Ryan/Jonathan #13: 'The Ryan Wolfe Effect'

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athlov said:

That pic...is so....cuute... you just want to jump in that pic and hug him so much! :D

But really... *jumps up and down* New Ryan pics!!! *yay*

Can he really get more hot, sexy and cute than he already is? Can't be.... :eek: :devil:

*saves the pic on her pc* For my private entertainment..you know.. :lol:
*falls off chair*
Wow! Great pics everyone! I leave for like a few hours and come back to all these pretty pics. Thank you for your service in making this thread a better place.:D

I know I don't show up very often, but I'm always lurking around here and drooling over these hott pics you post... Jon is absolutely gorgeous. :D
YAY! Athlov!! I was wondering when you were going to get Shock caps! I am wondering when you are going to cap OOOO next! I have been waiting and checking your website frequently to see them.

Shock was great - I am surprised you don't have a cap of him breathing on the table to get the handprint. I laugh whenever he does that. He makes this funny face. Also that epi had another All My Children actor in it - the guy that they were talking to at the pool there - I forget his real name but his name is Sean on AMC. He showed up long after Eva La Rue (Natalia) left. I call him "I'm too sexy for this show Sean".
I am surprised you don't have a cap of him breathing on the table to get the handprint.

I do have it, it's on my page. The link at the bottom of my post is to the rest of the caps form that ep. I have 143 from shock. I couldn't possibly post all of them on the board. :eek:
Oh I am sorry! I should rephrase that! I meant to say that I am surprised that you don't have THE cap posted in your reply... I would have figured you would have had a funny phrase for it!
Oh, no need to be sorry, :p I was going to put that one in, but it was near the end page and I didn't get that far.

I just realized that I couldn't help myself, because there were so many good ones, I would have had half the caps on here by the time I was done. :lol:
Hey RYANisHAWT, welcome to the 'club'! I should tell u that it gets pretty chatty here, I'm trying really hard 2 keep up lol. :lol:

It's 4.20 pm here now, guys, just wanna let u all know.

Oh, & here's a welcome prezzie 4 u, RYANisHAWT, & a small gift 4 evryone. Open it! :)

I love those pics, athlov . All of them! I'm afraid to visit your site, because I'll just end up downloading all of them. He looked so pretty in that blue t-shirt. And those lips! I'm officially addicted to his lips now. :eek: :p

Welcome, new Togoholics! Make yourselves comfortable! Togo-fans are taking over the world!

Twiz , my guess for the picture is Double Jeopardy. He's worn orange in a lot of episodes though. I get them mixed up. He looks good in orange. *drools more* :p
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