Ryan/Jon # 18: Why can't we cap our dreams?

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Jon was hilarious on SU2. I crack up everytime it is on. He had a small part in movie Mystic River....but nothing substantial.
He had a small part in movie Mystic River....but nothing substantial.

Mystic River? Was that with Julia Roberts? No... wait... that was Mystic Pizza. :lol: Was Mystic River the one with Sean Penn where something happened to his daughter or something? I think I saw some of that, but the DVD was messed up, so I didn't get to see it all.
Mystic River? Was that with Julia Roberts? No... wait... that was Mystic Pizza. :lol: Was Mystic River the one with Sean Penn where something happened to his daughter or something? I think I saw some of that, but the DVD was messed up, so I didn't get to see it all.
Yeah, thats it :) Jon's accent was so cute in that movie.

Jon was hilarious on SU2. I crack up everytime it is on.
Dont get me started with SU2 again, I always get crazy :lol: I miss that show! We did they stop running it? I was more than happy to watch the episodes over and over again and see Jon be so adorkable.
Jon's accent was so cute in that movie.

He had an accent in it? What kind of accent? Like I said, I only saw a very tiny bit of the movie. Chances are I didn't even see his part. Cause I sure would have known who he was (from SU2).

I was more than happy to watch the episodes over and over again and see Jon be so adorkable.

:lol: I so love that word!
I will have to watch Mystic River at some point, just to see Jon! I've only seen a few clips of SU2, it is good seeing him in a comedy role. Its a shame I cant see full episodes.
It seems like he uses the hiatus as a chance to relax, get away from work. But it would be good to see him in a film.
He had an accent in it? What kind of accent? Like I said, I only saw a very tiny bit of the movie. Chances are I didn't even see his part. Cause I sure would have known who he was (from SU2).
It's like a boston accent or something like that, I'm not too good with accent names :lol: But sometimes we can hear it on Miami, only on really rare occasions though, but not not really in the later seasons.

It seems like he uses the hiatus as a chance to relax, get away from work. But it would be good to see him in a film.
Yeah, hopefully he's working extra hard on the next season though, so maybe thats why he has to relax :D Hopefully he had sooo much to film (because he's got great storylines..we hope) that he really needed a break. But I agree, I'd love to see him in a movie.
I like the Wolfe Den. I've been around the board forever and it always seems to get passed up as a name.

OH KAT AND MISSIE U NEED TO PM ME!!!!!! U may love me!!!!

So yeah it's summer time and who knows what togo's is up to. Maybe on the beach somewhere shirtless!!!!!!!! ;)

Yeah wolfe's Den is what I meant, thanks greatfan!..;)
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Hello! I'm new but I've been lurking these boards FOREVER so hey, why not join! :)

So I'm totally going to reply to topics!

I like the name Fresh Togo, that's just too funny.

And Mystic River is a really good movie. It's sad as mess, but I liked it. Even though Togo is in it for like five minutes, it's definitely worth watching!

:klingon: Ha. This smiley looks funny.
Welcome to the forum Hollyyo!! :)

I know this is random...but I was thinking how amazing it would be if tptb made Ryan a daddy. Who wouldn't want to see Togo pushing a baby stroller and carrying a diper bag in slow motion. :)
I was thinking how amazing it would be if tptb made Ryan a daddy.

That would be cool. Only if Maxine Valera was the mommy. :) Or if Ryan's gf died after having the baby and he had to care for it alone (but then eventually Max would help him as would the rest of the team). Or if the mother was an addict and Ry tried to get her to get help, but she refused. When he finds out she's preg, he has her put in a treatment facility so she can't use while preg. Then she takes off after the baby's born (wanting to get back into her former lifestyle) and then he has to have a paternity test done cause he can't be 100% the baby is his. I really should write these two scenarios as fics. :lol:

But, that scene of him holding that baby girl in that one ep was so aww. Ryan's obviously held a baby before because he knew how to hold her correctly. :lol: Well, he does have a niece, so...

So yeah it's summer time and who knows what togo's is up to. Maybe on the beach somewhere shirtless!!!!!!!! ;)

We can dream, right? :lol: :)
Welcome to the forum, Hollyyo!

I just thought of a good case for using Wolfe's Den. Other forums have cool names like The Fort and The Ward. We could be The Den.

So yeah it's summer time and who knows what togo's is up to. Maybe on the beach somewhere shirtless!!!!!!!

We can dream, right?

Oh yeah! :drool:
So yeah it's summer time and who knows what togo's is up to. Maybe on the beach somewhere shirtless!!!!!!!! ;)

Oh Sue you are such a tease! :lol: This would be every Togo fan's dream come true.

Wolfe's Den could work for me as well. Though I still like the incredible shrinking (or missing) t-shirt!
Ha someone has written a fic about Ryan being a dad. It's so SAD!

But who doesn't love some Ryan angst? HAHA :thumbsup:
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