. for the thread title i picked Obsessive Togoholics Disorder Support Group. i just love it!!!! i so have it!!! and i so need support for it!! :D and i loved his outfit!!!! yummy!!! and i hope he gets his job back!!!!! i don't want him to be known as the Hot , Sexy, Togolicious, Former CSI Ryan Wolfe. i want him to be known as the Hot, sexy and Togolicious :D CSI Ryan Wolfe
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party'

athlov you feed my crazy need to see frame for frame Mr. Wolfe. *Sigh*

I don't know why, but the sudden name:

"Hey, who stole my lab coat?" came to me. I know it would never be used though, because it is so similar to Horatio's older thread name.

*runs off to make new sig."
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party'

Thanks for the pics, Athlov! And congratulations! That is very exciting. When are you due, if I might ask?

As to Ryan getting fired, my hunch is that he was termed for paying off the bookie while on the clock. Yes, he can gamble on his own time, but not on company time! He should have been investigating crimes, not digging up cash to pay off a debt. He also lied to H, which Eric didn't do when he got busted. As a person who has to have not just his team's trust, but also the public's trust, he really did a lot of damage to his career by lying to his boss. H really had no choice but to turn him over to IAB. Rick may have been there already at either Yelena's or H's request, and H was trying to help Ryan out as much as he could, but Ryan's lying made that impossible. IAB had to take over at that point because of the severity of what Ryan did. H couldn't have handled it any further even if he wanted to. As to H's knowing smile at the end, my hunch there is he has an ace up his sleeve and something will come of it in the next few weeks.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party'

Congrats, athlov! That must have been a wonderful experience and I'm so happy for you! And thank you so much for the pics, I never got to see the ep, so this makes up for it! :D *runs off to make icons*
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party'

athlov thanks so much for the pics, he was sexy this week, and congrats on your baby news. The name i chose was Obsessive Togoholics Disorder Support Group, because i have it bad, and i need support, hah. I'm still sad about Ryan getting fired.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party'

Aww Athlov How great is that! :)

I just had a thought. :lol: What if H 'turned' on Ryan. I mean for his own good, I guess. Like what if H showed Stetler the video because he thought Ryan should be fired? I dont think he would actually do that- he loves his team, but its just an idea..:D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party'

ILuvJonathanTogo said:

I just had a thought. :lol: What if H 'turned' on Ryan. I mean for his own good, I guess. Like what if H showed Stetler the video because he thought Ryan should be fired? I dont think he would actually do that- he loves his team, but its just an idea..:D
Or maybe was doing it from a tough-love standpoint? Like wayward teenagers sent to boot camp, maybe H did that because nothing else was working? Great idea, ILuvJonathanTogo!
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party'

sweeet otd is doin well ahahah
love the screen caps athlov!!! as usual!!!

i dont think H showed the vid to stetler. i think yelina did because she was getting information on that other dude and she had to show all the video, and if she left that out then she would get into trouble. she said so herself, ray left her with nothin and she has to work, and she said this was the only work she could get.
sooo ... thats who i think sold ryan out

by the way guys, its been decided, i am getting jon togos name tattooed on my body. if anyone would like to see the pic of the tattoo i have chosen, send me a pm and i will show you the pic. its worth the laugh.
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