Ryan/Jonathan #13: 'The Ryan Wolfe Effect'

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WOW been gone 2days and theres soooo many post and pics to catch up on (course i just LOVE lookin at the pics :devil: )

Great pics Athlov i like "What a flirt" great pic only wish that fed wasnt in the way :mad:

Great monday pic AliGtr i loved it he looked kinda sad there.By the way i liked how the sun shined on his neck there too, call me weird :lol:
I think you're right. I actually think he sniffled a couple of times. And he looked like he was going to cry throughout most of it. :( But it was cute. *hugs Ryan* And I have to agree with you RaCk, it was an AWESOME episode. It's one of those that makes Miami so awesome! :D

Yup, you got it CSIMiamiLover R/E is Ryan/Eric, lol. ;)
*thud* (lol, I pass out every time I jump in here :lol:)

That pic is stunning! :eek: He looks so cute and sad that make you want to hug him and smooch him forever. I can't wait for tonight and see the ep. *waits patiently*
And he what? He sniffled? *feels love dripping from heart*

*posts HOT!pic*

Wh-what? :eek: He sniffed? & he was talking with a little kid? Now that's what I'd LOVE to see Ryan Wolfe doing!

The rerun of S3's 'Shootout' is gonna be aired here soon. I think he almost cried in that episode too, while he was talking to a mother or something (I looked at some screencaps).

Wow I'm looking forward to 'Man Down'. Too bad it's in the next season...gotta wait a while.
In response to athlov's weather post: Eh, bundle up, wear LOTS of layers, and COVER YOUR FACE!! They had this little spcial on the Weather Channel a few nights ago and their Road Crew guy was in front of the camera for, like, about a minute and a half and the only part of his body that wasn't covered up was his face...

Anyways, I nearly cried last night at Ryan's expressions. My mom didn't understand. I went (and I was bascially yelling- as much as I could, anyways, cuz I have slight bronchitis and I am stuffed up and I have a sore throat), "MOMA!! An eleven year old boy has just been killed in HIS OWN FRONT YARD! Ryan was already there, taking pictures, and Calleigh came up to him and asked him if he was okay and he said yes." But I think he was lying because of his *cough*niece*cough*. :D And after all, you do see him slide his hand over his mouth when the boy's brother confesses about the gun. (Now that's when I got emotional... won't go into the details!)

_Calleigh_!! I love that pic!! *dies* *groans from the floor* If I do that again, someone please help me to the Temple of Togo- I need to put up some caps from every ep he's been in!!
God I feel like I'm missing out on so much. We have ages to wait in the UK for season 5 and all this talk of Ryan getting misty eyed and such is making me jealous.

Thank goodness that I have lots of pics to look at and keep me sane.
I can't believe I have to wait until summer to see S5! :( (stamps feet!!! :mad:) I want to see it :mad:NOW!!!

I guess I will have to console myself with this thread with all its fab pics, and the re-runs on Five US.........

still longgg way to go till AXN show season5. :(

and i wonder, what colour are Ryan's eyes? at times, it seems to be green, grey , hazel.

aaaaah. prettty eyes. ^^
The episode that he was in last night they looked brown. I know that sometimes they change.. I have seen them greenish and hazel.
My husband and my mother have the same kind of eyes! They are lucky. They change with the outfits that they wear - so beautiful! I have the darkest brown - almost black - eyes and I was really hoping that my daughter would get my husband's... nope poor thing got mine!
Lol, I have those hazel color eyes and I always wanted my mom's dark eyes. Dark eyes hide emotions better; everyone can read me like an open book. *sighs*

And to not be totally off-topic, I love Ryan's eyes actually. Probably the first thing I noticed about him.
I like his eyes too.
Thanks for all the info about the episode.
so, Ryan has a few good scenes?
being sad about the dead kid, comforting his brother?
As I can remeber this was the first case with a dead kid for him? :(
poor boy.
This is why I don't want to be a doctor or work for the police. I couldn't bear it.
In my job I have only to fight with figures. :lol:

wow, Ryan seems to be very angry, upset and sad. The scene where H told them to catch the guy, he looks soo angry and grimly. and then... It seems that he's attacking a suspect.
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