Ryan/Jonathan #14: 'Togoholism is International'

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hot4jontogo, I am sure it's not that the reason why he did not answered to you. Maybe he is just busy these days, but i guess you just have to be patient. I am pretty sure it's not easy for him to answer all messages he gets, and for the ones he does, it's really nice of him (if it is actually him, I don't really know what you are talking about, never saw it). We all know he is adorable, don't we? :rolleyes:

As for the question asked, I am not going to vote, neither giving a definite answer, because I actually can't. First of all, I don't know his character Jonathan from SU2. Then it's difficult to know if I prefer Ryan or Jon, for the simple fact that I do not know Jon or his personality. But considering what I have seen written here, he seems really funny, always ready for a joke and with a big sense of humor. I do too have sense of humor, but sometimes i need something more serious, I sometimes am a little sensitive to some kinds of jokes, and to people that are always laughing at other things...But I don't know if this is his case, and I am not saying that I don't like funny and happy people, that was not what i meant, even though it could have sound like it. It's just that I prefer someone who can mix it with a more calm side. And also considering that I absolutely adore Ryan, and I actually know him and his way of acting towards situations (not bothered with the fact that he is a fictional character), I admire him, and love him very much :) Maybe I would choose Ryan, considering all this, between Ryan and Jonathan. But I am not sure. Maybe Jonathan from SU2 would be perfect as he shares the name with the actor and the fact of being a fictional character with Ryan :lol: Ok, I know this is not a login reason :p
Hi guys. Can't believe I haven't been here for 2 weeks. Had some much going on.

So what have a missed regarding Ryan/Jon? By the looks of it about 5 pages. Could I ask if anyone is kind enough if they could message me when stuff I've missed. I'm never gonna get the chance to catch up with everything otherwise.

Missed you all and can't wait to get back into the Ryan/Jon chat.
Regarding the question asked: I had to pick Jonathan from SU2. It seems like Jonathan (SU2) knows as much useless information as I do...my friends are always teasing me about how much I know about history. I am such a nerd myself that I find Jonathan's adorkableness (I love that word!) attractive. *sigh* It's hard to find a good nerd, ladies.
hot4jontogo said:
i hate saturdays. no csi miami tonight :'(
i need my ryan fix!!!
im scanning the net for pics right now ... mmm ..
actually they give a csi: miami episode on CBS around 11:30 est im not sure where u are but thats the time they show it over here in the east
mmmm ... im gonna be checking my tv right now ... my dad is saying theres no way im watching it tonight because hockey is on ... but that will change. we have three tvs in the house that have cable on them and all three are booked for stupid things ... dont you all agree that jon togo is sorta a priority over hockey??

i dont do the "daddys little girl pouty lip" unless its something really big ... and i havent used it in a while ... so i think its about to become my "must have jon togo pouty lip"

i found a bunch of sweeeeeet pics of him but i have no idea how to post them ... any idea how i do that??
You need at least 100 posts to post an actual image, but for now you may post the URL links. If you have any concerns about that, you can visit the Miami Info & Help thread. It may be useful to scroll down to POSTING IMAGES AS LINKS: when you get there. ;) Also remember to upload the pictures yourself onto an image hosting site such as photobucket so there's no worry of 'hotlinking'.

As for the question, I'd much rather prefer Ryan to anyone else. And this is because mainly the reasons that CSI_Dani stated. I'm not as familiar with his character on SU2 and I don't know Jon personally. But I do admire Ryan quite a bit, so I find him appealing. :)
I have to say that I like Ryan the most out of the three. It's mostly because he was what made me look into Jon Togo, and finding Jon made me find Jonathan. :D Domino Effect.
As for the question, I'd much rather prefer Ryan to anyone else. And this is because mainly the reasons that CSI_Dani stated. I'm not as familiar with his character on SU2 and I don't know Jon personally. But I do admire Ryan quite a bit, so I find him appealing.
Ditto. But from what i do know, I like Ryan the best- he's very human, he's a hero, as a cop, he has flaws that make his character the sweet, funny, cute and very favorable type. I like Ryan and he's one of my favorite characters because he has such a wonderful personality. From what I know and can infer, Jon is an actor, who parties a lot, and I'm not into that. I just love Ryan. :D

I have stayed off myspace from the begining of it's time, and I continue to do so, and I will not get a myspace, but I'm very happy for those of you who did get replys, I mean, he probably gets hundreds every day. Lucky!
i'm so looking forward to tonights episode...even though i've seen it liike a bajillion times....lol...i don't care...it's still has Jon...whooooooo!.....mmmmm he's so sexy as a CSI.........and so adrokable in SU2 and he himself is just so hott and super sexy.......and very sweet....judging by the response he sent me...it may have been short but it was so sweet....... :D
I wish I can vote. The truth is that it's a tie between Jonathan (himself) and Ryan. Both their own pros and cons weigh themselves out.

I like Ryan because he is very smart (which I am sure Jonathan is) and he is sarcastic in a dark way (which I love) and kind of innocent - like the way he was asking Eric if he had the go ahead to ask out Natalia and also the way he asked her out. I like how he analyzes and thinks things through but also can be impulsive at times.
I don't like his anger issues though and how violent he can get. That is such a huge downfall IN MY OPINION. I also don't like it that he doesn't joke around (like Greg in LV). He is always serious. People like that can be really draining - whether they are your friends or your significant other.

I like Jonathan because he seems like he is a REALLY funny joking around prankster kind of guy. I love men with a sense of humor. He also seems like he is a really nice guy to hang with. He has very nice things to say to people that he doesn't know. Like when he accepted me as a friend on Myspace and he sent me a message saying that I "Make cute babies. Congrats to you" That was really nice.
BUT just reading lots of things on his Myspace (comments from friends) he seems like he is still a party animal. Some of the things he says - the way he words things - sounds like he is younger - not almost 30. I mean he could be joking around with his jargon to sound 'cool' but I don't know. (I don't know if I am explaining it correctly). He also (in candid pictures I have seen) looks like he might be a little arrogant. I guess being an actor and having people like worshipping you can make you become like that. I would be terribly upset if I saw him acting in a rude arrogant way - like "yeh I am the sh-t and who are you?"
he totally rejected my add for myspace ahaha
maybe im just not cool enough :(

seriously guys ahaha ... i requested an add, he never accepted it, and its gone out of my pending folder. which means he clicked "deny"

can someone look at my profile and tell me if theres something on there that would offend him??


i dont really know his personality that well, and im really worried that maybe i had something on there that would be offensive to him ...
RaCk2ThOuSaNd6 said:
I wish I can vote. The truth is that it's a tie between Jonathan (himself) and Ryan. Both their own pros and cons weigh themselves out.

....et al.

Take the words out of my mouth why don't ya? ;) That was exactly how I felt, but I just didn't know how to word it.

He added me as a friend, but never replied to me. But I'm not going to cry over something so small. :cool:
Welcome to all the newbies! :D Hope you enjoy!

Athlov with ur poll i picked Ryan.Probably becuz i know more about Ryan then i do about Jon and i know nothing about Jon on SU2.If i knew more about Jons character and his character on SU2 it may change my anwser,but i dont know.
hot4jontogo you really shouldn't worry yourself over it. I looked at his page today and it says that he hasn't logged in since the 22nd. He may have not even been on since you sent him a message.

Plus you have to consider how many of these things he must get. After a while it's probably kind of random. I mean he might not have anything to say in response at the moment and then doesn't get back to it later. I do that sometimes.

It doesn't mean he doesn't like you. He just doesn't know you and he didn't have anything to say at the time.
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