Ryan/Jonathan #13: 'The Ryan Wolfe Effect'

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Well, it's a place guys go to get served by pretty girls wearing revealing clothes. Hope that's an apt description :D
Okay, so I was clicking links like mad to see pics because I am suffering from RWW/JTW. (Ryan Wolfe Withdrawal- you'll get it if you're off of the computer for more than two days.) Well, I was on page either 5 or 6 (whichever has the new pics from his Myspace) and I wasn't able to click anymore links. My computer apparently doesn't like me clicking a lot of links in such a short amount of time, lol. But when I saw the pic of him with his 'stache, I went straight to his Myspace and said, "I'm gonna post a comment." Well, I posted one... then deleted it. Here's the text of it:

Is it real or is it fake? Is it real or is it fake? Real... fake... *spends her Myspace time with her right and left sides of her brain fighting* Either way you're still hot. (And everyone else thinks you should lose the 'stache... ;D)

"Everyone else" would be y'all. :D I love y'all so much- I HAD to mention y'all.
loyal2Wolfe the pic in the middle is from SU2 Special Unit 2, a sci fi show he was on for a season. He was very young and cute on it. I just always thought that was my sweetest pic of him so I had to throw it in there.

I can't believe I won the pic guess...I never win anything. * jumps around for joy*
I'll be back later to post my pic now.
Dutchie those pics were drop dead gorg. Your hottest pics just showed off his arms so much I nearly died.

Welcome to the forum RYANisHAWT. You'll love it here. People are fantastic and the pics are gorg. Still hunting for mine.

We have Hooters over here in the UK (well there is one in Nottingham). Never been in it as it's definately a mans place.
Everyone's pics are soooo awesome..making me fill my drool buckets so fast.
Welcome to all the new Togoholics, man so many so fast. Enjoy your stay here and if you have any q's I'm sure one of us know the answer.

Now for my Guess What EP this Pic is From PIC..
Warning..hott as always.

I've just watched Nailed again and it made me cry this time. I really feel so emotional. It was played so well. Sorry need to get the tissues.
*hands ryansnuttytart a tissue* There you go. And yeah don't you just love Shock? :D

Marns! How dare you say that about me here! :eek: (No, I didn't like it indeed, but nonetheless he was ADORABLE and I totally loved him and I could go on for hours about it...)

Sue, you know I know it and I had it right, but I'm being sweet and gonna give others a chance. Ain't I wonderful :rolleyes: :p
*throws in a pic at this late evening*

Beautiful eyes
He really has beutiful eyelashes (and of course eyes) in this pic. :eek:

And what's that silver thingy on his shirt? See? Des this have to be there as a design or is it something muddy? :lol: I'm always wondering what's that.

Does anybody know what happened to the JTogo gallery ? It's offline since yesterday I think. And also the webpage doesn't work since last week I think. I am reliant on that gallery. Oo damn.... what shall I do now? *wanders around nervously and psyched* :lol:
sorry csimiamilover that's not it..good guess though.
Nikk your such a sweetie..you know I love you.

That is some kind of weird design on his shirt. I've always wondered about it too. Most peeps hated that shirt and color on him but that's one of my fav ep's and outfits for me. I just thought he looked so adorkable in it.
Twiztid4Togo said:
That is some kind of weird design on his shirt. I've always wondered about it too. Most peeps hated that shirt and color on him but that's one of my fav ep's and outfits for me. I just thought he looked so adorkable in it.

*agrees* I really love the orange shirt. I always love it when you combine longsleeve and shortsleeve and that's just beautiful. And the color...*faints* I love orange.. expecially on kids.^^
The silver thing is just confusing me... :lol:

Concering the "Guess pic"..
Could it be "Death Pool 100"? *just gives it a try* :devil:
I always thought the silver thing on his shirt was an eagle. :lol: I swear it looks like one. And I was like hey maybe he got it from American Eagle. lol. But yeah, I think it's an eagle.. Or a random puddle of mud on his shirt like Yurek said. :p
It looks like mud to me. Even tarnish (lol I polish silver for my fam) so I know how it looks. That looks like tarnish. Or a tarnish-y eagle. Not sure. "D
sandersidle said:
Or a random puddle of mud on his shirt like Yurek said. :p

I really thought it's been mud when I saw that epi the first time. I though:"Damn! Ryan has mud on his shirt! And nobody says something! How evil!!" Oo :D But then I thought..that they wouldn't have let Ryan running around with mud on his shirt. They would have told him, wouldn't they? So it kinda has to be there. Very weird.

COuld be an eagle... *looks at it carefully* Perhaps...with some fantasy. :lol:

Shall we make a poll? :lol:
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