Ryan/Jonathan #12: *POP!!*

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okay. i'm pretty new one here(i have had my account already for 20 minutes. yeah!) but i have read those posts here before...for long time okay. and you guys make me laugh haha. i thought that only i think like so (so as like you) but seems i have soulmates! haha. i'm from estonia(i think that big part of you guys don't know where it is) and here CSI miami S4 just ended and i think that they will not show the next season before next summer or smth.:(

but it's good to be also here as a fan of ryan/jon.
(sorry about my language mistakes..if they come and so)
hello! :D
Welcome, muhhin! Good to see another Togo fan (or, as I like to call it, another sane person) here. ;)

Silhouette - in answer to your question, right now I like S4 better, but that's because most of S5 has been the terrorist plots and that bores me to death. There was a really good episode (Curse of the Coffin, it ranks somewhere in my top five!), though, that all Ryan lovers would like! :D And he's had quite a bit of screen time (not nearly as much as H, but Horatio is the star of the show after all), and most of his scenes have been pretty good. I like S5 a lot so far, even though I did like S4 (what I've seen of it) better. Hope that helps!
Sil I have to agree with ebonymist, season 4 so far for me was a lot better then this season. Don't get me wrong, Togo looks hotter then ever, but the show it's self has been a big snoozy fest.There has been too much boa personal crap, not to mention how stupid they keep making Ryan look. If it wasn't for my Togoholicism I wouldn't be watching it anymore, seriously. I already quit watching csiNY and I've seen 1 whole ep of csi LV. I think the csi writers have lost it. I have only liked a few eps this season, only a few have kept my attention. So far it's been me sitting in front of the tv not paying attention until Ryan comes on, then I wake up.
Oooh, sexy Ryan!Goth!!! (I just pictured him as one and he was a hot goth. A lot of them go to my high school.)
But if he was emo, I'd be freaking out. I know what they do and.... yeah.

I love the "alomst gun!porn" one.... I opened it up and my small saliva productory became much bigger. :lol: :lol: I am now keeping it up and am thinking of putting as my computer's background.... much to my mom and sister's distaste. (Well, they didn't like it when I had a background of Eric Szmanda either.... they only like the computer's backgrounds. They're WEIRD.) But the jeans... I just said, "He has sexy legs..." :lol: :p I think I need to get out of here for a minute and cool off... *ducks under PG13 tape*

*ducks back under the tape* But before I leave... I had a dream where Jon was smoking... like, right in front of me... outside a club. He went outside because he wanted to talk to me. Okay, now I am OFFICIALLY freaked out by that. (Not to mention he offered me a cigarette.) Okay, I'm gone. *runs away under the PG13 crime scene-look-alike tape, knocking it down in the process*
:eek: Ryan as a vampire = HOT
Call me weird, but vampires are sensual creatures :lol: Not like in old movies, but as in, Fall Out Boy's 'Less Than Sixteen Candles' video :D Or Underworld...
I think I wrote (I mean, tried to write :rolleyes:) a Ryan/Greg vic with one of them as a vampire... Wow, still can't believe there's another person imagining Ryan with fangs too :lol: I think Goth!Ryan would be as hot too, Lee. I mean Ryan could pull off anything, even gothic outfit! :eek:
Oh btw, ryan_lover, I requested a Ryan and Greg vampire ficlet to Hestia in fanfiction thread, if you're interested :)

Twiz, ebonymist, thanks for answering :) Well then that means I need to enjoy the last episodes of S4 while I still can, and prepare for S5... At least now that I know, I wouldn't keep much hope :lol:

Welcome, muhhin!! :D Have fun here... don't forget to keep your drool bucket within arm reach... Or you'll get your keyboard soaked! :lol:
Welcome muhhin, am pretty new here myself but everyone is so friendly here! There is always room for more ryan fans here!!!!! :lol:
It's still S4 here in the UK and from what I have heard S5 won't be shown until next summer! Aaaaargh :( :(
(At least S7 of CSI is being shown & I can keep myself sane with lusting over Greg! :))
Also, we are getting re-runs of all the CSI shows on Five US and I just cannot wait til we get to S3 & I can watch Ryan as a newbie again. He was so cute :)
He still is cute (obviously!) but now he is more confident in his role and a bit beefier so cute in a different way!
Welcome, muhhin! As everyone else said, it's great to have another Wolfe/Togo fan here. =) Hope you have fun, I'm still fairly new myself and from what I know everybody is so nice here. You'll be sure to get along with everyone. =)
Welcome to the thread muhhin! :)
and I know where Estonia is. ;) (do you know where Austria is? :p)

post by Sil: What do you think Ryan would do during year end holidays?

Did you mean the holidays from Christmas till New Year?
Hm, I think maybe he would take some days off and fligh to Boston to his family.
or he would spend Christmas Eve with Alexx and her familiy or with is uncle or maybe his sibling (the one with the niece) lives in Miami (we don't know) and he would stay with them. :D

He would celebrate New Years Eve with his friends, with Calleigh, Eric and Horatio.
and they would celebrate!!!! :D
Which season do I like better? So far I have to say 4. Ryan wore the sweatervests, he wasn't always messing up... And it was a really good season for a certain ship.. :rolleyes: Season 5 has been way too Boa centered and there's been too much H saving the world from terrorists. I kind of miss the whole storyline with his eye. Cause each week you'd be like omg I hope he's gonna be ok.. Or you know, I just miss season 4 all together. lol. Hopefully the episodes in the new year will be better. :)

:eek: Thanks for the Nailed screencaps athlov. :D I love the dumpster dive picture. :devil: And the "amost gun!porn" picture. But yeah, his jeans fit very well. :D :devil:

Welcome to the thread muhhin. :)
The one thing I would like to see with Ryan is to see his family the only one he's ever mentioned has been his Uncle, and then there was the episode "Shootout" where at the end you kinda get the feeling that he might have lived that little babys.

But that's just me.
Yeah, hello everyone! It shows that everybody are very friendly here!

inge, i know where austria is. even been there couple of times;) beautiful country.

And if you ask which one is better, S4 or S5, then i must say S4 was pretty good, cos i haven't seen the S5 but i think i'm going to download next season soon.
welcome muhhin! *gives hug and welcome cookies* I hope you enjoy your stay here, which will be forever. :lol:

I love it when we get new Togoholics join us! :D the more the merrier! :lol:
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