Ryan/Jonathan #13: 'The Ryan Wolfe Effect'

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(I apologize if this was posted before; I didn't see it, but my eyes ain't what they used to be...)

Sci-Fi Channel is going to start showing "Special Unit 2" on Friday nights! Three eps every Friday...apparently started last Friday (They're not pushing it real hard - not happy about missing the first three!). It seems to be filling the slot "Jake 2.0" had. SU:2 was the show that first brought JT to my attention, even though he was only in the rather short second season, and I'm jazzed that more of his fans will be able to see him in it now! It was a do-not-miss when it was on, and I was not a happy camper when it got cancelled.

Jonathan's eps probably won't be on until March, but it's a good show anyway, and even better when he joined the cast. :cool:

Again, sorry if someone beat me to the punch...
korbjaeger said:

(I apologize if this was posted before; I didn't see it, but my eyes ain't what they used to be...)

Sci-Fi Channel is going to start showing "Special Unit 2" on Friday nights! Three eps every Friday...apparently started last Friday (They're not pushing it real hard - not happy about missing the first three!). It seems to be filling the slot "Jake 2.0" had. SU:2 was the show that first brought JT to my attention, even though he was only in the rather short second season, and I'm jazzed that more of his fans will be able to see him in it now! It was a do-not-miss when it was on, and I was not a happy camper when it got cancelled.

Jonathan's eps probably won't be on until March, but it's a good show anyway, and even better when he joined the cast. :cool:

Again, sorry if someone beat me to the punch...

Thanks so much for the info, korbjaeger! :D I'd read quite a while ago that SciFi was supposed to air SU2, but finally decided they'd changed their minds or something after keeping a close eye on the schedule and not seeing it listed.

I'm also disappointed about missing the first three episodes. I know Jonathan's not in it until the second season, but I'd have like to have seen the show from the beginning.
*drools* I love OOOO. SLAAMMM!! Thank ya athlov. :D

I read that SU2 was going on the Sci-Fi channel in the summer. I thought it was supposed to start in August but I guess it didn't. Does anyone know if Canada even gets the Sci-Fi channel? :p Jon looks hilarious in that show. I mean, he put a gun down his pants. :lol:
I really liked OOOO. Jon was so good in that one, and the writers gave him a chance to show a variety of emotions. His expressions in this epi are so lovely. Some sweet, some fierce, some just plain cocky. And I love them all. :D

I have the DVD for Mystic River, but all I watch now are Jon's scenes. I have watched the whole film, but it's not the kind of film I'd want to watch again. Jon's scenes, on the other hand, I could watch again and again. :rolleyes:

I have to be quick because I'm writing this morning before I go to work, so here is my Mondaypic. It's one of my absolute favourites, from Silencer. Eyelashes. *sigh* Lips. *drool* And am I weird for liking the way the light falls on his neck? :eek:

AliGtr's Mondaypic


Credit to Miami Style.
Yup, I think u ARE weird, I only like his face and arms lol. Are we at page 10 already??? At this rate, there'll be 50 pages in no time!

Anyways, I happen 2 be online now cos of school 'comp' homework. I've NO mood to study my Malay now, time to stare at Mr. Wolfelicious lol.

Oh, by the way, it's really nice 2 hear that there r 3 Southeast Asians here (including me). Hahaha!
NEW PICS!! *jumps around*

athlov said:
425: One of Our Own

That pic just reminds me how much I love his eyes!! Soo beautiful.

Looks like he's going give Dan a kiss after slammig him at the wall. :lol:

You know... not every person can do that. Jon and I have something in common... :D That pics looks great.

*woah* What'd I give to be that girl!! :eek:

Great job athlov. I can't wait to see those episodes!

I haven't seen Mystic River yet. I haven't found it in the video rental shop...might be rented. But only for Jon I'm willing to wait for that little scene. :)
Oh I loved him in Mystic River! :D
And being that girl- who wouldn't want to be so close to Jonathan? :lol: I would!
athlov , great pics. I love the SLAAMMM ones and the 'Shameless' is cute too. Is it shameless cos it's a serious shot but a sneaky pic of his bum too??? You are naughty!!!! :lol: :lol:
Such lovely dreamy pics. athlov thanks so much. He went through so much emotion during that episode. Anger, sadness, etc. I really felt for him.
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