Ryan/Jonathan #14: 'Togoholism is International'

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Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

athlov, thanks for the pic! his eyebrow are sexxxxy!

i hope our dear Jon Togo is not a smoker. he doesn't look like one. :( he does look young in that pic. i do hope its an old pic of him. :(
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

Great pics ILuvJonathanTogo and Athlov :D

I sure hope hes not a smoker that be awful.Hopefully that was just in his younger days and he doesnt do it anymore *crosses fingers*
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

I love him in glasses to they make him look sooo cute
but sadly i dont have any pics of him in them think Athlov is the one with all those :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

Yeah, I guess that is a cigarette. The way he looks in that pic reminds me of when he was in Law & Order - I think it's the denim jacket.

His teeth look whiter and straighter now then they did when he was in SU2 and those other shows. Maybe he stopped smoking when he got more popular as an actor.

I know form interviews that he used to work waiting tables and had a hard time finding employment.

He also played in a band. I know from friends of mine in bands that they are around drink and smoke all the time. It's just a matter of picking up bad habits to calm their nerves. *shrugs*

I won't hold it against him. I just hope he doesn't do it anymore.

What is it with the pink? :lol: Two eps in a row that are filled with pink. Valentines day is long over people! :p Both Eric and Ryan had on pink, Calleigh had on a white and red shirt, and Boa had red on. :lol: That's kind of funny in its self - the guys in pink the girls in red. ~ * ~ There wasn't enough Ryan though. :p

ETA: Since I mentioned it, I know Colin Sapp from Infinite Out, and his band is in the Ultimate Band Finals. It's so cool that he's making his way up. I know he's worked really hard for it. ;)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

yeah. i think his teeth looks whiter and straighter now. his teeth in SU2 looks different. such perrrrrrfect teeth. ^^
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

It's my birthday today and I had to work (and will have to work tonight too). As I missed out on the 'welcome' pic, could I have a nice (or even a naughty) one now...pleasse????

*Even if he is a smoker, doesn't really matter...anyway I know how hard it is to give up*
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

Someone said something about glasses? :cool:

sweaty :p



he looks surprised


Hooters? :lol:

With friends

With another friend

No idea who the old guys are.


With fans


The infamous fake mustache.

That's just gay. :p Sorry but it's true. :lol:

ETA: He has glasses on in all the Degrassi pictures too. See more here.

Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

LOL Great pics Athlov love him in glasses! and Thats just gay one was funny :lol: Im sure he was just foolin around frm what wev heard of his actual charachter he just likes havin fun so thats probably what he was doing there :D

Happy B-Day Annwn :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

Happy birthday Jean!

Well okay then, it's been 2 pages, but I finally come bear my thread warming gift. It's not a picture. It's not an icon or any piece of fanart. It's not fanfiction.

Newbies from here won't understand. 'Oldies', that have been posting since a few threads ago that have a good memory should remember :p

Anyway, I can't give you the gift myself, but after this post I think it'll be here soon enough. I give the Jon/Ryan thread #14...it's Togoholic back :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

Raging4Ryan said:
LOL Great pics Athlov love him in glasses! and Thats just gay one was funny :lol: Im sure he was just foolin around frm what wev heard of his actual charachter he just likes havin fun so thats probably what he was doing there :D

Happy B-Day Annwn :D

I know, :lol: if you see one of the other pictures, there is a girl with those glasses on. He must have switched with her. :p It was posted on his comments section once, so one of his friends must have changed the background so it looked super gay. :lol:
I think it's super funny - what are friends for anyway? :lol:

And Dutchie, I have no idea what you're on about. :p
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

Thanks so much, again, Athlov. Those pics are so cute and funny and hot. The Hooters one really funny, he has all the girls around him :lol:. As for the ciggarettes,I hope, just like the rest of you, that they were a long time ago. I hope he isnt a smoker still. I wouldnt really think of him any different, I just worry about anybody who smokes :( oh well, Raging4Ryan You pmed me about his myspace, I would have replied to your pm with the link to it but it was being weird, my pm wouldnt send , so I will try again a little later. :) Happy Birthday Annwn! Hope you had a wonderful day :) Im off to watch the episode tonight, cant wait!
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

I love those glasses pics. He looks so sweet in his specs. The "old guys" in that pic - they're Rolling Stones! Can't remember offhand which ones, but they are. Maybe in this pic Jon's the fan.

I hope he doesn't smoke. Maybe he did when he was younger. It's just so horrible kissing someone who smokes. The smell just gets right up your nose. Not that I'm ever likely to be close enough to him for it to bother me. :(

Look what I found on ebay! Ryan pillowcase! I don't think that my husband would be very happy with me if I put this on my pillow. Shame! It's the closest I could hope to get to JT.

ETA - Okay, I've just checked. The "old guys" are Ron Wood and Charlie Watts from the Rolling Stones.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

^ Thanks Ali, I knew they were probably important somehow. :lol: I figured someone would come along and say, "What! How can you not know who they are? I'm I that old?" :lol:
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