Ryan/Jonathan #14: 'Togoholism is International'

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Yeah, I liked Ryan's personality more in the third season. He's become so serious and sensitive, (in an irritable way), and he sometimes seems bitter about things.

Something has gotta give. Maybe a good knockdown and then his friends there to help him up again, so that he can feel welcomed and really part of the team.

I think he still feels like the newcomer sometimes. Like he went through so much just to be on the team, and then he does all the crap for H to find the mole, (lying to his team members), and then the mole is just welcomed on to the team. He had to hear Calleigh say, "She's worked hard for it," like they didn't give him crap when he was working hard for his place. :rolleyes:

He's gotta get it together though. He's been too mad this season.
I agree, in a away, because he doesn't smile as much. He sometimes looks sad, almost, and it bothers me. In 'Triple Threat' he looked amazing, for one, but NEVER smiled. He had this sad look on his face the whole time. maybe it's Eric' accident, but he's gotten more moody and different. It's not just Horatio who's changed for the worse. This Miami team needs a pep talk!

Maybe the gambling thing will actually help his personality, because the team will encourage him to come back to work after he leaves for the news station, and he'll realize how much they all care about him.

But yeah, Boa Vista asn't been there half as long as he has and she seems to fit in just as well. He really put himself out there for the team, and proved himself, and yet he doesn't seem to get anything out of it. Our poor Ryan. But I remind myself that we don't know much about Ryan, while we know tons about some of the other team members, maybe he has some secret.

I'm just speculating, but something outside of work could be bothering him. Why else would he turn to gambling and turn away from the team? Maybe he's hiding something and won't admit it to them. He needs Horatio-talk (like he gave to Speed when he was down). :lol:
i was talking to my friend about ryans character today, ya know, to get some opinions from a guy who also loves csi.
this is what he had to say "maybe ryan is a homo. ever think of that?" ... so ladies, dont ask your guy friends about what they think of ryan ...because they will be WRONG!!
:lol: Are you just now learning this? That's such a typical male response... to just about everything.

Your response should be, "Maybe that's just wishful thinking on your part." :devil: Who wouldn't want Ryan?
:lol: JK
I also chose Ryan only because I know more about him than about Jon and Jon.
I never watched SU2 and I don't know much about Jon Togo (only that he seems to be a funny guy).

I agree, Ryan changed from Season 3 to Season 4. He is more serious and it seems he only lives for his job.
The only other scene I know where he laughes is in 'Curse of the Coffin' during the graveyard scene with Eric.
I also think he isn't totally integrated in the team. Calleigh and Alexx accepted him, but I also think that Calleigh sees him still as a rookie. Eric is more civil around him and they started to become friends, but it's still not easy between them. Horatio calls him everytime Mr. Wolfe. I'm also waiting for a nice talk between Horatio and Ryan. :D
On the other hand Horatio covered for him in 'Driven' and helped him as he shoved Biggs. Calleigh helped him very often and was there for him. Eric came to the hospital in 'Nailed' and apologized.
and don't forget Ryan isn't always nice and easy to handle too.

*sighs* My post doesn't make sense. :rolleyes:
yeah.i've noticed the changes too,i like it. his clothes are more sexxier. he could look sexy in just a garbage bag around his waist. he could look sexy in a tutu for crying out loud. i mean he's just so damn sexy
OMG me and Nikki just had a battle today with a dude over Ryan/Togo ...he thinks he's gay and a boring character..MEN..eh. On the way home last night there was a fire coming out of a smoke stack and my hubby said.."look at that flame." We thought he said plane and he said " NO a flame like what jonathan togo is.." MEN..

I agree that I really liked Ryan more in season 3..man I miss season 3.

I picked Jonathan Togo in the poll. He seems like a very wonderful easy going person. I think everyone that knows him personally loves him right away he's that good. He's the total package..smart, funny, active, he loves to ride bikes, how cute is that. He sings, dances. I bet going out with him would be a night you'd never forget. Now I loved Jonathan on SU2 also, he was shy and just all around cute and adorkable, what not to love. Now Ryan with his temper worries me, I mean I wouldn't want to be somewhere with him when he slams someone..or maybe I would..Anyways the Ryan as of this season is too serious and he doesn't seem happy anymore. There's definately something going on in his life and I hope we get a good story line about it.
i wanted to cryyy today guys :(

so here's a bit of inside look at my life ...
the thing i am more afraid of then anything else in the entire world is clowns. i mean like i am TERRIFIED of them.

my mom said she doesnt know why, but when i was 2 i just suddenly started hating them. i would scream and cry if i saw them. when i became a teenager it got worse, and even as an adult i still cant be around them. it's gotten to the point where if i see one i have passed out and needed stitches to my head. (like 6 at a time once.) i had a slight fracture to the skull when i was 21 because i saw a clown at the mall and i dont even remember seeing it. (my bf at the time said we rounded a corner and there was a clown there but i dont even remember seeing it. i just remember waking up)

anyways ... sorry to ramble on ...

the point of the story is that my friend emailed me a pic of jons arm. WHY DOES HE HAVE A CLOWN TATTOO!!?! i knew he had one ... and i knew it was a clown ... but i hadnt seen it. i had avoided all pictures where you could see any ink at all.

i wish i hadnt seen it :'(
ohh... i'm sorry his tattoo and the clown thing....the only reason he got it was because he liked to play cards...his tattoo is based on the joker card from an old deck of playing cards.....
Sorry to hear about your fear of clowns that really sucks. It is true that his tat is from the joker/jester from a playing deck of cards. Need4speed, where did you come up why he got it?
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