Considering the discussion, I thought it might be appropriate to send any newbies here to the R/N/F/V petition thread --
The poll should still be open I think.
I didn't watch the majority of the last episode, so I can't say much on that -- did catch a glimpse of Ryan though & he looked so much better -- that slicked down hair from previous epis was not a good thing.
On the Ryan/Jesse topic -- well, I'd take Ryan over Jesse in a heartbeat. I don't have any major beef with the character or actor, it's just plain disrespectful in my eyes to reduce screentime & storylines to make room for these newbies ...especially after spending the last few seasons already suffering through this.
I think
Greatfan said it above & I agree -- they have this right under thier nose; every chance of introducing fresh material, good development & interesting backstories -- yet they sit here letting time pass wasting good opportunity. I can only hope they'll get it together soon -- I don't want this repeated next season.