Ryan/Jonathan #13: 'The Ryan Wolfe Effect'

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That's totally out of topic but i REALLY need to scream it somewhere :lol:

JON ON FRENCH TV TOMMORROW NIGHT **faints** Well actually it's a short scene on Mystic River but still he'll be on french tv , FINALLY :D
Let me tell you about the worst outfits because there are fewer of them. I don't like when they put ihim in buttoned down shirts with crazy designs on them! I was watching Prey and that shirt was awful!
I LOVE the outfits with the Tshirts and the dark jeans. I like the Tshirt in Driven and OOOO. I do like the button down shirts - like the one in Double Jeopardy and I thik Fade Out? The bright colorful ones!
I prefer him in t-shirts and jeans. Much more casual but not when they make him wear a jacket over the top. I like the jackets but not with t-shirts as they hide his arms.

He seems to suit plain colours but not those stripy shirts they put him in. I hate them.

I most love the white jacket that he wears. That is lush.
JEEZ! :eek: I won't post any more pics. Last time I did that, no-one said anything about it. Didn't even get a "Thanks for posting pics, Marns." :eek:
Nevermind.. The weather is driving me insane. I understand you guys have to talk about the latest episode. That's actually mean too, since 3 weeks ago they finally started S5, and I was soooo happy, and now they are airing S3 again right where we left off! :(
Thanks for posting the pics, Marns! :D Better? I looked at it (or them? I have trouble keeping track of who posts what), but that was during a time when I wasn't feeling all that talkative, sorry! :(

Favorite outfits? Definitely that purple shirt from Driven/COTC... (And yeah, the one from No Man's Land looked like that one, except longer.. :( ), the light blue t-shirt from Shocked looked good on him, and the grey outfit he wore at the beginning of Nailed looked good on him. Don't know what my least favorites are.... maybe the orange shirt(s) from After the Fall (sorry, I know a lot of you really like that outfit). And I'll have to agree with RaCk about those button-downs with the weird designs, like in Prey. Those kind of shirts remind me of the early version of Greg Sanders. (Not that I have anything against Greg, I love him, but his shirts in S1, 2 and maybe 3 (?) were awful!)

ETA - I just went back to look at the pics you posted Marns, and yeah, I looked at them before and they deserve a big AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!! I loved him in that episode, I like how Ryan is with kids. :)

And also, I forgot to comment on the 'Ryan may have accidentally killed someone' line of thought - that's the impression I got when he was talking to that boy. It felt like he was trying to get past some of his own personal demons or something.
It definitely sounds like Ryan is learning to handle things a bit differently. Showing more emotion is great. In a job like that, I guess you have to learn a certain amount of detachment to do the job properly but there are always the ones that get to you despite it. And that is a good thing as too much detachment would be as damaging as not enough.
From the photos, it does seem he is a bit less chunky in S5 but I guess the guys that have seen the actual episodes are in a better position to comment.
He is looking great though, I guess it's all that running he does with Emily Proctor. She is a lucky girl!!!! :)
I loved the old eps when he had long hair and wore t-shirts, dark jeans, and jackets. i don't know why, I think it made him look readdy cute. In "One Night Stand" when he was working with H, he looked great (I alos love when he works with H!)
Thanks for the pics, Marns. :D Sorry about neglecting you before. :)
OMG athlov you capped OOOO!!! :eek: I was hoping the whole time that you would (didn't I even ask you in a few pages back? Or was it in the previous thread? you guys are posting so fast that I lose track :lol:) and then suddenly you DID!!! *fangirl-ish moment* :D :D *cough* anyway, I love LOVE you for it. You just rock my socks.

Wow I haven't been here for just like a few days and already I missed HALF of the thread! :eek: Man we're already on page 11? You guys are CRAZY! :lol:

Whoa the new episode sounds so great... Too bad AXN probably won't show it for another... oh, 5 months? :rolleyes: The thing about living in the other side of the world... (but LV S7 would be starting soon though :D)

Ryan with kids = awwwww :D Is it more 'awwww' this or the 'awwww' with when he was with the baby in S3? :) Finally, the soft side of Ryan...

Oh almost forgot... "Thanks for the pics, marns!" :lol: :D A little late from me, since I haven't been in here for a while... but I loveeee the pic with the baby awwwwww :D Maybe it's the great new epi so the others' focus are on it :) By all means, KEEP THE PICS COMING!!!
:D And see how many people react NOW :devil:

Page 11, yeah, we're going like crazy people!! :D
Wow I love all this wardrobe talk! I cant really contribute at the moment though because I dont remember all the outfits he wore and the episodes and what not . But I can say that omeone mentioned above that Ryan looks like he lost weight. Ive noticed that too! Like last season he wore this t-shirt and he looked a little big-still extremely sexy-dont get me wrong but the shirts he is wearing so far this season, you can definatly tell he is losing weight, he looks a lot smaller, kind of looks like his arms are getting smaller, that cant happen!! He can be skinny but we got to have some big juicy arms or something!! Espiecally if things
dont work out for Eric and he's off the show
then Ryan is going to have a lot of sexiness to make up for him. Double the sexy from one guy! But I do hope things work out for Eric.
Can Ryan get any sexier? Stupid question course he can.

He can't lose anything off those arms of this. They just suck me in everytime. I can sit here and imagine what it must be like to have them wrapped around you *wanders off into dreamland*
Oooo yes, Shootout is one of the best. Baby holding - So sweet. :D

I don't know if you can see it or not, maybe your screen is really bright, but your caps are a wee dark. ;)
Okay I just watched the Early Show with David and Adam. And I know that this is the Ryan boardso Mods dont beat me up lol but the one comment I have on the one question I have that fits this thread is... okay whoever watched the Early Show tell me if you noticed this...Was David wearing the jacket Ryan wore in the episode? If you dont remember you can find it on youtube, just search David Caruso and Adam Rodriguez. Thanks!
Thanks for posting the pics! :)

yes, Ryan + Baby = sweet and cute.
Horatio can deal with the older kids and Ryan is responsible for the babies and toddlers. :D
but it's nice to watch him interact with other kids.
How old was the brother of the victim?

about Ryan's dark past:
Hm, a part of me still want a dark and tragic past for Ryan (at least on TV screen, fanfic is a different thing).

and yes, he doesn't talk about himself very often.
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