Ryan/Jon # 18: Why can't we cap our dreams?

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It suggested to me that Horatio knew more about Ryan than the others, and it was something that would have a bearing on his future. It's a shame that it was an ad lib that was never picked up on. They could have done something good with that.
It suggested to me that Horatio knew more about Ryan than the others, and it was something that would have a bearing on his future. It's a shame that it was an ad lib that was never picked up on. They could have done something good with that.

I totally agree with you.
Yes Ryan desperately needs a big storyline....a nice one with lots of good susbstance. He did not get enough this season.
Yes Ryan desperately needs a big storyline....a nice one with lots of good susbstance. He did not get enough this season.
I agree, and it's about his time for some drama right? (Major brain block at the moment, Eric got shot before or after Ryan got fired? I'm leaning towards before..but I really cant remember) Calleigh had her drama this season, Horatio has had PLENTY of drama this season so it's really time for Ryan to have the spotlight. Hopefully in a good way, not another screw up. Cant you have atleast a little creativity when it comes to Ryan's storylines this time, TPTB?
^ Ryan was fired after Eric got shot. :lol:

I agree with everyone though. Eric got shot, Calleigh got kidnapped, obviously Horatio has had plenty of drama to last him! Ryan has had nothing huge since Nailed, even his getting fired wasn't that big, at least to me. It's definitely time he had some screen time, and with the whole "text" thing, maybe we'll get some in season 7. :confused:
I agree. The whole getting fired story was a let down. I read somewhere that the writers were disappointed with it too, because it didn't turn out the way they hoped. I think they should compensate Jon for that failure with a good story now. Its true all the others have had plenty of drama, its his turn.
I agree completely. Ryan getting fired wasn't that big of a deal at all. He really deserves more screentime. This entire season was all about Horatio and Calleigh. I don't mind Horatio, but Calleigh has become extremely annoying. I love her and all, but she always has everyone running to help her when she's in even a little bit of trouble.

Anyway, Ryan should get a huge storyline this season. Plus a little background information on him would be kind of nice. Ryan is one of the most important members of the team and he really deserves a lot more attention.
Usually if a character is missing fromt he screen a lot, ala Ryan, they sometimes get a bigger storyline after that. So I'm hoping that this philosophy follows suit; watching Miami and only seeing H and then some of the others and very little Ryan is getting aggrevating!
I really hope he does....he certainly got the short end of the stick this season. Let's also hope they lose the tie for his wardrobe. :rolleyes: I would like to see him back in tight jeans and t-shirts. :drool:
Wow, this has been a while.

Has anyone heard anything on the actors contracts? I haven't looked, too lazy. I'll be really upset if they do strike. I mean come on what else could these actors want and need? Don't they get paid enough??? If they go on strike then we probably won't be seeing a new csim till pppffttt Christmas...ack! I read that csim hasn't even started filming this season, which the other two csi's have and will have at least a few eps to aire in the fall. WTF!! Didn't they get a big enough break with the writers strike? Ok i'm just ranting. I'm really worried that with all this H family drama that next season Ryan will get squeezed out even more. I read that H's kid and his crazy bitch mother will be returning as semi regulars or w/e. So that's less Ryan time there. It's sad because I haven't even thought about csim in a month. Usually at 10 pm monday night I'm thinking about it even if it's a repeat. But not this year. I hope next season will be better than the last 2 we got. I want a Ryan story line damn it! We haven't really got a good one for him. Oh the gambling, which was crap. He got nailed and then had some eye probs, which was good but didn't really dig into Ryan's person life. We need to get some info about his family and life. This has to be the season or I might bail!
I know how you feel Sue. I was very disappoined with this season. I will likely not even bother buying the DVD. Togo's lack of storyline will be one of the main reasons I don't buy it. Anyone got any recent news or pics of Togo?
I was very disappoined with this season. I will likely not even bother buying the DVD. Togo's lack of storyline will be one of the main reasons I don't buy it. Anyone got any recent news or pics of Togo?
Same here unless I hear the DVD's have specials or commentaries featuring Jon. I haven't seen or heard any news of him lately.I of course don't know how these things work,but shouldn't his manager or agent make sure he is in the news or at least seen on occasion?:confused:
I really hope he does....he certainly got the short end of the stick this season. Let's also hope they lose the tie for his wardrobe. :rolleyes: I would like to see him back in tight jeans and t-shirts. :drool:
I have to agree with that. I hate the buttoned-all-the-way dress shirt and tie. I want to see arms! Or chest or something... Jeans and t-shirt is the way to go! :lol:
Usually if a character is missing fromt he screen a lot, ala Ryan, they sometimes get a bigger storyline after that. So I'm hoping that this philosophy follows suit; watching Miami and only seeing H and then some of the others and very little Ryan is getting aggrevating!

This is what I keep trying to tell myself, but he's had such little storyline for so long that I'm starting to lose hope. All last season, I kept thinking we would at least get a couple of decent episodes, but nothing. I'm like Sue, I'm starting to lose interest in the show. If they don't have some decent Ryan storylines next year, I might consider looking for something else to watch.
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