Ryan/Jonathan #14: 'Togoholism is International'

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Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

athlov said:
He used to chew gum more in the third season, and I noticed it in season 4 in the ep with Walter Dresden.

And speaking of energetic, in SU2 he is crazy. It's so hard to take screen caps of him sometimes because his hands are moving around so much, and he hops around sometimes. :lol:

i also noticed that he was chewing gum while he was "screening" walter dresden for pine cleaner. but when the camera faced him, he kinda stopped chewing. that's the only eppy i noticed that he chewed gum.

haha. have to watch season 3 & 4 again for the chewing gum part. ^^

and i saw Jon in SU2. so much different from Ryan. his voice was so high and chirpy. and he was skipping and hoping here and there. he seems to be scared in the lizard eppy.

i LMAO watching him.

and what's with the Pink shirt on both Ryan & Eric? i wonder if H would every put on a pink shirt. :p
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

Oh *Huggles Togoholic* Welcome back girl, I've missed you so much. I loved the little zoo icons, omg that must have taken you forever to do those. Thanks so much for it. I hope your going to be around the board more. You always came up with the best pics ever.

I've noticed him chewing gum a lot...in scenes when his back is to the camera and in a few interviews. I've always thought that he was a smoker in college and the band days and I think he gave it up once he got on csim. I've always thought his gum chewing lolly pop sucking was associated with him trying to quit the bad habit.

I think that pic was taken around the time he joined csim...he totally looks the same as he did in Legal..that cute innocent baby face..ugh..I miss season 3.

I've noticed he can't stand still too, and he's a leaner..I think at times he leans on things to keep himself still lol.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

Oh my...Hi Togoholic!! I remember a little bit, nice to have you back! Those baby icons are so great and cute, nice job :)

AS for Jon's gum chewing, I have never noticed it, thats so weird that they actually let him chew gum while they are filming! I have to look closer from now on, you guys are very observent(sp?).
Thanks so much Athlov for our weekly episode screencaps.
Oh and about Jon leaning :lol: I noticed that too, thats so funny. You dont really see him standing up straight, leaning on nothing or not bending over, very often. I dont mind though, who would mind seeing Jon bend over? :lol:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

Oh wow, this is kind of overwhelming guys! Thank you SO much for the hugs and the nice words and remembering me :lol: I bet you thought I might have lost my love for Jon but it was really just my real life issues that wouldn't let me post here anymore. I missed you guys really, really bad and it's so good to be back!

You're welcome regarding the icons :D Some of the pics were hard to find but the icons were a lot of fun to make. I got two requests and I'm going to fill them when I'm at home from work! I know the zoo thing isn't really Jon related, but I think it's our Togoholic club thing so we can mention it once in a while, right? :D

Nice to meet you too, Marns :D Thanks, if you want to join the club just let me know and you'll gonna get your individual baby animal icon :D Nice pic btw.! It really looks like Jon has a lot of fingers in it :lol:

Eeeeeeeeeeee! It's good to be back!! I missed you guys a lot! And cinegirl joined the green side :eek: Congratulations, hun! ThumpyJen, why would I forget the zoo keeper? You're way too important!

ingeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! *is holding her breath and hugging inge back* Whew, I missed you A LOT! How have you been? I think it's time for a PN, huh? :D And lol @the icon-pic :lol: I can photoshop your head on it if you like... hehe

Welcome to the mad house Happilyhappy! I dig your nickname :D

No problem, Raging4Ryan! I'll gladly make it when I'm home! Wolves are kind of interesting! I always loved these animals very much!

Twiiiiiiiiiiz!!! I missed you so much! How have you been, sweety? Yes, I'm going to be around more, maybe not THAT much but I'm definitely gonna post here as much as I can! I hope I can continue to provide my fellow Togoholics with good pics!

Eeeeee! ILuvJonathanTogo, thank you very much! I remember you very well and it's good to see you :D

Okies, after all the 'welcome back'-flood and my LONG reply to the sheer love here, let's go back to topic, shall we? I just had to address y'all individually, it's been SUCH a long time!

I haven't seen the last episode yet but he looks amazingly pretty in the caps that athlov posted! I love it when he wears pink! This cap made me smile: Looks like candle shopping. :lol: It really looks like they're at a flea market, shopping for candles for their apartment :lol: Sorry, but they look so gay in this pic!!! lol

I love me some intense glare. So. HOT.!!!

I understand how it is to be orally fixated. I used to chew gum A LOT in high school and college. I can't even tell you how badly I destroyed pen tops!! It was also the reason why I got my tongue pierced!

Same here :eek: I'm more addicted to peppermint drops and other candy though :lol: And the main reason I had my tongue pierced was because of my oral fixation.

The whole "energetic people and their oral fixation"-theory is good! Count me in on that :D It's so true, Jon's always chewing on gum. I bet he's grumpy when he doesn't have any gum left :lol:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

*walks slowly in*

I'm still ill...but athlov now helped me with those 'Grizzly Murder' caps. They just made my day. I really feel better now. So weird and great! Thanks for the caps athlov!! *hugs* :D

And where do you always find those 'normal' pics of Jon, like those glasses pics? Do you have an exclusive source? :lol:

And a very warm welcome to Happilyhappy!
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

Athlov ! Thank you! :D I've been longing to see pics of the new episode. Doesn't he look good in pink? :p (I feel another wp coming on). And Eric. I'm a little bit sad that Eric's hair's all short again. I was just getting to like it again after a similar cut in S3. Oh well, I guess he couldn't have brain surgery and not have his head shaved.

