Ryan/Jonathan #12: *POP!!*

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Sorry to hear you are down Shadowfax, I know the feeling..it's the holidays for me, I always get a little sad.
Quicky that thing about jon being on degrassi high was on regular tv? I didn't know that ..wwwaaaaa.
I'm glad everyone liked my jon angel..he's adorable, he's the perfect angel..
Federica said:
ufff!!! why am I the only one who do not dream him
I've never had a Jon dream either. I had two dreams about Horatio. God knows why! Actually, they were more like nightmares - he was chasing me. What the hell is happening in my mind? :eek:

Oooh, Twiz , I love your manip. I saw X-Men 3 recently and the guy with the big white wings really appealed to me. But I imagined them on Ryan. And a little while ago, Gnome781 drew a pic of Speed with angel's wings wrapped around Ryan. It's beautiful. Here's a link. Speed's Wings (I hope it's OK to link to this here).

And on to my Mondaypic. For everyone who loves Ryan-with-a-gun. :p From Freefall.

AliGtr's Mondaypic


Credit to Miami Style.

( Hands !!!! )
I had a dream about him. He was in his Law and Order attire and he were talking on a couch in the middle of a front yard. Then we hugged.
Thanks for the pics Shadowfax and Ali. :)
great choice.

I just saw 'Fade Out'.
awwwww, awwww, awwww *clears her throat*

I feel so sorry for him the whole time.
the conversation between Horatio and Ryan was cute. Horatio was so conerned and he did the right thing and sent him to a doctor. Horatio is the only one where Ryan didn't dare to say no. :lol:
The ending scene hurt. He was so furious and sad and desperate. :(

The only thing which confused me was, the docotor told him not to work and one week later he was back at work. So, did his eye healed during a week.
or maybe more time passed between the episodes, or he worked, but he wasn't allowed too.

hm, next week no new episodes and no Ryan.
but I have DVD's!!! :D
A 12th thread already? Sheesh you guys move fast through threads. :eek:

I haven't really been checking the Togo site for a long time, does anyone have any nice new pics to post perhaps? :)
Twiz your Togo-angel is soo adorable I wish I new how to make pics like that.

me had a ToGo experiance today. looks wat I found in da kitchen cupboard!!:
ToGo noodles!!!

sorry da picture isn't very good.

Shadowfax he looks soo adorable with his hair like that. I wanna hug him 4eva. :p :lol: :p
Oh god. I seriously wonder if Jonathan would be offended by some of this stuff if he came across it if not already. I know he'd probably laugh most of the time even though he said he usually doesn't bother reading forums about himself. Smart guy :)
*gasp* Thumpy, you're orange! :eek: Congratz!

In Holland we had 'murder in a flash' last night, which has (and I counted :p) just about 22 SECONDS of Ryan in it. You can imagine how I felt. :rolleyes: Okay, he was wearing a suit and a tie, so that makes up for it a bit.

Thank you Dutchie. :)

Yeah...his appearance in 'Murder In A Flash' was practically a blink and you'll miss him type deal. :(
Congratulations, Thumpy , on being orange. :D I think. :confused: Am I right to congratulate, or is it a difficult job?

I wasn't so disappointed in Murder in a Flash the first time round because I wasn't so hooked on JT then. *blushes and hides in shame* :eek: But on the repeat, I really missed him. I'm not sure why there would be so little Ryan then. maybe TPTB were just testing out with the previous episode to see if the audience liked him, and not really investing time in him before they were sure?

There was a good lot of Ryan in Dead Air. :D :p And in a sweatervest! *drools* :p :p I had a little rant (well, a long rant) on my lj about it. If you're interested, you're welcome to visit and comment. I'm interested in people's opinions. There's a direct link from the Ryan/Eric thread, or you can get to my lj from my profile page. It's not an angry rant - it's just rolling around some things that suddenly made sense to me.

BTW, thinking about it, I can only remember 3 episodes where he wore a sweatervest - Shootout, Identity, and Dead Air. Are there more? My brain's hit a brick wall. :confused:
You're welcome Jen. Too little Ryan for my weekly fix. Thank god the board's here. :D

I thought the little amount of Ryan was because Murder in a Flash was shot earlier than Under the Influence, and they didn't know what to do with him considering he had such a big role in UtI...wasn't it something like that?? :confused:

I think that's it Ali...I can't remember a different episode...
congrats Thumpy on being orange!. :D

wasn't "murder in a flash" the episode where Ryan was in court all day or something :confused: I would have to see that episode again.
:lol: Twiz, great ToGo experience!

Congratz, Thumpy :)

I've just seen Driven. OMG. I loveeeeeeee Ryan in this episode.
First, tight shirt *drool*
Second, him with a gun *more drool* And more than once...
Third, him getting mad at Cooper (mad Ryan is always sexy :p) ...hmm it just accured to me when watching this scene, why there's no ship thread for these two already? :p :D Lucky Cooper, I want Ryan to look at me like that :p
Fourth, I love when he looks up with that serious stare (I guess in the scene with Stetler?). Ryan looking up = *even more drool*
Fifth, Ryan driving :eek: Too bad they never show him REALLY driving...
Sixth... sexy back :p I just started singing 'Sexy Back' that my sister just shot me a look :lol: He's bringing sexy back... yeah... oh wait, he wouldn't have to, cuz sexy never leaves! :p :lol:

A bit funny that when I see all those SWAT guys then Horatio, I asked my sister, "Where's Ryan?" And like answering my question, "Oh there he is"his head suddenly popped out behind H :lol:

Though I have to say, I'm not too keen about him lying :rolleyes: I'm afraid he'd get in a trouble again. But I love the scene with Calleigh at the end. It just shows how close they are :D Anyway, the scene with Ryan froze up reminds me of when Speedle got shot.

Even him dismantling/putting away his gun into his locker looks sexy to me :p :D (Or maybe I'm just that obsessed? :confused: :rolleyes:)

That's my episode review from Driven... :lol:

Picture credits: jontogo online
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