We all need the 'How To Handle Ryan Wolfe' handbook... it'd come in handy... :devil: *runs back under the PG-13 line if she could ever type it*
For the first time in three weeks I didn't dream of Jon!!
I think I'm coming down with something!!
Signs You're Coming Down With *Something* (disease comes near end of post) by szmandatogoholic
1) All you can dream of is Jon Togo/Ryan Wolfe.
2) You doodle "Mrs. Wolfe" or "Mrs. Togo" all over your school notebooks or your papers where you are writing a fic (if you're one of the avid fanfic writers)
3) You'd kill for a pic of shirtless Jon.
4) As of right now, you are reading this and saying, "Oh my gosh, I have every symptom!!" (Agree.
5) You are drooling so much over every Togo/Wolfe scene in CSI: Miami that you pass out.
6) You read this and you wonder how I came up with all of these. (I don't even know myself.)
7) You stop dreaming of Togo/Wolfe after months of it and you get scared. This is the sure sign.
The diagnosis is DON'T GO TO A PSYCHIATRIST, COME HERE!! (Nah, not really, keep reading.) You probably just have a bit of Togo Withdrawal. Just go to
JTO's gallery and look at pics. Hopefully that'll clear it up. If not, just take a nap and maybe your dreams will come back.