Ryan/Jonathan #13: 'The Ryan Wolfe Effect'

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I was just thinking of a game we could play. Most of us are really good at telling what ep a picture of Ryan is from. Wouldn't it be cool to have a 'guess the episode game'?

Try to pic something obscure. Like one where he's in a lab coat, or you can only see his face and not his outfit.

We can try to keep it to episodes that have aired in most places, so everyone can play. :D

Sound good?
I'll start, and then the one who gets it right can go next.

ETA: Places for pics.

CSI Screencaps

Miami Style

Random Scribblings


ETA: Remember to talk about Jon too, since this is the Jon discussion board. Don't want to over run it with just the game. :D
Yep, you got it. :D

Your turn. Hehe, all Jon all the time. :D

I love to see the pictures other people pick. It lets me know what people like, so that I can make caps that people like. :D

ETA: Like gun porn, buttcaps, etc. :p
Guys...just wanted to let y'all know that playing a special 'Ryan only' edition of the Name the Episode game in here is fine so long as it's played in addition to normal on topic Jon/Ryan discussion. We don't want the thread to become about the game only, do we? ;)
:D Here's the next pic:


Great caps of 'Throwing Heat' athlov. I loved the one of him running! I know it's been said before, but he really looks good in orange. And I do like that it was a lighter orange this time rather than the dark orange he's been wearing. ;)
Those pics are great CSIMiamiLover.
He looks so young and skinny in those. As cute as he is then, I definitely prefer him now all beefed up and short-hair - very sexy. :)

The game is great but I'm rubbish at guessing. I will keep myself occupied by drooling over all the great pics you guys put up. :D
Oh, with the advent of the game, my request for links to JT/RW wallpaper got pushed way back up the thread so am just mentioning again, particularly as picture goddess athlov seems to be about and (hopefully) has some ideas for me (what with having a doctorate in JT photos and all!! :D ;)
Really? I like him with longer hair. He looks younger and cuter, and when you're younger than him, like me, you want him to look younger and cuter. He's gorgeous anyways though.
And I see we're back to the hair conversation again! :lol: Funny how we always go back to that. I'll just stick with my usual - I like the short hair better. I did like the longer hair, but I prefer the shorter hair because it does look very sexy! ;) I'm younger than him, too, CSIMiamiLover, but I still like the older look better. It's just a matter of taste... I think, especially at the beginning of S3, the longer, dark hair just made him look a little too pale. It was cute though, when it got a little curly there at the end of S3. :)
I'm sticking with my arguement too, Short is better, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder and short hair or long hair, Jon is still amazingly sexy lol
dna_girl said:
Oh, with the advent of the game, my request for links to JT/RW wallpaper got pushed way back up the thread so am just mentioning again, particularly as picture goddess athlov seems to be about and (hopefully) has some ideas for me (what with having a doctorate in JT photos and all!! :D ;)

Umm, thanks. :D picture goddess - girl with obsessive compulsive capturing disorder, same thing. :lol:

I actually don't do wallpapers or go looking for them, but I know Ali has some on her livejournal. Here's a link to a few she has on there. I think she has more, so you'll have to check around a bit. :)

ETA: Here's another link of Ali's. She makes some really beautiful wallpapers. ;) Taste the Rainbow and Cool in Blue
Ali you're awesome!

As for the hair - I like it sort. I like my men neet. :D
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