Ryan/Jonathan #14: 'Togoholism is International'

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I think it's so sexy that he plays the sax. Musicians are sexy. I might be biased there, but I reckon that Jon proves the point. And doesn't he look into it in that pic? Really lost in the music.

(You know, they say that wind instrument players are really good kissers because of all the exercise their lips get. :eek: )
about the whole Jon myspace thing. he's my friend on my myspace!!!!!! I'll post it later because i can't do it now cause i'm in school...study hall, so i can look up what ever i want right now but the school has blocks on it so when i get home i'll post it!!!! :D
Yurke Love your icon its sooo HOT!! :devil:

I think its just me but im not really into musicians(never have been)
Aligtr your right he does seem really into the music doesnt he?He must really like playing!

Aligtr as you can see im using the want me icon you made.I have credited you for it in my bio.Hope its ok that im using it.
Ok I must be a complete moron. I cannot figure out how to add that banner. Anyone willing to walk me through this?
I can and dont worry it took me forever to figure it out too!All ya have to do is put the [image][/image] on both sides of the pics url.Hope that helps if it dont PM me and ill give more details.

And so this isnt totaly off topic heres an icon i just made

WHat ya think?
THanks fo_poozle for providing the pic! :D

*EDITED* oh katbug looks like ya figured it out way to go :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14: 'Togoholism is International' *DELETED*

Post deleted by katbug
I could not figure out the website thing.....because I don't have one! LOL!!! I read somewhere on the fan art site you can use photobucket.....between that and your help on how to do the image words helped! Thanks. Just hope it is the right size.
Sorry - I did not think I double posted - so I deleted one of my posts.
Love the signaute its cute "Say no to shirts" :lol:

It can be bigger mine is H-75 pixels and W-200 pixels i think.

Thanks about the icon i just made it! Yesterday I was lookin at how fine my Fiance was in jeans and then i thought about makin an icon that says what i was thinkin, just couldnt make one of my fiance tho hed kill me :lol:
This one is from Athlov! So talented! One day maybe I will have software and can try to do this!
It is true though - so fine in jeans!
Ok thanks to Katbug I relized what i should have put in the icon in the first place so i promise this is my last post for this morning :lol:

Ok heres the new icon

What ya think :confused:
I say we drop the MySpace topic, shall we? We've been talking about that for long enough now, IMO.

About the music though, I like the fact that he plays an instrument but...that's not really a flattering pic of him :lol: Ah well.
csim is on local tv here right now but its only season 3.
sorry if its too short. really busy doing some work
on a&e during the day dont they show season 4 though? on the canadian channals we're on season 4 and i love it :) nailed was on yesterday afternoon and it made me wanna get sick ... his eye was sooo gross ahah ... i felt his pain. i got a pencil in my eye once and now i only have 10% of my vision in that eye.

poor ryan ... made me wanna give him a hug.
I agree with Nikki about the whole myspace thing. If everyone on here is sending him pm he's got to be going crazy. I think just about everyone on here is his "friend" but just because he's accepted you doesn't mean you have to flood him with questions. I'm sure he likes hearing from the fans and their opiniions but to keep writing him asking him questions is probably pretty annoying. Especially q's that he's not allowed to talk about like what's is going to happen on the show. I've had him on my myspace for over a year and I have only pm'd him twice. I can tell that if it is really JOn that he has it for his real friends and family to keep in touch.

Hey China your icons are great..nice going.

I've always loved that pic of him playing sax...he looks like he's all into it and his band mates are being goofy, but they are cut out of that one..eh.

Hot4jt.. I agree if JOn would come on here and read what we write about him it would be funny and i'd be embarassed.
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