Ryan/Jonathan #14: 'Togoholism is International'

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he read my msg ... i know that much because i checked my sent folder and it says "read"

but thats ok
i didnt write to him expecting a reply ... i think its best when they write back because they want to

heres something i wanna know ... do any of you disagree with cbs's policy that you have to be in the us to view the videos on the csi miami site??

my ex is starting a petition because hes not happy about it. he watches some other show (jericho or something like that) and he cant view the videos.

i cant view the togo interview on cbs and it makes me sad :(
does anyone else know where i can get it?? (besides on the dvd since i would have to order it ...)
Everyone, regardless of which country you're from, should be able to view the videos on the website. :eek:

Sorry hot4jontogo, I do not know where to find them anywhere else. :(
I voted for Jonathan Togo. I did that because as R2T said, he's always serious and hardly ever funny. Jonathan is hilarious and I love guys who are funny. Ryan has an attitude right now and it's starting to piss me off. I liked season 3 Ryan better. He was sweet and adorable. Oh well, I guess people change. I hope next season they let him relax bit.
Happilyhappy said:
Everyone, regardless of which country you're from, should be able to view the videos on the website. :eek:
I've tried their videos, and while I can get the interviews and promos, I can't get the episodes. It just tells me that it's not available for viewing outside the US. :( So I'm being patient! *drums fingers on table* :mad:

I voted for Ryan in your poll, athlov . I've never seen SU2, and it's Ryan's geekiness and sweetness that appeals to me. I'm sure that Jon's prankster-personality would drive me crazy (and not in a good way). It doesn't help that he used to smoke either. Can't see Ryan doing that.

You guys scared me, BTW. I read the posts at the top of the page, and I thought he was really going to get attacked by an alligator! :eek: I had to read back to figure out what was really going on. :rolleyes: Can I volunteer to be the alligator? :devil:
Is this just me, or does AliGtr's post appear twice?Anyway, that doesn't really mather, i just ask to know if it is my problem.

Now a little bit more on topic, I didn't know out of the US it was not possible to watch the videos. Truth is that I have tried several times so far, but always thought it was my problem, my computer that didn't have the program needed to that. Now i see that it was not because of that. I want them to change that. It's not fair :( I mean, I can't even find a reason for that...Do you know what it is?
AliGtr said:
You guys scared me, BTW. I read the posts at the top of the page, and I thought he was really going to get attacked by an alligator! :eek: I had to read back to figure out what was really going on. :rolleyes: Can I volunteer to be the alligator? :devil:

LOL Aligtr

And CSIDani you right her post does show more then once.

Im realy mad about the CBS rules 2 i cant watch them on the website cuz of that rule it sucks!

CSIDani even tho we dont like it there is a reason for it,its called the black market if CBS opend the episodes to all countrys they would have a huge problem with the black market copying the episodes and puting them on dvd.Witch would be taking money away frm CBS.And believe me this happens alot.
Aaargh! I'm sorry! Fixed it now. I was having trouble getting it to post at all. Obviously I pressed something too many times in the end.
AliGtr said:
You guys scared me, BTW. I read the posts at the top of the page, and I thought he was really going to get attacked by an alligator! :eek: I had to read back to figure out what was really going on. :rolleyes: Can I volunteer to be the alligator? :devil:

Hehe, don't worry. We all made it up.

If you're the alligator, be nice to him ok? That is, if he's in the water drowning. You should save him. But even if you try to, Calleigh might shoot you if she's there. :lol:

I voted for Ryan because he's got a more interesting personality, & he doesn't wear freaky glasses & party a lot like the real Jon. & I don't know much about SU2's Jonathan, all I know is he's really cheerful and funny.
I was the first person to vote for Ryan, I just forgot to explain why :lol: Well, Ryan is so much more my type. It could be Jonathan from SU2 too, but since I haven't really seen him well, I choose between JT and Ryan, and then Ryan has to win. Like said before, when we were discussing almost the same thing, but without Jonathan from SU2, everyone is saying that Ryan has anger issues, but he had reason to show them! He hasn't 'just' attacked someone yet, and he wouldn't do that. People shouldn't push him, no, but seriously, I wouldn't call them anger issues. Also said before; I have no idea what JT doesn't have and Ryan does, I guess the calmness. What I've heard/seen from JT is that he is a very active person, which is good, but...yeah honestly I have no idea, I just vote for Ryan ;)
Firstly welcome to any newbies. I'm sure you are loving it here.

I've caught up a little (thanks to hot4jontogo) so I'll comment on the question.

I chose Ryan. The first reason was that I've not seen SU2 as much as I've loved to. Everyone keeps posting about it and it sounds like Jon's character is wicked.

Secondly I don't know Jon. I've seen very little video footage of him doing interviews and such so couldn't comment. The little I have seen shows him as a right laugh.

So I went for Ryan. He's not perfect by any means but I know more about him and can therefore make comments. He can be very personally involved, sometimes doesn't think his actions through, is prepared to take chances and just comes across as very dedicated.
I don't know but it seems like Ryan is a ticking time bomb. I mean I know he is just a character on a show but after watching almost 3 seasons his character seems to be getting darker and darker. Like I said he doesn't really smile, laugh, joke around.... it almost seems like he is seething and when someone says something the wrong way he jumps down their throats or he's in their face.

It's like I am waiting for something to happen and the kid is going to blow. Am I the only one that gets this vibe from the Ryan character? The only time I actually saw him laugh was when Eric and him were reading that blog and they were referred to as the Hardy Boys and Eric made that funny comment. That's it. In almost 3 years that is it. I mean he smirks here and there but really though.....
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