Ryan/Jonathan #12: *POP!!*

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Yay! Shadowfax ! You're back! So the cold turkey didn't work. I tell you, the addiction is just too strong. Especially when you start writing too... :D (Can I just say again, that I love your icon. Beauuuutiful!)

Was it when she took her gum out in Legal that he said "that's hot"? I can't remember what happened. :confused: How can I possibly forget? :eek: I know that when he sticks the swab in her mouth, she says "that's hot". He can't quite believe what an airhead she is. The look on his face says it all. :rolleyes:

ETA. It's horrible weather here too, Marns . Wind, rain, blown-down trees, horrible roads. I want to stay in. :(
She says 'that's hot' because 1) Ryan's being serious and 2) he does the Ohio swap thing. He repeats her when they find out the substance on the dead girl's clothes is cosmopolitan...oh let me just post the quote. :lol:

Calleigh: If I'm not mistaking, that's a cosmopolitan.
Ryan: Total chick drink
Calleigh: *evil glare* There's only one chick on our stal door list.
Ryan: That's hot...
*cut to interview with Venus Robinson*

eh...what can I say? Legal is my favorite episode. :rolleyes:
Ah, thanks... I remember now. I was thinking that Ryan said it in the same scene that she did. I've just got in from work - my brain's fried! :D Legal's one of my (many) favourites too.
And one of mine too.. ;) I just thought it was really funny.. Does anyone have screencaps of that episode? Jonathan.. Oh, Jonathan.. You're my dream.. :lol:
Nope. Cold turkey cerainly didn't work. The only solution to my JT addiction is... what else? More JT/Ryan! :lol:

Ah, yes, thank you, Ali! Love the eyes! *oggles* :eek: :eek: :eek: Such beautiful oracles, aren't they? *swoons*

I'd probably say, "That's hot" too if Ryan swabbed me. :devil: Actually, I'd offer to do much more... "Would you like to frisk me, Officer Wolfe? Shall I let you search me and have you ask for my clothes? Why don't we take this to the interrogation room?" *winks suggestively at Ryan* :devil: :lol: *dreamy sigh* I would love it if he tretaed me as a suspect. :devil:
:lol: Oh, that's really funny, Shadowfax.. :lol: I wouldn't mind either :D Me and one of my friends say it all the time (we both looove JT/Ryan :)).. Whenever something happens, we say: "That's hot." And no-one knows why we laugh that hard.. :lol:
When I was watching OOOO, and saw him signing RW to the envelope it just then occured to me that I had the same initials!! My first name starts with R and my maiden name started with a W !
Thanks, Marns! :D We've talked here before how we wouldn't mind having Ryan pin us to a wall or down to a car hood and get a little 'rough' on us. I know I certainly wouldn't! :devil:

Nowadays, I think whenever Ryan does something, I immediately think it's hot, regardless of how silly or mundane it might be. He could be looking down into a microscope, or fiddling with test tubes, or drawing his gun, or snapping pictures, or collecting evidence, or whatever... The man is HOT! *fans self* I can't get enough of him! Too bad I can't say "That's hot" out loud. Hubby wouldn't appreciate that too much. :lol:
Yay! Welcome back Shadowfax! *hugs*

I love Legal, too. One of my faves! (Which really isn't saying much since a lot of S3 and most of S4 are my faves...and, of course, COTC)

TA meetings? Who'd want to go to those? :lol: I'm quite happy being obsessed! And yeah, I know what you mean when you say that you think everything he does is hot. I'd never realized that the little things like that could be hot until I saw Jon doing them... *ahem* Ramble's over now, I promise! :D
Shadowfax I think you know which one I'm talking about..a pile of dirty clothes *winks*.

Togoholics Anonymous would not help me and I really couldnt or wouldn't do it cold turkey. I love my addiction. Hey it's not bad for my health, it doesn't make me fat, it not illegal, it really doesn't cost that much money and I can get my fix at any time...dvd's and pics, OH this place.
Shadowfax!!!! :)
I'm glad you're back! I already read your new chapter and I will review it, just give me a little time, ok? ;)

bad, bad news.... :(
my laptop chrashed yesterday and Windows can't start.
all my Miami stuff (among other cool things and really important things) is gone. (and yes, inge was too lazy to make regular back ups)
I have another pc, but he's soo slow and has several errors. I'm not able to watch the previews....
If anyone is a computer expert, PM me! ;)

(sorry, about the off-topic-ness, but I'm desperate)

about Legal.
Like the episode too. I still haven't seen it in TV ( :rolleyes:), but I bought the Season 3 DVD's.
Ryan didn't like the rich kids. maybe he had problems in high school with rich kids.
I wonder how he was in high school. :D

The eye-roll scene was also a good one. the dumpster dive was even better. :D
Hi everyone, I am really happy cos I've just finished work and now I don't have to go back for ten days!!! Yay!!!! :D
That means I can stay up til all hours watching the CSI Miami re-runs. Lots of Togo-time!! :p
I love the idea of TA but can you imagine how it would be? We would all be calling our buddies to confess that we had fallen off the wagon and sneaked a look at an episode or a nice picture.......
By the way, athlov the latest caps are awesome! I really love the cutest smile, and the awwww one. It's gorgeous..... :)
Does anyone have a screen cap of that bit in 'Legal' where he is with Calleigh in the morgue, talking about the girl that died and being all sad?
That is one of my all time fave Ryan moments...... :) :)
inge was too lazy to make regular back ups? Awww... c'mere! *hugs and comfort* I'm no computer expert, sorry. I should probably back up my stuff too. I don't know what I'd do if I lost my fics and my Togo stuff. On a happier note, however, I'm glad to be back. I missed you too, and take your time reviewing. It's not going anywhere. ;)

Ah, Twiz, was that the one where Ryan's clad in only a towel, armed with a broomstick? :D:devil: The update's in the works, I promise. ;) Oh, and guess what? I was visiting family during the holidays, and hubby and I were walking through Wal-Mart the Wednesday after Christmas. We rounded the corner and this lady that was walking in front of us had "Twiztied" written on the back of her shirt. I grinned so freakin' wide (I had to hide it from hubby, of course) but it made me think of you! :lol: And then it made me miss being here even more. :(

Ebonymist! *hugs* Nice to see you here too! I've basically resigned myself to being obsessed and being a die-hard JT fanatic. There's no turning back now... not that I'd really want to. :D
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