Ryan/Jonathan #11: 'Togoliciously Bringing Sexy Back'

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I was reading a review for Death Pool and the person who reviewed it mentioned something about Ryan still making mistakes after three years on the job.

Why do you guys think this might be?

Is it because he was never closely mentored? Not given enough on the job help by the others and just used what he learnt in his seminars, ride along and what he knew from patrol? Was he too proud to ask for help from people he thought didn't want him there?

I haven't seen enough of Greg as a CSI baby to be sure but it feels like he's getting more help than Ryan did.
Well I think Ryan's just young and eager to please not only his superiors, but himself as well (I mean that in the most non-sexual way :lol:), so sometimes it seems as if he gets ahead of himself, thus making little mistakes that an otherwise more experienced CSI wouldn't make.

I also think he's a very proud person, and not one to ask for much help and it's obvious he doesn't really need the help, but at times it would probably be smart to ask someone instead of taking things into his own hands (like last night's episode) and losing control of the situation. ;)

Talcat said
I haven't seen enough of Greg as a CSI baby to be sure but it feels like he's getting more help than Ryan did.

I agree with you on that. I suppose it's just the difference in characters, and the difference in writing. Both characters are in a sense 'eager-beavers' but Horatio and the rest of the team tend to let one make one's own decisions/mistakes, as opposed to Grissom and his team, which have very different ways of training the newbies. (Strict training, proficiency tests, etc)

But that's just what I've observed. :p
i dont know why the writers keep antagonizing ryan, but it has GOT to stop. hes obviously very competent and intelligent, so why dont they let him behave that way?!
screamingpoet said:
I think Horatio's comment will come back up later in the season. Comments like that seem to be placed in the episodes to give future storylines. Ryan will get into some sort of trouble but you know H will go to bat for him. Ryan's a good guy.

I agree with you there. I think there's something behind it all. After all, Eric got all narky in the start of S4, and it turned out that his sister was ill. So maybe the writers are setting something up for Ryan. If it results in more Ryan screen-time, I won't complain.

Talcat ! :D Great to see you here! Can I tempt you to the Eric/Ryan thread too?

MikeW , is it your birthday today? Here's your present.
Happy birthday, MikeW

Shadowfax , I think it might be your birthday too. I'm about to leave a link to your present on the Eric/Ryan thread.

speed cochrane , the training in Miami seems to be a whole different thing to what it is in Las Vegas. Also, I don't remember anyone in Miami getting promotions. The Vegas CSIs seem to have a clear career structure. I was surprised when Ryan first started that he was just let loose on a case. I don't think there's as much support in Miami at all.

athlov , I've just been looking through your screencaps. They're so good. He's so pretty. Mmmmmmm.....

I recorded Fadeout last night, so that's my viewing while doing the ironing today. I'm looking forwards to lots of lovely Ryan-time. And a sexy green shirt, unbuttoned just enough to be teasing. :p
Happy Birthday MikeW! *throws party for you!* :lol: *hug*

UH! I am soo dissapointed cuz 'Fadeout' hardly had any Ryan in it and the scene at the end were he is punching his locker cuz he is upset, I just wanted to hug him and tell him everything will be ok. :( *crys*
welcome back Shadowfax! I missed you. *hug* it must be great to be back with your Togo fix!! :lol:

I love the new thread name!! :lol:
Hello, am I allowed, being a boy, giving my opinion about this? I suppose I'm not the only boy here, so I will just do that. I like Togo. I don't know why, he's just...I think he's an easy guy to live with. No complaining, no blabla, just straight to the point.

szmandatogoholic said:
Good luck surviving it, inge. All it took for me was Ryan and Delko in the Hummer and him with an injury for me to start crying. (I was basically having a nosebleed. My mom said, "Clam down, it's just a show." :eek: NOTHING'S just a show when a guy you like is INJURED!!!)
I know exactly what you mean. It seems parents just don't get the point in series. When I start laughing about something, or complaining about something other, the start complaining about it almost immidiately. Nah, maybe that's just one weird thing with parents.
Hey guys, I'm baaaack! *waves* :D How's everyone been? I've missed you guys and this thread so much. And I am sooo loving the thread name righ now. SQUEEES!! :lol:

I missed you too, ryan_lover! *hugs* I'm sad that my vacation's over, but I'm so glad to be back and indulge my Togo obsession. *runs off to OD on Togo hotness* :lol:

I've been Ryan-deprived, and I missed 2 epis of Miami. :( My wallet-sized pic has tide me over a little, but I'm going through major withdrawal here, so come on... Someone help me OD quickly on Togo. :devil: Ummm... please? :lol: *runs off to have a Togolicious birthday* Let's have a party everyone! :devil:

Welcome, WatchinCSI! Of course, you're allowed here. Glad to see another 'boy' who likes JT as well. :D
I forgot something...Happy Birthday Shadowfax. I didn't notice before, but Dutchie said it.
*gives special Birthday-cookie to Shadowfax * :)
Eeh, why do you say 'boy' and not just boy? I am really a boy, really :rolleyes: Aah, never mind. Have a good day
:lol: I realized how you might take that after I posted it. I wasn't sure how old you were, so I put 'boy' in just in case you're already a man. :p

Thanks for the birthday cookie, WatchinCSI! :D
Hehe. Dutchie, the walking birthday calander. Because:

and of course:

Mike you'll get your present in another thread, but you, missy shadowfax, are gonna get it right here. Here it is for you:

Do you like...red?
Thanks, Dutchie! Me likey red very much! :lol: *hugs* Awww, I love the way he looks. :eek: I haven't seen him in red in a while.

Thank for the welcome back and birthday wish too, sienna! :D
Thank you for the caps athlov cant wait for see the episode after reading the comments¡¡¡¡¡

The last episode here in Spain was Felony Flight on Monday, so the next will be Nailed¡¡¡¡¡ im looking forwad to this during months¡¡¡¡¡¡, sadly im way too far from the 5th season.....

Happy Birthday MikeW and Shadowfax
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