Ryan/Jon #21 - Wolfe Pack

What should the new thread be called?

  • Wolfe Pack

    Votes: 15 42.9%
  • Togo Where No Thread Has Gone Before

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • All in the Accent

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Incredible Shrinking T-Shirt

    Votes: 3 8.6%
  • Get the Full Togo Experience Here

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • He's a Superhero in Training

    Votes: 3 8.6%
  • Waiting for the Comeback of the Purple Tee

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Wolfe's Den

    Votes: 3 8.6%
  • Dreaming of Wolfe Shirtless

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Wolfe Gang

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • Just Take The Shirt Off Already!

    Votes: 4 11.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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:guffaw: These are great! I am getting way too excited/nervous for tonight's episode. 2 1/2 hours to go! I hope to get the kids to bed before it comes on or at least keep them quiet! "Sssh! Mommy's watching Ryan!"

PS-I got the delete button too and never had it before, my rank hasn't changed for a bit. Does everyone have it or after so many posts/a certain ranking?
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I never noticed the delete post option either...

63. Service pistols must be cleaned more than once a week.

62. It's more important to uncover the truth than to prove yourself.
I don't have a delete button...but who knows. It might appear suddenly, kind of like how Super H does. :lol:

61. Cranes + Ryan = Comedic relief.

AHG! tell me about it. So nervous for this eppy. My sis wants to watch the finale of Jon and Kate Plus Eight, WAY too close to my episode of CSI Miami for my liking. :shifty: -hisses-
AHG! tell me about it. So nervous for this eppy. My sis wants to watch the finale of Jon and Kate Plus Eight, WAY too close to my episode of CSI Miami for my liking. :shifty: -hisses-
Haha, that's why I have to watch Miami at 7. I'm lucky it comes on at 7 here, because my Dad always wants to watch hockey at 10. Really annoys me. Miami is the only show I watch religiously!

The torture and blood isn't until next episode! But Ryan is kidnapped in the last five minutes, punched in the face twice, and is telling the guy he can go to hell. There were also a few shots of his feet which were duct taped (as well as his body and arms) and while the camera was down there they were doing something to him. I'm not sure what but he was yelling... maybe it had something to do with that thing around his neck?

Why do we have to wait another whole week!?
AHG! tell me about it. So nervous for this eppy. My sis wants to watch the finale of Jon and Kate Plus Eight, WAY too close to my episode of CSI Miami for my liking. :shifty: -hisses-
Haha, that's why I have to watch Miami at 7. I'm lucky it comes on at 7 here, because my Dad always wants to watch hockey at 10. Really annoys me. Miami is the only show I watch religiously!

The torture and blood isn't until next episode! But Ryan is kidnapped in the last five minutes, punched in the face twice, and is telling the guy he can go to hell. There were also a few shots of his feet which were duct taped (as well as his body and arms) and while the camera was down there they were doing something to him. I'm not sure what but he was yelling... maybe it had something to do with that thing around his neck?

Why do we have to wait another whole week!?
I am gonna die of anticipation.

Oh and uh ...

59. Only leave patrol if you can be a criminalist.

AHG! tell me about it. So nervous for this eppy. My sis wants to watch the finale of Jon and Kate Plus Eight, WAY too close to my episode of CSI Miami for my liking. :shifty: -hisses-
Haha, that's why I have to watch Miami at 7. I'm lucky it comes on at 7 here, because my Dad always wants to watch hockey at 10. Really annoys me. Miami is the only show I watch religiously!

Oh, it's a good thing I don't have to pick between Miami and hockey... :lol:

Luckily, my sister and Dad are in bed by like 10:15 and I don't have to worry about them interupting me during the show. My Mom could care less about what's on TV, but she usually watches Miami anyway. My problem is that I'm always trying to finish up my homework during the show...

And I still haven't read any spoliers :p
SpeedyMeg25 said:
And I still haven't read any spoliers :p

Good for you SpeedyMeg! I miss not being spoiled, maybe I should follow suit. I haven't read anything from those who have watched tonight's epi already though. I'm waiting now so I can enjoy and be surprised by some of it at least!
Ryan had lots of scenes in this episode. To be honest I was relieved that he wasn't shown getting beat in this episode, well he was but that was at the very end. The scene where he got scared of the dog was adorable! I don't blame him, I would've been scared too. I like the way he teases Eric, I always enjoy their scenes.

My favorite scene though would have to be where he refers to the suspect as a moron! LOL!

Poor Ryan. I am not going to enjoy him getting tortured in the next episode but it looks like that'll happen towards the end because the promos had him with the team, mishandling evidence. Calleigh confronts him, like I suspected she would
I think Ryan being scared with the dog could be character development like he had a bad past with them. We never seen him involving with dogs before
Wow, the thread has become full of spoiler boxes! I keep seeing there's a new post but then I get here and it's a spoiler box about tonight's epi. :( Only 13 minutes to go now, not gonna ruin it!
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