Ryan/Jon #27 - His Royal Hotness

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I was shocked to hear Eddie wasn't coming back and have mixed feelings:(. I am sad about it because he had such a good relationship with Ryan. (Maybe they will build on Ryan's friendship with Walter). Jesse was over exposed at the beginning of the season coupling that with Ryan's lack of screentime and his "dumbing down", I didn't like him initially but he eventually grew on me.

I am relieved though, because it sounds as if Ryan/Jon will be back. Maybe better stories and screentime:thumbsup: I admit that I won't be happy if the tension between Eric and Ryan returns. Would rather have had Jesse than that continue; they seemed to have a better relationship in one season than Ryan had with Eric in all the previous ones:(
To be honest, I was either or about Cibrians character. I agree that there was TOO much of him at the start of the season but I really liked the whole 3 musketeers thing TPTB did with Ryan, Walter and Jesse at the beginning, but just seemed to drop after a while. Maybe that was sort of an indication that Jesse was leaving? I'm also really hoping that next season there will be some sort of back story on Wolfe, I've finally gotten around to watching the rest of the seasons (newer fan here! lol) and he's such a mystery! I've also notice the weird character changes as well, which is fine but I think if there was some sort of explanation as to why it would have been better.

I also just saw those photos of him filming that new movie - I couldn't find anything about it anywhere incl. IMDB. But if it's true, good for him! It's good to see the actors branching out to do different things!
Wow,I'm kind of shocked.To come home from work to the Jesse news was so unexpected.I liked Jesse too because of his dealings with Ryan.The team difinitely got along better,I didn't miss the tension and hope that doesn't return.
I thought Jesse was one of the safe characters,guess not.
I really hope that Ryan will have something great for next season now that there is suppose to concentration on the core cast.

I knew someone had to go with Rodriguez' return, just was holding my breath and hoping for the best. I liked Jesse. And one of the things that endeared me to him the most is that he treated Ryan with respect and friendship.

I don't care what they do from this point forward, I will NEVER accept Eric as someone who cares or respects Ryan. The damage is done there and I resent Eric on behalf of Ryan!

I'll miss Jesse/Ryan/Walter. I loved those three character interactions.

I don't for one minute believe them when they say this is so they can concentration on core cast. They need to define the term "core cast". They have all but forgotten everyone on the cast but two characters in the last 4 seasons. I was fooled in the first part of season 8 when they introduced Jesse and Walter and Eric was history, into believing we were getting "back to the basics" and for a while there was a real team atmosphere.

But that ended very quickly after it was announced that Eric would be returning full time and the show quickly refocused all attention to Eric and Eric and Calleigh. I'd be a fool to believe that "core cast" includes Ryan, Natalia, Frank or even Horatio at this point.

Jesse got the raw end of the deal. And I feel bad for him and for the show. He had real potential for interesting storylines, just like Ryan (whom we know virtually nothing about), Natalia (who we know just enough about to make her interesting), Frank (where the heck are his kids and why doesn't he have a girlfriend?) and Horatio (wow the potential with just the storylines that were dropped with him - they don't even need to dream up new ones!).

I really hope that the "core cast" is defined as all inclusive, but I've learned my lesson about believing ANYTHING Donahue & Co. tell me anymore.

Bet Donahue & Co. told Cibrian not to worry - in fact I'd almost put money on it! :(
despite the people who came around to liking Jesse (Not that many). I think that everyone else didn't really give Jesse a chance and that just wasn't fair to him or Eddie, at first I didn't like him, but I came around and saw that he is REALLY a great guy. God knows what is gonna happen 2 Ryan and Walter (after Jesse is gone), the 3 of them are such good friends, Jesse was supportive of Ryan in 'Time Bomb' a LITTLE bit more than Walter was, I think that Ryan is going to take Jesse's death harder (I've heard tht Jesse will be killed off :( on the Ausiello page) bcuz they are like best friends now or summat. anyway I think that all of ya'll should of at least given Jesse a chance.
I took a closer look at the photos of Togo on set in the film again....isn't that the girl who played Cynthia Lang in Wolfe in Sheep's Clothing or am I just imagining things?
I don't care what they do from this point forward, I will NEVER accept Eric as someone who cares or respects Ryan. The damage is done there and I resent Eric on behalf of Ryan!

I have to agree with this. I would like to think that Time Bomb might be a beginning of a new stage of their relationship; one with less tension but I can't see Eric changing.

I'll miss Jesse/Ryan/Walter. I loved those three character interactions.

Me too. The bright spot is that they haven't indicated that Walter is leaving so at least we can see Ryan/Walter interaction. Who knows? Maybe because of the events involving Eric's investigation, Walter will be slow to trust Eric and will be more willing to give Ryan the benefit of the doubt, instead of shunning him like everyone else.

I don't for one minute believe them when they say this is so they can concentration on core cast. They need to define the term "core cast". They have all but forgotten everyone on the cast but two characters in the last 4 seasons. I was fooled in the first part of season 8 when they introduced Jesse and Walter and Eric was history, into believing we were getting "back to the basics" and for a while there was a real team atmosphere.

But that ended very quickly after it was announced that Eric would be returning full time and the show quickly refocused all attention to Eric and Eric and Calleigh. I'd be a fool to believe that "core cast" includes Ryan, Natalia, Frank or even Horatio at this point.

You know Delynn, once I got over the shock of the announcement of Eddie's departure, I thought the same thing. It has been Eric, Calleigh and Eric and Calleigh for a while now unless they needed the designated butthole, which unfortunately was Ryan. I want to think positive and think that this could mean stories coming Ryan's way, but tptb and the writers' reputations preceed them. Who knows? Maybe we will all be pleasantly surprised and Ryan will get to shine!

