Ryan/Jon #27 - His Royal Hotness

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I hate to disagree, but I have to say that I do NOT want any continuation of WISC. I didn't like the storyline to begin with. The only good thing about it is that it gave Jon a chance to show how much of an incredible actor he is. I don't want any references to that storyline unless its someone saying that they now understand how much Ryan was caught between a rock and a hard place and why he felt he had to make the decisions he made or something to that effect. Other than that, I don't want any references to it. At all.

I do agree with GNRF though- I dont really want to see anything about it now. It was too long ago, they should have mentioned it by the end of season 7, they needed to then. But since they didnt bother, there isnt really a need to go back over it. Unless we see little Billy again, and it is remarked on somehow.

I must admit I agree, I don't want to see continuation either. I can only see this getting him into trouble or worse. And I agree with Solitaire, it's a bit late now. Ryan seemed more mature after his ordeal in WISC but that was nullified by the puzzling character tinkering going on at the beginning of season 8 (which ironically enough, I thought might had something to do with his kidnapping and torture). The lack of continuation is frustrating but I wouldn't mind it in this case. And I agree, the one bright spot was Jon's excellent acting job:thumbsup:
I also agree. Ryan's gambling wasn't bought up again until the writers and TPTB wanted to use it in a few stories, which caused him trouble even if it wasn't his doing.Now if it were used in a positive way,like perhaps Ryan counseling or helping others that suffered traumatic events,I would be okay with that.Perhaps even being a guest lecturer on a conference dealing with traumatic events.To bring it up for another Ryan in trouble story,I'd rather they didn't.
Well, I was one of the ones who actually thought MAYBE that was the excuse for his poor character at the first of the season. I kept thinking back to it, and how it seemingly had no effect on him. I know it isn't a soap opera, and things don't just spill over into every following episode, but it did irritate me that someone couldn't have at least cleared the air, and told him they UNDERSTOOD why he did what he did. I mean, what kind of cop/detective/CSI would any of them be if they didn't follow through for a child?! Or any life, for that matter! I would have enjoyed seeing it justified. I wouldn't have minded them mentioning the episode in season 8. That way, we could have known it was still affecting him in ways. Subtle mentions wouldn't have hurt anything so long as it wasn't overwhelming. I don't know that they could do it now, because with these writers, they would make it NEGATIVE. I hope/wish/and am practically dying for them to do something POSITIVE! Like some of you said. A hero. Make him a hero at some point. I mean, WISC could be justified as being a hero, but I mean a POSITIVE hero story all the way around. One where EVERY single person at MDPD sees what he did, and praises him for it.(CALLEIGH INCLUDED, please...) That's another thing... his relationship with Calleigh. He's so sweet to her, all the time, and she just... walks on him like he's a doormat. (!!!!) That's not how it used to be. Something else I used to enjoy that was taken away........

As for skin, well, I do agree with what you guys are saying! He doesn't need or have to do it. His acting is amazing, as is. My only point was, it'd be a nice treat! :drool: :lol: Hey, I can't help I have shallow moments ever so often! It could contribute to the story too. He could have on one of those long sleeved shirts, then jump in the water to save a kid, and... then take it off. LOL.

AND since we're on the subject of wardrobe(s).... How about more tshirt/jeans! Oooh like 'Time bomb'. Even All Fall Down... I loved how he was dressed in those. It's not because he looks hotter (that is an added bonus), but honestly because it looks more relaxed than uptight. I don't mind the button up shirts.. at all... And the leather jacket GETS me, but I think being in Miami, they'd dress a little lighter. I'd like to see the jacket and the button up shirt maybe two or three times a season, then the rest can be the more relaxed/causal feel. I could be alone on this, but just what I like to see! ;)

(Now we need pics of all his different wardrobe choices!)
Well, I was one of the ones who actually thought MAYBE that was the excuse for his poor character at the first of the season. I kept thinking back to it, and how it seemingly had no effect on him. I know it isn't a soap opera, and things don't just spill over into every following episode, but it did irritate me that someone couldn't have at least cleared the air, and told him they UNDERSTOOD why he did what he did. I mean, what kind of cop/detective/CSI would any of them be if they didn't follow through for a child?! Or any life, for that matter! I would have enjoyed seeing it justified. I wouldn't have minded them mentioning the episode in season 8. That way, we could have known it was still affecting him in ways. Subtle mentions wouldn't have hurt anything so long as it wasn't overwhelming. I don't know that they could do it now, because with these writers, they would make it NEGATIVE. I hope/wish/and am practically dying for them to do something POSITIVE! Like some of you said. A hero. Make him a hero at some point. I mean, WISC could be justified as being a hero, but I mean a POSITIVE hero story all the way around. One where EVERY single person at MDPD sees what he did, and praises him for it.(CALLEIGH INCLUDED, please...) That's another thing... his relationship with Calleigh. He's so sweet to her, all the time, and she just... walks on him like he's a doormat. (!!!!) That's not how it used to be. Something else I used to enjoy that was taken away........

Exactly!! That was my point as well. I really thought Ryan's weird behavior at the beginning of season 8 was due to what he went through, but it was just poor writing:angryrazz:. I would have loves to have seen Calleigh and Eric find out about what happened to him and he did what he did to save the life of a small child. And I agree; a clear cut story (along the lines of Count on Me where he pulled Natalia out of the wreckage after the Meth lab exploded) of heroism is what Ryan needs:thumbsup:

I wish Calleigh could show Ryan the concern (for example when he needed it in Time Bomb) he showed her in Backfire. He is so caring and loyal; he just doesn't get in return too much:(

As for skin, well, I do agree with what you guys are saying! He doesn't need or have to do it. His acting is amazing, as is. My only point was, it'd be a nice treat! :drool: :lol: Hey, I can't help I have shallow moments ever so often! It could contribute to the story too. He could have on one of those long sleeved shirts, then jump in the water to save a kid, and... then take it off. LOL.

