Ryan/Jonathan #12: *POP!!*

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I had a Togo experience while having dinner. There was an add for "Campbells soup TOGO." I screamed and started laughing. My family was like :eek: I wouldn't tell them why I was laughing. :lol:

quicky, I love that shirt. *buys* :D If you go on paint you could probaby just erase the flag and move up the "Togo" :p :devil:
Jeebes! I've been gone for a week or so and already there is a new thread :p

well yay! for the new thread ^^
*buys Togo T-shirt and paints over flag with fabic paint*

so did the new episode have a good amount of the gorgeous one in it?
Quicky, I hope you don't mind if I post another picture, but I found this shirt:

On the same website they had a thong that had "I love Togo" on it, too. :lol:
Yay! new thread! Oh man, I would so buy those t-shirts :D

Oh my, a few days ago, the seaon 4 finale was finally on, so I finally got to see the SLAM scene...I swear, when he found Cooper, I yelled out 'SLAM!' really loud...ah, what a fantastic scene...(one of the only good ones IMO)

Ooo, last week, it was my birthday, and my friends got me a really cool jacket, navy blue with "Detective Carly B" on the front and CSI in big letters on the back...and one of them asked if I liked it and I said yes, and dead set, this is what she said:
"Well, the only other thing that would make you that happy is if we got you Togo" and I said "HECK YES!" :lol: (of course, there are several other CSI men too, but she really loves Togo too :D)
oh, I'm soo sorry, I forgot your b-day. maybe I didn't saw it. :(
hm, JT for my b-day... that would be a nice present. :lol:
and my b-day is soon..... ;)

Did you say 'SLAAAAMMM' scene?
credit: togoholic (who's MIA)

Rule Nr. 1: don't anger Ryan
Rule Nr. 2: don't break his trust. once you did it, it's hard to gain it back.
(taken from the 'How to handle Ryan Wolfe' handbook)
inge said:
Did you say 'SLAAAAMMM' scene?
credit: togoholic (who's MIA)

Rule Nr. 1: don't anger Ryan
Rule Nr. 2: don't break his trust. once you did it, it's hard to gain it back.
(taken from the 'How to handle Ryan Wolfe' handbook)

ooh angry Ryan = sexy Ryan. :p that picture is HOTT.
I want the 'How to handle Ryan Wolfe' handbook. :lol:
uhhhhhhhh sand...this is the t-shit that I want!!!!but there isn't the jon's face!!! :(

inge,in that scene i saw the hot ryan's muscles :eek:...his arms are so sexy!!!! :D
We all need the 'How To Handle Ryan Wolfe' handbook... it'd come in handy... :devil: *runs back under the PG-13 line if she could ever type it*
For the first time in three weeks I didn't dream of Jon!! :eek: :eek: I think I'm coming down with something!!

Signs You're Coming Down With *Something* (disease comes near end of post) by szmandatogoholic
1) All you can dream of is Jon Togo/Ryan Wolfe.
2) You doodle "Mrs. Wolfe" or "Mrs. Togo" all over your school notebooks or your papers where you are writing a fic (if you're one of the avid fanfic writers)
3) You'd kill for a pic of shirtless Jon. :p
4) As of right now, you are reading this and saying, "Oh my gosh, I have every symptom!!" (Agree. :p )
5) You are drooling so much over every Togo/Wolfe scene in CSI: Miami that you pass out. :)D)
6) You read this and you wonder how I came up with all of these. (I don't even know myself.)
7) You stop dreaming of Togo/Wolfe after months of it and you get scared. This is the sure sign.

The diagnosis is DON'T GO TO A PSYCHIATRIST, COME HERE!! (Nah, not really, keep reading.) You probably just have a bit of Togo Withdrawal. Just go to JTO's gallery and look at pics. Hopefully that'll clear it up. If not, just take a nap and maybe your dreams will come back. :p
we will have to make group therapy because we are all crazy for jon...have I reason??? :confused: :D

*entered in a room* "Hi,my nime is Federica,and I'm crazy for Jon/Ryan!" All:"Hi Federica!!" :lol:

but I don't dream Ryan,and I'm so sad!!! :(
Sorry to interrupt the group therapy, but going back to the previous incarnation - re lack of background on Ryan (apologies, again but with my mother in hospital, it's just one round of visiting/working/housework!), at one time it was done so that 'incidental' characters could be introduced easily - relatives/friends/enemies. This isn't the case with Ryan. We may have heard of friends but have we actually met many (any) of them, and only one relative, and I don't think we've actually seen him! It does leave plenty of scope for fanfic writers, though.

*Thanks for all the great feedback on HiStory, will try to update this weekend - RL and Johnny Lancer permitting... :)*
^ you are the writer of 'HiStory'?
The fic is soo good and also realistic.
I'm sorry to hear that your mom is in hospital. :(

no, we've never seen any of his relatives or friends on screen. I think this is ok, because we haven't seen a lot of relatives or friends from the others too. only Calleigh's Dad and Eric's sister (and Speed parents :()

maybe his familiy and friends are soo boring and therefore no angst. :D

I think it's more that the writers haven't decided yet about Ryan's background.
I mean they changed Horatio's and Eric's (older sister - younger sister) constantly. :p
Federica said:
we will have to make group therapy because we are all crazy for jon...have I reason??? :confused: :D

*entered in a room* "Hi,my nime is Federica,and I'm crazy for Jon/Ryan!" All:"Hi Federica!!" :lol:

but I don't dream Ryan,and I'm so sad!!! :(

*joins group therapy*
"hey i'm lena and i'm addicted to Jon/Ryan . I dreamed of him once !!! *jumps up and down* it was my best night ever !!!! *coughs, sits down* sorry."

maybe his familiy and friends are soo boring and therefore no angst.:D
yeah but that could also mean something good. that his family and backround was normal and silent. no drama or stuff like that...
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