Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party!'

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Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Ok where did reality go? :p

I think Sex and Taxes was a good example of Ryan being a newbie, and Ryan being used of following orders (remember, he said that in UtI). Horatio told him to get the evidence to him as soon as they found something and that's exactly what he did. He didn't think about the part that it was social to wait for Eric, as he found the evidence. He did what he was told, like he had learned in patrol. I quote from Recoil:

Calleigh: “Hey.”
Ryan: “Hey. I got the sample for the custody here. How do you wanna handle it?”
Calleigh: “What sample?”
Ryan: “The blood sample, I got it right here.”
Calleigh: “You took a biological out of the lab; it’s not even in a K-pack”.
Ryan: “What?”
Calleigh: “I just…I just can’t believe that you’ve done that.”
Ryan: “I got a court order and I followed it, what’s the problem?”
Calleigh: “You never bring blood to court. You violated protocol.”
Ryan: “When I was in patrol, we did what we were told.”
Calleigh: “You are not in patrol anymore, what you should have done is call the state’s attorney and had him appeal the court order.”
Ryan: “Well you know, I could’ve used that advice but you were off bailing out your daddy.”
That was the exact quote of that part. It shows that Ryan just did what he was told, without thinking of possible things to do different or any consequences. He really didn't see a problem, he thought he did it just fine, and when Calleigh told him otherwise, he tried to push the blame off of him by taking a low shot at Calleigh and her father. (Granted, Calleigh could've helped him better, but in the end of the episode we of course find out she had other things to do.) For the record, I don't think Ryan is the only one to blame for this thing in Recoil. But it does explain his actions in Sex and Taxes.

Why do I have the exact quote of this part from Recoil? :confused:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

RyanAddict said:

Another idea - What if Ryan was a werewolf or a vampire?!?!?!?!?!?!

HAHA!!! a werewolfe!?!?!? haha!! that's funny because his last name is Wolfe. and haha..see what i keep doing....everytime i spell Wolfe, even the animal i always end up putting an e at the end. it's a habit i just can't seem to get rid of. :D :lol: :p
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

RyanAddict said:
SandersSidle - I have no idea, I was thinking strange things so that was probally one of them

Another idea - What if Ryan was a werewolf or a vampire?!?!?!?!?!?!

Oh, if he were a vampire, that would be too sexy--nibble MY neck please. :devil:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Dutchie said:
Why do I have the exact quote of this part from Recoil? :confused:

I might have a few ideas. :p

That's true about him being a newbie. In the other episodes of season three (ones where he doesn't mess up) he's anxious to get started on the task at hand, and he makes sure to be thorough. He's sort of like me, he likes to be praised for doing a job well done. He also seems to enjoy it more when it comes from Eric or Calleigh than Horatio since they are his colleagues.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

but when ever Calleigh praises him he seems to get all jumpy and nervous. i'm thinking he has a thing for her...but i'll leave that for the CaRWash thread later. I think him as a werewolfe would fit better, just because of his name. but if he were a vampire..oh god. i would let him bite me anytime, any place!! :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

I've read fics with Ryan as a vampire and as a werewolf. He's ultra-sexy in either role. There seems to be an extra charisma to the supernatural. :p

And a thong? God, no! :eek: Not even on Jon! Boxers or boxer briefs, please. Do you think that there would be a difference between what Ryan would wear and what Jon would wear. Myself, I'm inclined to think that Ryan might be more traditional than Jon...

*looks left* Yay! I'm a lab technician! :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

yay!! congrats AliGtr!!! i think the supernatural thing had something to do with Jon being on SU2....it did deal with the supernatural. and he was so adorkable in it!!!
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

I would love for Jonn to be a vampire. i would let him bite me anutime. :D :devil: Somebody up there saod something about spelling the animal wolf with and e(wolfe) yeah i do that all the time too, i gotta quit it.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

First off, HappilyHappy your banner is terrific, :lol:.

Now, I have a question..Have we ever seen Ryan like jump a fence while chasing someone or do something like that? The reason I ask is because I was watching a re-run and I saw Eric scale and jump this high fence and we never really see Ryan doing 'athletic' type things, do we? It just came to me, I dont know why :lol:

And..congrats Ali
Oh and as always, Im very excited for Monday's episode but kind of nervous..:D
ETA: Do any of you know if SU2 is going to be shown again? For the past couple of weeks, it hasnt been on. :)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

that would be me!!! i know!!! a lot of people do that!!!! it's just so hard to stop doing that once you start. it's like drugs or loving Jon!!!! :D lol!!! :lol:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Thanks IluvJtogo! :lol: I love it.

We've seen Ryan in Nailed jump a trash can, which for someone as short as he is, is kind of athletic. In Dead Air (I think) he is running after Horatio. I don't remember. We've seen him sort of athletic. :)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

i watched curse of the coffin today for the first time ever. i think i had to get up to pee like 4 times because i was laughing a lot.

i really needed a good episode today :( im having a really rough day and needed some cute ryan lovin to make me feel better.
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