Jesse got the raw end of the deal. And I feel bad for him and for the show. He had real potential for interesting storylines, just like Ryan (whom we know virtually nothing about), Natalia (who we know just enough about to make her interesting), Frank (where the heck are his kids and why doesn't he have a girlfriend?) and Horatio (wow the potential with just the storylines that were dropped with him - they don't even need to dream up new ones!).

I agree. He seemed to have more story potential than the returning one who seems to have only one storyline at this point.

Bet Donahue & Co. told Cibrian not to worry - in fact I'd almost put money on it! :(

I am sure they did. They were saying up to a month ago that they had to resolve the Jesse's-Wife-Murder storyline. RIP Jesse:(

Jesse was supportive of Ryan in 'Time Bomb' a LITTLE bit more than Walter was, I think that Ryan is going to take Jesse's death harder (I've heard tht Jesse will be killed off :( on the Ausiello page) bcuz they are like best friends now or summat. anyway I think that all of ya'll should of at least given Jesse a chance.

I think that is what cemented my affection for Jesse, his obvious support for Ryan (he certainly wasn't getting it from Calleigh whom he has worked with longer). Maybe Jesse's death could be a chance for a storyline for Ryan and a chance for Jon to strut his stuff:confused::)

I took a closer look at the photos of Togo on set in the film again....isn't that the girl who played Cynthia Lang in Wolfe in Sheep's Clothing or am I just imagining things?

It sure looks like her.
If that is a real movie that they are filming then ...wow. He looks horrible. For example, smoking, no shoes, and the look on their faces. Ughh! I love Ryan/Jon, I am a huge supporter of him, but he just looks bad in some of those pictures. For Jon's sake I hope this is not a real movie.:mad:
(sing-song voice) Bye Bye Jesse Cardoza. Bye Bye Jesse Cardoza.:guffaw:
I do agree at the end of the season he was growing on me, but i'm glad Ryan stays and Jesse goes.

New question: As anyone heard anything new about LaRue's wedding?
If that is a real movie that they are filming then ...wow. He looks horrible. For example, smoking, no shoes, and the look on their faces. Ughh! I love Ryan/Jon, I am a huge supporter of him, but he just looks bad in some of those pictures. For Jon's sake I hope this is not a real movie.:mad:
(sing-song voice) Bye Bye Jesse Cardoza. Bye Bye Jesse Cardoza.:guffaw:
I do agree at the end of the season he was growing on me, but i'm glad Ryan stays and Jesse goes.

New question: As anyone heard anything new about LaRue's wedding?
I forgot to post this, but in the movie pictures he also looks younger. Is this just me or does anyone agree?:confused:
People aren't always going to look glamourous in a movie if that's not the effect that's wanted. I don't know what is being filmed,but I'm glad it appears Jon has some other interest and options.I do hope it's a film,video or whatever.It states "on the set",so there is something being filmed.
I haven't heard anything new about Eva's wedding.
There are two posters on another site that are sure Jon got married on a beach,I'm thinking perhaps they were thinking of Eva's wedding.

Weightloss/exercise can make you look younger.The date on the pics are 6/16/10.
Wow,I'm kind of shocked.To come home from work to the Jesse news was so unexpected.I liked Jesse too because of his dealings with Ryan.The team difinitely got along better,I didn't miss the tension and hope that doesn't return.
I thought Jesse was one of the safe characters,guess not.
I really hope that Ryan will have something great for next season now that there is suppose to concentration on the core cast.

I knew someone had to go with Rodriguez' return, just was holding my breath and hoping for the best. I liked Jesse. And one of the things that endeared me to him the most is that he treated Ryan with respect and friendship.

I don't care what they do from this point forward, I will NEVER accept Eric as someone who cares or respects Ryan. The damage is done there and I resent Eric on behalf of Ryan!

I'll miss Jesse/Ryan/Walter. I loved those three character interactions.

I agree with you at this point. I feel same.

I liked Eric at the beginning but since season 3 i started to hate him.
I guess it was his attitude against Ryan.

Although i haven't seen latest season, just first few episodes, i still think Jesse was great character. At least he was nice to Ryan.

I really dont want Eddie to leave show. Gosh, he's been there only for one season.

Not fair.
Thanks for the pics, Greatfan! I could be wrong, but I think Bleecker Street is the production company behind some 'Lifetime' movies.. Again. Not 100% sure, I just THINK so. I don't think he looks bad at all. We all know he smokes in RL, so that's not really unusual to see. Then again, I'm pretty indifferent to people who smoke. I don't even pay attention. I grew up around it. I'm the only one in my entire family who doesn't. :lol: ...If it is real, I'd watch! Just to see him in a different light. That's interesting. AND I'm glad he's doing something during the hiatus. He seems to like NY as well... nice to see him get out of LA for a while, after that article he was in back last September about how he missed the East coast. (can't remember where it was at, but it's a couple threads back...)

Anyway, I'm hating Jesse's departure more and more every second. I posted in the thread about him leaving, and that's pretty much where I stand. They won't focus on the team anymore than before. Without Jesse, they'll go back to same old, same old- you all KNOW what I mean. If he does get killed off, I really- REALLY hope (like someone else just said), they give Jon a chance to shine! You know Ryan would be pretty torn up over it. He'd have to be. Along with Walter... those three were the closest. :( I am going to miss their interaction so much. If Walter stays though, at least Ryan will have one true friend. I believe in him, and Omar and Jon have great chemistry together! I hope to see their friendship continue to grow.... even if Jesse does have to go. *sigh*
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Blinded by Smoke, what does RL stand for in your previous post?

All of you out there have very strong points and I guess the one thing I didn't know about him was that he smoked. :( I guess I know now.
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