Ryan/Jon #26 - 'We Want More Ryan'!

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  • Togo Where No Thread Has Gone Before

    Votes: 6 26.1%
  • TNT Togo

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  • Wolfe's Gang

    Votes: 4 17.4%
  • Fellowship of the Fishy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Takes a lickin' and keeps on tickin'

    Votes: 3 13.0%
  • We want more Ryan!

    Votes: 9 39.1%

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^^^ I'm sure we are all keeping our fingers crossed with you.Even though there are some parts of the season I have been enjoying more,the fact that there has been nothing for Ryan's character is a huge disappointment.I keep thinking at any moment TPTB will suddenly wake up and remember what a gem they have in Ryan. We have all said it before,but there is just so much that can be done with and discovered about the character. There is all this untapped potential right under their nose.
More Ryan would be awesome. I mean whenever I c him I forget whatevas goin on around me!! Like this stupid friggin Iowa weather, or the fact that my friends shoved me in2 a 5ft snow drift and now im still freezin cold. I want more Ryan!!!! It'll wash away the cold!!!
Considering the discussion, I thought it might be appropriate to send any newbies here to the R/N/F/V petition thread -- :p http://talk.csifiles.com/showthread.php?t=56974
The poll should still be open I think.

I didn't watch the majority of the last episode, so I can't say much on that -- did catch a glimpse of Ryan though & he looked so much better -- that slicked down hair from previous epis was not a good thing.

On the Ryan/Jesse topic -- well, I'd take Ryan over Jesse in a heartbeat. I don't have any major beef with the character or actor, it's just plain disrespectful in my eyes to reduce screentime & storylines to make room for these newbies ...especially after spending the last few seasons already suffering through this.
I think Greatfan said it above & I agree -- they have this right under thier nose; every chance of introducing fresh material, good development & interesting backstories -- yet they sit here letting time pass wasting good opportunity. I can only hope they'll get it together soon -- I don't want this repeated next season.
Considering the discussion, I thought it might be appropriate to send any newbies here to the R/N/F/V petition thread -- :p http://talk.csifiles.com/showthread.php?t=56974
The poll should still be open I think.

I didn't watch the majority of the last episode, so I can't say much on that -- did catch a glimpse of Ryan though & he looked so much better -- that slicked down hair from previous epis was not a good thing.

On the Ryan/Jesse topic -- well, I'd take Ryan over Jesse in a heartbeat. I don't have any major beef with the character or actor, it's just plain disrespectful in my eyes to reduce screentime & storylines to make room for these newbies ...especially after spending the last few seasons already suffering through this.
I think Greatfan said it above & I agree -- they have this right under thier nose; every chance of introducing fresh material, good development & interesting backstories -- yet they sit here letting time pass wasting good opportunity. I can only hope they'll get it together soon -- I don't want this repeated next season.

I don't hold much hope for the rest of the season and next season and if these loud boiterous fans get their way, I don't hold out much hope then. :( I said before we need a petition (I have never done that before, don't know where to begin). But, I do feel maybe we should start making some noise of our own. TPTB need to be aware of how we feel about Jon and his contributions to the show, and our disappointment in their lack of storyline for this talented actor.

Anyone have any suggestions? :)

Okay guys, please read the latest comments under this video. There are rumors going around that could vindicate our Jon. Two different people have verified the news under this youtube post. Can someone do some research about this and let us know. The information is apparently on his personal facebook site.
Maybe we can all sign a list or something and send it to TPTB? And maybe add a mail to it saying how we feel? I don't really know where to begin as well, but I'm willing to sign anything :)

Okay guys, please read the latest comments under this video. There are rumors going around that could vindicate our Jon. Two different people have verified the news under this youtube post. Can someone do some research about this and let us know. The information is apparently on his personal facebook site.

