Ryan/Jonathan #13: 'The Ryan Wolfe Effect'

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*comes running that thread for her daily dose of Jon Togo* :D


Just came home from university. Yes, it's 11.20pm and it's freezing cold outside. But looking forward to some great Ryan/Jon pics helped me through the cold. :lol:

That pic from 'Man Down' is really great. I like that jacket. :p And he looks so sad... you just want to hug him and cheer up.
Since H will be tied up with Eric, maybe Ryan will be in charge of a major case, as in catching Eric's shooter? Or maybe he'll be on it with H. Excitement here! So many possibilities! *squees, attracting odd stares from fam members*
Ryan will be working with Calleigh, trying to find Eric's shooter.

Ryan was adorable last night. My heart melted when he was taking the photos of that 11 year old boy. Then he stopped and just starred at him. *watery eyes*

He was even cuter when he was talking to the boy who shot his brother.. He kind of trailed off when he was talking. Aww! Then he told him that he doesn't go to jail if it was an accident. Finally we're getting responsible, cute Ryan.
That brother kid from last night...I feel like I know him from somewhere (maybe I know someone who looks like him, but I feel I knew him from elementary school. Was the actor's name Javier?)
Yes, Ryan was so cute...he had been so mad about the boy's death, and then when he found out it was an accident he came crashing down...like he realized the world wasn't so evil. Aww....
Hey all as y'all can see my name is different just wana let all of ya know that b4 the name change i was bulletgirl91 .

Im really happy about the name change and to celebrate i did some photoshopping on a pic of Jon.
Credit for providing me the pic goes to AliGtr
Hope y'all enjoy
Sounds of Silence

It seems a fantastic eppy of"No Man's land".I can't wait to see Ryan's performance in the show.
Ryan + kids = PERFECT!!!
And his outfit is so great!!!!
I feel he is a little thinner than S4.^^
inge said:
wow, Ryan seems to be very angry, upset and sad. The scene where H told them to catch the guy, he looks soo angry and grimly. and then... It seems that he's attacking a suspect.
Oh boy, another of Ryan's attacks. Like that one with Cooper, I could understand how he was feeling but Ryan seriously has some temper!! On top of some mild OCD. lol
I bet that episode is going to make me cry. I cried when Ryan got "nailed" in the eye and Eric rushed to answer his call for help even after they fought earlier that day-how sweet. Now Ryan is going to help Eric when he needs it, kind of like hes repaying him-so touching. :)
So, pretty good episode last night, eh? :D Although there was no Ryan for the whole first half! :eek: But they made up for it later on. :D

So I guess he really likes that white jacket, lol. That's what, at LEAST the third time he's worn it this season? It's all good though for me, because I like it too. :p

For a second when Ryan was telling the kid about not going to jail for an accident, my brain started freaking out because I thought that maybe he was going to say he had a similar situation when he was young. Just something about the way he paused, and the expression on his face made me jump to that conclusion. But no, it's just me being hyper-imaginative again. :lol: Or am I? *hopeful and/or shifty eyes*
quickbeam_cw said:
So, pretty good episode last night, eh? :D Although there was no Ryan for the whole first half!
I noticed that too. I was watching it and you could ask my dad, the whole time, I was like Okay...Ryan is going to come on...NOW...okay(next scene) NOW?"then next scene..NOW? Then he came on and I was like FINALLY!!
About the jacket, I noticed that too-that he wore it before, doesnt bother me either. its so funny how they cordinate.
Ryan had on a white jacket-black shirt underneath(I think)
Calleigh had on a black shirt
Eric had on a black shirt(I think)
In another episode...
Ryan had like a brown jacket with an orangish shirt underneath
Eric had an orange shirt on
and I dont remember what Calleigh was wearing but anyways you see my point :lol:

And about the point where you thought Ryan was going to reveal something to the kid. that never even crossed my mind but I would have felt the same as you. Ryan revealing he accidently murdered or harmed someone badly when he was younger would totally ruin Ryan's cute little innocent image :D
Gonna be a total spoiler person here.

Ryan is working with Calleigh to find Eric's shooter, as Katie said. YES Inge he is attacking the suspect or at least, he lurges at him. He's very mad at the suspect and says some things. I believe Calleigh was supposed to hold him back. No I'm not just saying that :p He gets to handle his gun, but I don't know if he shoots it.
Sounds like a fantastic episode and one that I certainly won't be missing when they show it over here.

From what I've been reading about Ryan he is showing some different sides to his personality. Lots of emotion be that anger or sadness. I just can't wait to see this.

Plus it sounds like his outfits are getting sexier. And whats this about him looking like he's lost weight?
The thing with Ryan and the kids sounds really good. He's getting to be more responsible. Maybe the writers will let him screw up less? I hope he doesn't get creepy with kids like Horatio does, though. That wouldn't be good. :eek:

I would like them to just give a little hint about his background. Just from time to time. :p If he had done something like that (killed someone by accident) when he was young, I don't think he'd tell the kid, but he might tell Calleigh or Eric. Maybe. :confused: He keeps things very much to himself.

Raging4Ryan , I like your Photoshop pics. Very pretty. :D I wish I had Photoshop, but it's really expensive. A lot of things don't work properly on my programme. :(

I really like that white jacket. He did wear it before, but I think it's good to see them in the same outfits sometimes. Otherwise they'd all have enormous wardrobes. And we know they're hard up for money. I know, I'm picky. Purple shirt? Not the t-shirt from COTC and Driven? *hopes* :p :devil:

While I'm thinking about it, are there any outfits you'd like to see him wear again? That t-shirt from Driven is at the top of my list, mainly because it seems to be shrinking. :devil: But I also love the orange shirt from Double Jeaopardy. And the pukey green shirt from Open Water. And... But I hated the jacket in Collision. :eek: How about best outfit / worst outfit?
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