Ryan/Jonathan #11: 'Togoliciously Bringing Sexy Back'

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Sorry to jump on the bandwagon so late but I definitely think Ryan looked great in Orange from various episodes and he looked AMAZING in "Silencer" with the jeans, Green jacket and white T-Shirt! But my favourite outfit thus far has to be the "Hell Night" outfit when he has a tiff with Alexx over the vic's corpse!

And enough of angry-yet-sexy Ryan! Why are they making him look bad? I can understand that he's pissed at Natalia (i mean- WHO ISN'T!) but he's just getting angry all the time. It doesn't suit him- it suits Delko. Lets see Innocent-Ryan from Season 3!

*Totally excited about my birthday tomorrow* I can't wait for the deluge of Togo-goodness!!! *couseasonthreelonghairhairryanistotallysexygh* lol :D
So my mom and I watched an episode last week, the one where he borrows money to take Natalia out, remember? And my mom said 'oh he's shameless'. And I actually didn't feel like defending him, cause I thought he was very rude at that particular moment too.

I just hate that they're trying to make him look like a total idiot. Why can't they just stop doing that? It's not believable that a guy would be able to keep his job if he messed up that many times or behaved badly.

I just want him to be normal again, so that I won't have to defend myself for liking Ryan. :(
Ryan was greatly affected by the events in "Death Eminent." He really went to bat for that kid's family, even pushing that cop so they'd have more time. Ryan obviously knew he was going to be given a complaint, and it sort of makes you wonder what he's been through to make him so passionate about this.

I think Horatio's comment will come back up later in the season. Comments like that seem to be placed in the episodes to give future storylines. Ryan will get into some sort of trouble but you know H will go to bat for him. Ryan's a good guy.
Thanks athlov!! Those pics are so hot :devil: There was alot of cute Ryan in this episode. But also alot of stupid Ryan. Overall, I was drooling the whole time because he was in practicly all the scenes :D Oh and athlov, I love the 'eyes' pic. *drools and saves* ;)

I agree.. I think H's comment will come back.. I thought what he did would be part of the spoiler, but he got out of it so... *worried*
I love all the Ryan caps!! he looks so good in Orange and Green, i mean he looks good in any color but i absolutly love when he wears those two colors :D
Thanks for the pics athlov!
He looks so sad in some pics. aww, I want to hug him. :(

thanks for the comments about the episode. It helps a lot, but (as always) I didn't get everything and I have some questions:
so, he thought the boy was innocent and then he was the murder and why did he push the other cop? did the other cop make a bad comment about the boy? :confused:

Horatio talked to Ryan about the incident? and H called him Ryan?
Was Horatio angry with him or disappointed or just like the Horatio we know and so how he would react to the others too?
Which comment do you refer too?
I know Horatio said that he could help him next time.

oh no, please no more trouble for him. :(
oh yeah he looks soooo good... I can't wait for season 5 (hopefully in january) to start, and finally an episode with lots of ryan! wow ! it was about time...
ohh and as i can see flirty ryan is back with the reporter! well it's not that i like her much, but i don't mind her neither. I think i focused all my disgust on Boa :lol:
Hi I’m new here Athlov and Swift appear to have so much fun here I thought I’d join in too.
I’ve been a CSI fan since LV came out and wasn’t really bothered with Miami until Jon joined the cast.
Yep I’m that shallow that I watch it for the pretty *grin*
*waves to all*
Looking forward to getting to know everyone,
inge...Ryan felt bad for the boy because his family was losing their home to Eminent Domain. This was before he knew he was the murderer. He shoved the cop because he'd repeatedly asked the guy not to force them out of their home until after they had their hearing, and if you ask me the cop was being a bit of a jerk about it, not that I'm excusing Ryan's behavior, but anyway he lost his temper and shoved the guy.

I would like to say that I don't necessarily think that his reaction to the plight of this family means that he went through something similar in his life. I just think it means he has a strong sense of right and wrong. I mean I felt very badly for those families and in the same situation I'd have probably lost my temper (I have a bad temper, lol) as well. I know the cop was just doing his job, but I think he could have been a bit more sensitive to the families involved.

Should Ryan have shoved the cop? No, of course not.

Do I understand why he did? Absolutely. That's why I think that this incident didn't necessarily make Ryan look 'bad'. To me it made him look human, I think most normal people would have been angry in the same situation.

ETA: Welcome Talcat! :D
I absolutely loved this epi; I thought the boy's comment at the end brought back bitter memories for Ryan, from the look on his face.

I ABSOLUTELY LOVED THE BEGINNING!! His face was awesome. The expression was great. (I think they actually popped it. He said himself that he is a bit squeamish at times. He couldn't process a real crime scene.)

I loved the promo. But I'm wondering why they're showing it on the 23rd and not the 30th. It'll seem more logical, IMO. But I loved the scared!Ryan, I was practically reliving it in my dreams.
TAL! you're here! :D Yay! *Does a happy dance*
:D Gets somebody else addicted to this place. :p

Welcome to my home... I mean... to the board. :D hehe
:D *whispers* (but remember, it's PG13 here) :p :D

szmandatogoholic said:
I loved the promo. But I'm wondering why they're showing it on the 23rd and not the 30th.

Probably because the 30th is Hallows eve, aka Devil's night. Some people go to haunted houses and fun stuff the night before, and then take their kids out on Halloween night. :D
I agree with you Thumpy. His reactions did make him seem human and real and if we remember Ryan has also acted in this way with cases. Such as the girl that got her identity stolen, Legal, The BABY, and many more, those just stand out. So he does have problem with peeps being hurt and he knows right from wrong. Should he have shoved the cop? NOPE Do I understand why he did? YEP. I didn't think it made him look bad, just a little hot headed. But It was hott, so I didn't mind at all. BUt yeah I love seeing emotional Ryan, just like he's always been, just before he was able to control his anger a little better. I'm just wondering if there's a reason for his new found outburst. Family problems? I think something is going on in his life and hopefully we will find out what. I'm a little worried about the thing with the reporter. Him getting info from her means she'll be back again EEEWWWW.

I still think there may be something in his past about his family having money problems or something that really caused him to loose it. JMO
THis was a great EP and next one looks even better.
Welcome talcat, always glad to see a new togoholic in the world. You'll get all your needs filled here.
Great caps Athlov. He was so adorable and hott in this ep. I think his voice was even sexier then normal. His accent slipping out.

Hey Inge I'll answer a few of your q's that I remember. Thumpy did the first one...he felt bad for the boy losing his house and thought the cop could have waited to see if the court went their way.

Yes the boy did it and made ryan feel bad at the end when he was the one that proved he did it then the boy said he could do anything and not get in trouble. Also H did talk to him about it and said his next outburst he may not be able to fix. H was able to talk the cop into dropping the complaint.. He called Ryan Mr. Wolfe. I know at least once. I dont recall him calling him Ryan but yes Mr. Wolfe he did.

H wasn't upset with him and he told him he might not be able to help him next time..ugh. I think H knows what's up with Ryan...if there is something. He seemed very understanding,
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