Looking at Jon could give one shallow moments that's for sure:devil::drool::lol:. I do the same thing:thumbsup:

AND since we're on the subject of wardrobe(s).... How about more tshirt/jeans! Oooh like 'Time bomb'. Even All Fall Down... I loved how he was dressed in those. It's not because he looks hotter (that is an added bonus), but honestly because it looks more relaxed than uptight. I don't mind the button up shirts.. at all... And the leather jacket GETS me, but I think being in Miami, they'd dress a little lighter. I'd like to see the jacket and the button up shirt maybe two or three times a season, then the rest can be the more relaxed/causal feel. I could be alone on this, but just what I like to see! ;)

(Now we need pics of all his different wardrobe choices!)

T-shirts and jeans are pretty cool and throw a leather jacket on top of that:drool::devil:. It is too hot and humid in Miami to wear what any of them wear most of the time. But Ryan looks good in anything!!:devil: And there are never too many pictures of Ryan/Jon!!!
I think we all thought,or at least hoped that Ryan's out of character behavior was the result of what had happen in WISC. Imagine my shock and anger to discover it was just crappy writing.
I would have loves to have seen Calleigh and Eric find out about what happened to him and he did what he did to save the life of a small child. And I agree; a clear cut story (along the lines of Count on Me where he pulled Natalia out of the wreckage after the Meth lab exploded) of heroism is what Ryan needs
I've actually seen some pretty good fanfic that deals with Calleigh and Eric finding out what Ryan had gone through,their quilt,etc.
When Ryan does something heroic,it's kind of glossed over. When Ryan pushed Kyle out of the way when the grenade went off in the morgue,nothing was ever said.It would be nice if he were acknowedged and appreciated for once.He is a caring compassionate person,but you would never know it by how he is treated by the team.
I do like the more appropriate jeans and tee shirt look.I also like the shirt,tie and jean look as well.
Ugh, Eddie Cibrian doesn't come back for season nine, that's mean Ryan loses one real friend. I'm in grief.

I'd like to think that Ryan's OOCness was due to his ordeal. But how could someone's behavior become totally opposite to his original behavior in such a short time? Just bad writing I guess.

I already made Ryan my hero, he IS a hero, just no one in the show realized it.

I myself loved it when I see Ryan wore a leather jacket. I don't know why though. It just makes him cool.
I have mixed feelings right now about the latest Miami exit. While I'm little sad, I'm excited to think that TPTB wants to focus on the core cast...and the last time I checked Jon has six years under his belt and fulfills the requirement of core cast.
I have mixed feelings too, simply because I actually liked Jesse. Mostly because of his friendship with Ryan, I'll admit, but still. I liked the direction the show was going in last year, as a whole, team work ect ect... I hope they can still maintain it.
(The only negative was Ryan's character malfunction during the first half of the season... but it got way better!)
I hope they don't get rid of someone else still. I have to admit, I'm nervous now. I didn't expect to see anyone go. If someone does go, I'm thinking it'd HAVE to be Omar, right? It'd be sad, but better than Jon..... Actually, I have to agree with you Miamifan, if six years isn't a core character, then I don't know what is! I'm sure everyone else will be okay, this just comes as a shock when they had 'plans' for his character.

They win. They actually got rid of someone! I thought they'd all get up. I was wrong. (I wonder if that's how he dies?! He did seem to be in more pain.... lol. For real!)
Wow,I'm kind of shocked.To come home from work to the Jesse news was so unexpected.I liked Jesse too because of his dealings with Ryan.The team difinitely got along better,I didn't miss the tension and hope that doesn't return.
I thought Jesse was one of the safe characters,guess not.
I really hope that Ryan will have something great for next season now that there is suppose to concentration on the core cast.
Ugh, Eddie Cibrian doesn't come back for season nine, that's mean Ryan loses one real friend. I'm in grief.

I think it's better this way with him leaving. They focused so much on him and dumbed down Ryan. Now Ryan can shine again! :)

I actually happy about that part, but still sad. And if they dumb down Ryan even after Jesse go, I will angry. I actually have a little doubt about season 9, Eric come back, I have a feeling that he will take Jesse's part (screen time, he was the second leading man by the way before he left), and Ryan still left behind, well, I think I'm being too negative. :borg:
Maybe they knew all along. Maybe that's why Ryan shook Eric's hand at the end of Time Bomb. Perhaps they're on the mends, and they can actually be FRIENDS for a change...

NAH! :lol: TPTB aren't that smart! I really hope the tension is gone though.... it gets old. FAST.
I'm really shocked and a little saddened by the news. :( I actually felt in the latter part of the season he was starting to fit in. His quiet friendship with Ryan and Walter was endearing; he was kind of like the big brother who tolerated the younger siblings shenanigins. :) I am honestly sorry to see him go.

My only fear is a return to the same garbage thrown at Ryan. I hope tptb straighten out a certain couples attitude towards him and put the past to rest; time to move on.

Ryan/Jon is overdue for a strong storyline without getting in trouble. His outstanding skills have been underused for far too long; lets see him get something he can really sink his teeth into; we all know his capabilities.:)
I am so relieved that Jesse is leaving! I don't have anything negative to say against Eddie; it just wasn't a good fit for him IMHO. Best wishes to him. While I am still holding my breath for the remainder of the cast, it is encouraging that they want to focus on the core cast. I expect this next season to be a breakout year for Ryan's character and am incredibly excited now!
I'm so happy today because of Cibrian leaving the show.Now I hope to see Ryan on center stage like Jesse was earlier in the season.
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