I like that Ryan's taking the lead a little more, now that Eric's not really on top form. He's being supportive. I like that. Makes him seem stronger as a character. :D

He was chewing gum in Nothing to Lose. The extended episode in S3. All the time. It really got on my nerves. :mad: I can imagine that he's a kind of hyper guy who needs to be constantly moving, and maybe it started as a thing to help him stop smoking. Not that we really know that he did to start with - it's just our interpretation.

Welcome back, togoholic ! :D I remember you, because I was lurking a lot from Thread 3 onwards, but you might not remember me, because I only started talking a lot later. We might not have overlapped. I remember the Zoo, though. And now we have pics! So cute! Would you be able to do me an alligator? I know it's not really cute, but I've kind of got attached to my alligator image. :eek:

I've noticed he can't stand still too, and he's a leaner..I think at times he leans on things to keep himself still lol
He kind of rolls when he walks too, sometimes. Like a cowboy. It's cute.

Welcome Happilyhappy ! :D Nice to see more Togo-fans here.

Edits - BTW, this is totally off topic, but I have to say it. I was watching the LV CSI last night, with my husband, and he asked me which one it was. He's finally got the idea that there are 3 different series in 3 different places. I said it was Vegas, and he asked "How do you know?" How do I know? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: No Jon! I didn't say that, but I wanted to. I can't remember what I said, to be honest, but... How do I know? :rolleyes:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

He kind of rolls when he walks too, sometimes. Like a cowboy. It's cute.
LOL thats funny iv never really noticed that i know he leans alot i just thought that was "his thing" witch it probably is.

Thanks for that "rolls like a cowboy" thing Aligtr it gave me a laugh and after the day starting off badly i needed that,Thanks :)

Yurek im so sory to hear that ur still sick i hope u get better soon!

Yesterday me and my fiance were watching the eppy High octane and I noticed the bad guy in it Luke Baylor or something like that and with out thinking i said "hes cute" I got a very shocked look frm my fiance :lol: I think me saying that a guy other then Togo was cute was what shocked him more then saying i thought the bad guy was cute :lol: I know that is way....... off topic but its just been a really long time that another guy other then Ryan or Caine have caught my attention like that.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

AliGtr said:
I can imagine that he's a kind of hyper guy who needs to be constantly moving, and maybe it started as a thing to help him stop smoking. Not that we really know that he did to start with - it's just our interpretation.

Did you see the pic that Athlov posted? Or do you look at his Myspace page? It's the new pic... if you look closely he has a ciggarette in his hand and the pack is in his front jean jacket pocket. Unless he is holding it for a friend (highly doubt it) he is/was a smoker... pics don't lie! ;)

I am really upset that there isn't a new epi next week. I guess I should be happy because they had was it 3 or 4? new episodes in a row. I guess I should be happy that I can see him again in SU2 on Friday! Although watching him in that show is awkward! I have to get used to his character! :lol:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

Hi all! :D

Aw man, I was watching Cop Killer yesterday.. (Oh, by the way, Dutchie, have you heard? They're gonna air Death Pool 100 next week! :D) And the scene where he talks about bad boys was on.. And I just started laughing sooo hard! The way he just stands there with his arms crossed.. :lol: Like he is a bad boy.. He is too cute for that! :lol:

As always, athlov, your pics are GREAT! And he's wearing a pink shirt again? :lol: I don't mind. I think the colour fits him well. But what colour doesn't? :)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

RaCk2ThOuSaNd6 said:
Did you see the pic that Athlov posted? Or do you look at his Myspace page? It's the new pic... if you look closely he has a ciggarette in his hand and the pack is in his front jean jacket pocket. Unless he is holding it for a friend (highly doubt it) he is/was a smoker... pics don't lie! ;)
I saw that pic, and it is a cigarette, but what ran through my mind was that it might have been a publicity shot or something posed. That's probably just because I don't want him to be a smoker. My tiny little mind is trying to rationalise it.

I can't see Ryan being a smoker. Maybe Jon, but not Ryan. I think of him as being much more clean living. Fruit and vegetables, not drinking too much, and certainly no smoking! But again, maybe that's just the way I want to see him. :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

Oh I totally agree that Ryan would never be a smoker.. maybe a burger and french fries hound but nothing else to pollute his system! HAHA!!

But I guess with playing in bars and being in that 'scene' before becoming an actor Jonathan might have lived that lifestyle of smoking and drinking and possibly drugs... but who knows - I hope not but it's not all entirely out of the question!
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

Marns said:
Aw man, I was watching Cop Killer yesterday.. (Oh, by the way, Dutchie, have you heard? They're gonna air Death Pool 100 next week! :D)

I did :D I mean I calculated it myself, I was sure they would. I'm happy. Sorry for the ones that don't get a new one, but I will, my Tuesday nights are saved. :lol:

Jon smoking? Maybe before CSI. Jon drinking and doing drugs? Uh-uh. I don't believe that. He doesn't strike me as that type. I'm not saying he has never been drunk (I bet he has) and I'm not saying he has never tried drugs, but I can't see him doing it for a long period.

Then again, who are we to judge about him? We don't know a lot about him, and we shouldn't speculate, I think. About Ryan we can speculate all we want, of course, because he's fictional and we can make up everything we want for him :devil: That's why I love fanfiction :lol:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

Athlov the pics are fantastic once again. I love coming on here just to check them out. It keeps me going for the next day.

Happilyhappy welcome to the fold. You'll love it here as everyone is so friendly and welcoming.

I've never noticed the gum chewing this either. Will have to look closer in future and see what I find. Will have to look for the leaning thing as well. To say I watch it alot I sure miss so much. I must be looking in the wrong places.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

Just wanna wish a warm WELCOME BACK to my Applepie I really missed you **snif** glad your back and thanks for the avie, even if i think i don't look like a rhinoceros :lol:
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