Ryan/Jonathan #13: 'The Ryan Wolfe Effect'

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Hey Everyone. I havent been on this site in a while. Good to be back. Anyways... Ive got a question, I saw the commerical preview for tongiht epsiode (I dont see it until late-Im in Hawaii) Anyways, This might be a spoiler so...
In the preview it shows like somebody laying on the ground-shot I think. They show it for like 2 seconds so I didnt get a good look, was it Ryan?

The reason why I think its him-and I hope its not- is because, my dad knows how I like him so much and he was like uh oh Sarah, did you see that commercial. Im scared to watch the episode now. What do you guys know about this?
ILuvJonathanTogo said:
Hey Everyone. I havent been on this site in a while. Good to be back. Anyways... Ive got a question, I saw the commerical preview for tongiht epsiode (I dont see it until late-Im in Hawaii) Anyways, This might be a spoiler so...
In the preview it shows like somebody laying on the ground-shot I think. They show it for like 2 seconds so I didnt get a good look, was it Ryan?

The reason why I think its him-and I hope its not- is because, my dad knows how I like him so much and he was like uh oh Sarah, did you see that commercial. Im scared to watch the episode now. What do you guys know about this?

Check out the spoiler topic for episode 14 and you may find your answer. Don't want to spoil it for others.


This is my fav pic for today just because I was watching the episode and realised how many buttons he had undone. Nice. Didn't know how to post it with words instead of the link.

edited by mod to fix spoiler code.
okay thanks, I checked out the page. I wont spoil it for you guys, but all I'm gonna say is that Im scared to watch this epsiode yet I cant wait lol. Only about 10 hours until its on for me lol.
Thanks for the Monday pic Ali!
and thanks for the caps athlov!
can't wait to see the episode, but I have to wait till May, I think. :(
and yes, this episode shows a lot of emotions from Ryan. He was really sad that Jessop died.
Oh, and many thanks for the cap where you can see the tiny star. well, it looks like a mole, but we know what it is. ;)

I saw a rerun of 'Murder in a Flash' tonight. well, only 20 seconds of Ryan, but he wore tie. :lol:
:D You're so welcomes guys - knew you'd love them. I purposely captured the eps in order so that I'd have something to look forward to. Jon is a very good actor. He's so expressive, and handsome, and sweet. :)

Interesting Fact: In the early a.m. here, with the wind chill, it was -20degrees F. Our high for the day will be 10F. Yay... :p

The majority of the schools in the county closed due to the dangerously low temperatures. But me being unlucky, had to go to my classes because the university didn't close.

I almost froze both sets of cheeks off.
Awesome caps as usual, athlov! I loved OOOO! The ROTFLOL one made me laugh and I got strange looks for it... :lol: Loved seeing that little bit of his tattoo, also. ;)

And great Mondaypic Ali. Loved Silencer, too. :D
10 derees Fahrenheit... that's absolutely balmy! :lol: :D Friday night here it was -36C with windchill (which is 33 below zero F) and I didn't even put my coat on whilst walking to and from the car. :D All right, I'm done... I think there's something with the colder your climate, the more it's your right and duty to complain about it. :lol:

That's so awesome that they'll be airing SU2, I'm super-happy that many of you will hopefully get to see it. Yes, it's a nerdy sci-fi comedy, but personally I found it quite amusing. And nerd!Jon was my favourite. Unfortunately, I don't get that channel here, but I look forward to hearing your reactions to it. :D

Um, and I just have a quick thought that I'd like to momentarily bounce off of y'all... it seems as though our beloved thread is becoming 90% pictures, and I was just wondering what people thought of making a separate picture thread? I know that a few (or all, maybe?) of the characters/actors in LV have separate threads for discussion and pictures, and I wondered what people's thoughts on it were. Personally, I used to find it a hassle to have two separate threads about the same person, but now I'm kinda seeing how it could be a positive thing, too. What do y'all think?
Holy crap! Where do you live, Siberia?

I'm looking forward to the SU2 eps. :D Yay!!!

This link is mighty spoilerific, so click with caution. Modern Day Gallery posted pics from Man Down and two of them have Jon in them.
Awwwww! Poor Ryan, he looks so sad! *nudges CSIMiamiLover* You should go post that in the R/E thread. ;)

Sheesh! You guys have cold weather! It rarely gets below thirty here (though this winter has been pretty cold).

I don't care either way about the separate threads for pictures. I could see how it would be easier, and at the same time kind of a hassle, so whatever you guys decide is fine with me. :D

Oooh CSIM is on! *runs off to watch it*
You guys all have cold weather! Here in LA it's always above 80! I wore shorts and a tee today, it may have hit 90!
Back to CSIM discussion, what R/E thread? What is R/E? Oh, Ryan/Eric. Haha. Silly me. Thanks, I will *nudges back* I'll see the ep in...2 hours and 25 minutes! Can't wait!
Ok the new episode was AWESOME!! The scene with Ryan and the kid in the kid's room was really sad. Not ay8ing anymore in case of spoiling!

I think Ryan sniffled. I really want to see this ep again, but I need to go to bed, cause I only got 4.5 hours of sleep last night.
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