This is an excerpt (sp?) from a different forum, a converstion I had with someone else. See if it makes any sense to you. Unless we hear it fom Jon himself. I personally will not beleive rumors, especially from people that claim to know him (esp. the person under the youtube post). Some claim to be friends with him on facebook. IDK if they are or not. If someone could clear it up it would be nice, but most of us are not privy to that info.

20. RE: Jon arrested??
Jan 19 2010, 11:03 AM EST | Post edited: Jan 19 2010, 11:07 AM EST
"No, it makes no sense period. The ex-boyfriend of JT's girlfriend goes to JT's house (crazy enough in itself), gets into a fight with JT (presumably about the GF, who JT defends), someone calls the cops, and JT is the one that goes to jail? "​
I have to agree with you on this. This really reeks. I'm scratching my head over this one.

Jon does have a facebook account, but it is locked and only his close friends are permitted in.
I just watched this clip as well, and I read a comment that Jon is getting married? Does anyone know if this is true?
I've also heard about this ex-boyfriend that Jon has supposedly gotten into a fight with, but I don't find it very credible. I wrote to one of the persons who said this and asked for the source of the information, but she didn't have it and after she told me she might have misread it, so I don't know if I believe this or not.
Until I hear/see/read something that has been published or official and it's from Jon himself, I won't believe anything that's being said about him.
And I searched for Jon on Facebook and there's at least seven Jonathan Togo there so I don't know if I believe that either... I don't know, I feel confused right now.
Does anyone have any information about all of this?
Until we get some official information, Im not going to speculate on Jon's personal life.

Watched the last epi last night. There was far too little Ryan! I didn't like the colour shirt he was wearing, but as MJ said, his hair looked much better.
Im going to be positive - there is still time for some good Ryan scenes this season (tries very hard to convince self... well, there is a little bit of time left anyway...)
Ryan did seem to get good scenes toward the end of last season, so it's still a possibilty that he could still get a few good scenes.
Ryan did seem to get good scenes toward the end of last season, so it's still a possibilty that he could still get a few good scenes.

I was thinking that too. Last season, the Billy storyline came in as kind of a surprise. There wasn't much of a build-up, so just because he seemingly has nothing in the works right now at the moment doesn't mean he'll be left empty the rest of the season. I only hope this time it's a storyline that will go much futher, & that it isn't a negative one. They managed to squeeze in some Natalia, so I'm going to run with the hope that TPTB have been listening & that Ryan will soon get his chance also. Keep the faith, ladies.

Word is that Rebecca wants Eric to spy, as she claims Natalia is suspicious, & Ryan is a concern. This could be introducing something for Ryan, & it doesn't necessarily have to be a bad thing. They've already been there done that with Ryan being fired, so we can probably rule that one out -- even if it went back to the gambling thing, it doesn't mean it would end badly, perhaps he's just working a second job to cover those old debts or something. I'm looking forward to it, regardless of what it is.
You know it would be cool if the thing that Ryan is working on that Rebecca picks up on is that Ryan is helping H with another hush hush mission. :lol: Maybe Rebecca is doing something illegal... taking bribes or something and Horatio suspects this and has Ryan helping him get the needed evidence to use against Rebecca. I just want the storyline to end with Rebecca going down in some fashion. :lol:

I desperately want a storyline about Ryan's family. Whether a close family member is murdered and Ryan mourns as he tries to help Horatio solve the murder or whether its his family member kidnapped and having to find them or whatever... just something involving his family. I still really badly want to meet Uncle Ron as badly as I want to meet Greg's Papa Olaf. :lol:
I hope the "concern" is nothing bad, and I certainly hope it isn't a reoccurance of his gambling:( I wonder if it has anything to do with the aftermath of his kidnapping and torture in WISC? Here's a thought: maybe it is Rebecca's way of manipulating Eric into spying on the lab by SAYING there are a multiple problems in the lab. Hopefully it will get Jon on the screen more and nothing too negative.

We need more and positive quality Ryan no matter what:thumbsup::)
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