Ryan/Jon#29: Togo-licious

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  • Togo-licious

    Votes: 17 50.0%
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  • Remedy for Togo Fever

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  • A Smile Brighter than Diamonds

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  • The Definition Of Gorgeous

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  • Takes a Lickin' and Keeps on Tickin'

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At least you have a good reason to stay awake BDS. There are advantages to sleeping too. Think of the great dreams you could be having.
Yeah, greatfan, and now I can't wait to get to sleep. I'm only bit more than 24 hours wide awake and partly it was Jon's fault. B/c of him I didn't slept last night. But also I enjoyed the night... LOL consequences are seen on my profile *cough* *shyly points at icon....*
LOL some icons happened to be very hilarious to me. Jon's face can be very funny and... *cough* well before I slip away from topic I better shut up :hugegrin:

Ok time to wash dishes and travel to the Togo-licious dreamy world :lol:
Forgive me fellow Wolfepackers for I have sinned for the past 2 days I have had impure thoughts of another actor I feel so guilty wot should my punishment be.
OMG,not impure thoughts of another :eek:
I'll call a meeting of our fellow Wolfepackers to decide your fate Tilly.
Forgive me fellow Wolfepackers for I have sinned for the past 2 days I have had impure thoughts of another actor I feel so guilty wot should my punishment be.

Ohh, Tilly :rolleyes: Instead of punishment, maybe you should just look at lots of wonderful caps of Jon. Remind yourself of how hot he is :devil:
Forgive me fellow Wolfepackers for I have sinned for the past 2 days I have had impure thoughts of another actor I feel so guilty wot should my punishment be.

Ohh, Tilly :rolleyes: Instead of punishment, maybe you should just look at lots of wonderful caps of Jon. Remind yourself of how hot he is :devil:

I'm going to learn a lesson from Solitaire and show mercy towards Tilly .
Looking at caps of Jon (for hours) should help Tilly repent.
Forgive me fellow Wolfepackers for I have sinned for the past 2 days I have had impure thoughts of another actor I feel so guilty wot should my punishment be.

Ohh, Tilly :rolleyes: Instead of punishment, maybe you should just look at lots of wonderful caps of Jon. Remind yourself of how hot he is :devil:

I'm going to learn a lesson from Solitaire and show mercy towards Tilly .
Looking at caps of Jon (for hours) should help Tilly repent.

No punishment Tilly; just brainwashing. Lots and lots of Jon pics until no more impure thoughts of another actor.

I enjoy other actors; but they don't even come close to the drool factor that Jon has. :devil::drool::devil::drool: I could drool over him ever minute of every hour of every day for the rest of my life and never tire of him; that's how bad it is.:guffaw:

Kinda off this subject (had to vent). Why do some insist on calling him Lil H. I don't remotely see it. Just b/che follws orders and respects H? :confused:
Kinda off this subject (had to vent). Why do some insist on calling him Lil H. I don't remotely see it. Just b/che follws orders and respects H? :confused:

It's probably because of the orders and respect mostly. I think it's because he's really loyal to H (I would even say he's the most loyal, but I think that's solely opinion.) Might also be because both their suits have the magical power of never getting dirtied regardless of the situation :lol:
And, he never gets hurt. He's been in, what? 5 fires/explosions/tortured, etc. He's still alive with NO scars... wtf? lol.

Not that I'd want scars on that perfectly built body of hi--

Woah, sorry. I'm back.

Tilly, you are most certainly forgiven.

EDIT: *facepalm* I just read where someone used "lil H." As bad as the name is, it's worse that I would have knew exactly who the poster was talking about before I ever read it here.
Wot you suggested has worked I remember his eyes , the smile I knew I could relay on you all thank you will try much harder next time .
And, he never gets hurt. He's been in, what? 5 fires/explosions/tortured, etc. He's still alive with NO scars... wtf? lol.
But at least Ryan has been in explosions and fires and he's been tortured and everything. Stuff like that doesn't even happen to H at all. :lol: Has Horatio ever even been punched in the face or anything? Not that I remember. o_O
And, he never gets hurt. He's been in, what? 5 fires/explosions/tortured, etc. He's still alive with NO scars... wtf? lol.
But at least Ryan has been in explosions and fires and he's been tortured and everything. Stuff like that doesn't even happen to H at all. :lol: Has Horatio ever even been punched in the face or anything? Not that I remember. o_O

Uh... nope! So sad.

Just one hospital scene... I just want ONE hospital scene so I know he's human. Is that too much to ask?

On another note, the punch-in-the-face comment has me even MORE excited for tomorrow, :lol:
Uh so many posts... What am I missing here?
Punishment? Hmm brainwash? Wow I better not think about anyone else... LOL but I know how to buckle myself back :D
I'm very hooked on one song which has some special atmosphere and it makes me see certain HOTTIE in front of my eyes... yummy :lol:

Oh gee it's day but my thoughts already gone to night mode :D

So, my ''lovely'' phone just sucked in its system about 300 pics of the HOTTEST guy in the world and now I'm scolding myself for being so dumb not saving them on CD :brickwall:

Ahh Tuesday's epi isn't that far anymore *clapping palms and jumping around*

Hmm is Ryan really pure human? He seems to be more like supernatural kind plus he's the REAL superhero there. H doesn't counts b/c he's never been into that much challenges... fires, explosion, torture, nail gun etc... H's more like showing up to say some one-liner or pull off some ''happy ending stunt'' like that...
So, my ''lovely'' phone just sucked in its system about 300 pics of the HOTTEST guy in the world and now I'm scolding myself for being so dumb not saving them on CD :brickwall:
300 pics is a lot to lose.
LOL at supernatural Ryan.

I love your avatar BDS, you get to see those great arms and a nice view from the side.
Well thanks to mom's phone. It got very jealous on mine when I changed memory cards.
But I believe that I'll get em back since those were older ones which I've saved on CD. Hopefully :)
Oh thanks:lol:
Ahh it was pleasure to spent a night w/ my friend's laptop to make some icons and banners...
And I also got some funny ones which freaked me out bit (and I'm the one who can never look at my work either written or any pics)

Mhm I love every side of Jon *giggles*
they all very cute *cough*
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