Ryan/Jonathan #11: 'Togoliciously Bringing Sexy Back'

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Hehe :D, I see you liked the Tingly one, ILuvJonathanTogo. It's cool seeing my icons in action. :lol:

If anybody else has any idea for captions, that will fit, I'll make a few. ;)
Welcome BeLIEve! Jonathan is 1.78 long I believe, and his eyes are green (though sometimes they do look brown).

Oh my, we're getting close to a new thread! Do we have a title yet? I suggest my one again: Ryan/Jonathan #12: *POP*. (from the buttons, remember? :lol:)

Athlov captions for the thingy pic you mean? I was thinking: "Yeah, don't say it." :rolleyes:
ok I'm not sure if I can ask this question here, but they just aired episode Deviant season 4 last nite here. We just didn't get the part where Wolfe talked to Horatio that Alex prescribed him med for his eyes and that he couldn't do it anymore or something like that. What's it about? Can someone tell me pls? Thanks

btw, Ryan is hot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love that title for the next thread!! :lol: *pop pop pop POP!!* :lol: :lol: I can just imagine...

Ryan: Uhhh, H?
Horatio: Yes, Mr. Wolfe?
Ryan: Can I go change my shirt real fast?
Horatio: Why would you need to do that, Mr. Wolfe?
Ryan: My buttons just popped loose!!

About Deviant... I think they were talking about him possibly not being able to work in Forensics anymore, but yet he's still doing it. He's talked to his ophthalmologist (a medical doctor who deals with eyes and eye surgeries) I think already or something like that. I don't know it's been awhile. :p (And his eyes are hazel.) Must go, ADD pills beckon me.
OMG!! I have just ODed and died of the super delicious ryan pics thanks athlov! *hug*

Jon wearing glasses reminds me of spiderman! hehehe :lol: spiderman is cool.
awww he is so adorkable. :p
ryan_lover said:
Jon wearing glasses reminds me of spiderman! hehehe :lol: spiderman is cool.
awww he is so adorkable. :p
Thats what I was thinking...lol...freaky. Lets make the next thread already! Im too excited- I had a suggestion for a name for it but I forgot it...oh well . lol.
Well, his glasses remind me of Spiderman too. But Togo is a million times hotter. ;)

3 more pages!! :D I like the "He can crack my safe anyday" thread name. :lol: Or the other lock one.. :) Hell, I like all of them. :p
sandersidle said:
Well, his glasses remind me of Spiderman too. But Togo is a million times hotter. ;)

3 more pages!! :D I like the "He can crack my safe anyday" thread name. :lol: Or the other lock one.. :) Hell, I like all of them. :p
totaly agreed with every you said lol :D
I just about fainted when saw him in glasses... He looks perfectly adorkable in them... *sigh*

Heh... Imagine if Tobey Maguire wouldn't do Spiderman anymore, but Jonathan instead... *trails off*
Dutchie said:
Athlov captions for the thingy pic you mean? I was thinking: "Yeah, don't say it." :rolleyes:


Here you are Dutchie. :D
*whispers* Don't say what? :p
Think of something yourself :p [/b]Thanks Athlov[/b].

I actually don't like the glasses...*ducks from entire thread throwing rocks and things at her* Hey! That might hurt someone! :eek:

No seriously, I'd rather have him without glasses.
I love the glasses because it makes me happy to know that I'm not the only dork...
j/k. He actually looks cute in the glasses. I just wish there were more pics of him with the glasses on.
MonkeyPrincess said:
We just didn't get the part where Wolfe talked to Horatio that Alex prescribed him med for his eyes and that he couldn't do it anymore or something like that. What's it about?
btw, Ryan is hot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Isn't it about the mole? He's saying to Horatio that he doesn't think he can do the undercover searching for the mole anymore? But I only think that because I managed to see the extra internet scene. Without that, a number of things don't make sense. And it's not on the CBS site anymore. I think they should have left it on, because they know that a lot of us won't see the episodes until a year or so after they're aired in the US.

And yes, Ryan is hotttttttttt! There can be no argument about that, after looking at that pic there. (I like glasses. :eek: I like it when guys take glasses off and put them on again. :p A bit like Horatio does, but not with sunglasses. And it would be so much hottttter if Jon did it. I would love it if Ryan had some glasses that he wore at home or something, for watching TV or whatever. But he seems to have good eyesight, from having seen him read little numbers and things that I'd have to put right up to my face before I could see them.)
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