Ryan/Jonathan #13: 'The Ryan Wolfe Effect'

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Don't feel bad AliGtr I almost did the same thing and at the last minute I remembered and changed it..I think.

I saw a preview for Mondays ep and it's was different then the one they showed after last weeks ep, a lot longer and even showed a second of Ryan. I'm really looking forward to this ep..mainly cause I'm an angst whore and I'm sure there's going to be lot's of that in it...*keeps fingers crossed*

Inge I so agree I love sweet Ryan and Alexx scenes and yes you get some in season 5. It seems she's not still mad at him but how could she stay mad at him..he's a doll.
Yeah, Ryan and Alexx scenes!!!
I know one from Season 5, the disgusting one, where Alexx needs to plop the dead body. It was so funny as Alexx said something like: don't say this is your first one. :lol:
Hm, Ryan is still a newbie somehow and has a lot of things to learn.
This is why I like him... ;)

Are there other nice and sweet Alexx/Ryan scenes in Season 5?
AliGtr said:
We don't get S5 until the summer in the UK, I think. But there is a rerun of S4 starting this week, so I can at least get a weekly Ryan fix until then. I dread to think what the withdrawal symptoms would be otherwise. :eek:

How about this picture to guess the episode for?
Guess the epi

I'm travelling to the UK in May this year. What TV channel is CSI: Miami aired on?
Sigh...my exams are round the corner! This is probably the last post I'll be making 4 a few days. Cos if I use the comp, I can't study properly lol. I probably won't open my books at all! *daydreams about Ryan*

Wish me luck! & PLEASE don't post too quickly while I'm away! ;)
Think about the 'Hot-Guy Therapy' thing lol.

Oooo love that smile...*drools*
That is it. ;)

Apart from the fact I looove Collision, I think he looks absolutely gorgeous in that particular pic... But no big deal, he's always gorgeous. :p
:eek: I can't believe I missed the opening of the new page! :( And it's already page 9!! :eek: Crazy...

loyal2wolfe said:
RYANisHAWT said:
*jumps around* NEW PICS! OMG. soooo hot! thanks ATHLOV!

too bad in singapore, season 5 have not been aired yet. :(

Oh cool you're from Singapore? Good thing that our time zone is the same lol. Season 5's not been aired here yet either.
YAY another from South East Asia! :D I'm from Jakarta. Same here. No Season 5 on AXN yet :( (don't ask about the local channel :rolleyes:) Any idea when it's gonna air?

OMG athlov... Those sexy caps... One of these days you're gonna OD me on Togo hotness! :lol:
loyal2wolfe said:
Sigh...my exams are round the corner! This is probably the last post I'll be making 4 a few days. Cos if I use the comp, I can't study properly lol. I probably won't open my books at all! *daydreams about Ryan*

Wish me luck! & PLEASE don't post too quickly while I'm away! ;)
Think about the 'Hot-Guy Therapy' thing lol.

Oooo love that smile...*drools*

Good luck with the exams. A little thinking about Ryan I'm sure will do you good.

I also noticed you said your coming over the UK. CSI miami can be found on Channel 5, Living TV or Five US.

I'll get round to looking at all the gorg pics tomorrow when I have more time and people aren't watching over my shoulder.
I've been clicking links... and my little lights on my modem's already goin' nuts, lol.

I saw the above post and it reminded me of Friday's Theatre quiz at my high school for me- I was thinking of Ryan and wondering what happened in Monday before last's episode! (I had went to bed early- I was gonna put in my contacts the next morning.)
Ok - I really want to watch Mystic River - as I have never seen it before and I would like to see Jonathan. BUT I have to confess that I am a little leary about watching it after talking to one of my friends (who has seen it) and then reading up on what it's all about.

I had no idea that it's main storyline is about sexual abuse of a boy and a little girl getting murdered. I can't watch movies like this. I was sexually molested when I was little so any movies with this kind of 'theme' or even rape scenes are off limits to me. And now that I have a daughter, I really steer clear of movies with children being murdered!!

I might wait to see when it's on and just watch the part that Jonathan is in. Where in the movie is the scene he's in? Beginning - middle - end? Thanks.
Oh, you shouldn't have too bad of a problem watching it. None of that stuff is actually shone in detail - it's only suggestive. And the 'little' girl, isn't really little; she's almost an adult. The writers did a really good job with the sensitivity of the story.

The boy just runs through the woods and you get the impression that he's running from some bad people, and you see him in a seller at some point and a guy comes in and he pleads with him. That's it - nothing more really.

The Jon parts are short, but if you watch them over and over again and/or in slow motion they last a long time. :D :p


Anyway, it's a good movie. Very tragic with a bit of injustice, and very emotional.

ETA: As for what parts he's in; one part is right before the girl makes her first appearance, the second is the morning after her disappearance, and he calls her dad cause she's not at the store. Then his last scene is shortly after that.
I loved Mystic River. When it came out in theaters I wanted to see it, this was way before my Togoholism kicked in. SO my hubby didn't want to see it so I didn't get to see it. I don't go to movies often anyways..too expensive. I can wait for dvd. Anyways when I found out Togo was in it I decided I had to see it. So I got and I loved him in it and I loved the movie. It was one of those mind blowing ones that leaves you going "wow I didn't see that coming."
Now I think R2T would have a problem watching it from her experience. It's true it's not a little girl that got murdered she was like 19 at least but the little boy thing was disturbing to me. It doesn't show anything happening but you know it and the flashbacks are creepy. I'd advise you to just to skip to Togo's part and then end it.

I give Mystic River 2 thumbs up. Now I see why it won all those awards. I also give Togo 2 thumbs up just because he's so damn hott.

OH I have to add this too. If you are offended by cussing this movie is NOT for you. They say the F - Bomb over 80 times. I can't remember the exact number I'm thinking 87 but I could be wrong. The one reason hubby didn't want to see it was cause he doesn't like cussing and there's a site online where you can check out movies and bad things about them. He checked out Mystic river and it said that about the F word. Also I found it funny on other bad things about the movie they said " the store clerk talks about cigerettes and puts one in his mouth. " STORE CLERK hehe..they were talking about Togo. I'm so easily amused.
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