Ryan/Jon # 18: Why can't we cap our dreams?

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If you could spend one day with Jonathan on the set and around Miami/California where-ever they are filming that day, what would you do if he left the choice up to you, Remember PG 13
I would almost definitely want to watch them film for a day. That way I could see him at work and meet the rest of the cast. Then hopefully I could somehow be in the episode, that would be so exciting. I would definitely take gajillions of pictures and videos of that special day :lol:
I would love to just sit around and talk to him. you know see what he's like, ask what his favourite food is, his fav colour... lol you know little things like that.
Because we all know, there real people too, and I would to get to know that side.
Everyone has awesome answers!!

I would do a lot of things, I would like some of you said sit around and talk to him for a bit, maybe over something to eat. I would loved to be featured on the show, maybe has a trainee or one of those people doing co-op or something hahah. I would love for him to drive around the city or something. i think that would be sweet.
You all have excellent answers tho!!
Good, there's still some Jake/Jon conversation going on. Now I can show you all the video I was talking about. This guys's show is a bit out there, but it's funny and pretty much sums up all of our dreams to see Mr. Togo without a shirt...

Follow Meeee!
Oh, and be sure to watch it until the very end...there's a good photo manip.

I hope it's ok to post this here...let me know if it's not!
Ok I am having trouble answering that question cause all my ansers would be above PG-13! :devil: :p

JK - I would love to sit and talk to him. Maybe take a walk along the beach. Of course pics of him would be necessary (preferably of the shirtless variety)

LOL that video is very funny! :lol: Yes watching the movie and all this talk about Jake has made me make some BBM icons.....sigh I am hopeless.
hahaha That video is awesome!!!

Kat, oh man take pics of him, good idea!!!
oh man, walk on the beach with him!!!--- thats an awesome idea as well....

For that video i totally thought he was going to phone jonathan "jonny, listen the road to win an oscar is a shirtless picture" haahha thats funny.
Hmmm Time with Togo. I'd say it would start on the set in California and if he had to go to Miami I would totally go with. There would be plenty of time to chat on the plane and even to and from the airport.

Photos are a must, perhaps even have Jon record the greeting for my cell phone voicemail. :D Now that would really freak people out when they called!

Dinner and maybe a night walk on the beach, perhaps even a kiss. :devil:
a msg on your cellphone, that would be sweet. People would be phoning your cell phone all the time.

I would put it on my computer so just incase something happens to the phone you always have it and can transfer it to a new phone :)
That video is so funny :lol: Its not just us that wants a shirtless scene/photo...its a lot of people! The funniest part was "Look at this picure (shirtless Jake) Now..look at this one (Jake with award) You see that? Its an acting award" "The road to get an oscar is SHIRTLESS PICTURES!!" :lol: I just about died! They got my hopes up, I thought they actually have a shirtless one of him. It will happen, someday.

Sara, I'd be calling your phone and praying you dont answer like 10 times a day :lol:
Hello :) its nice to see that im not alone with my obsession about Jonathan Togo/Ryan Wolfe. Im still reading back to catch up with the thread :rolleyes:
i think it would have been hilarious to see well in the case hear jonathan actually on the phone with the guy, it would have been like the casted videos only not about a casting director!
I'm glad everyone likes the video! I just thought it went perfectly with what we were talking about.

Anyway, I completely missed the post asking what we'd do for a day. Going to the set of CSIM with him would be really fun! That way, I'd get to see him in his element and be able to mingle with the other stars. I get the feeling that the set has a ton of energy and they seem to have fun and get along, so it would be awesome to visit!
After that, I'm not totally sure, but taking tons and tons of pictures would be a must for me, too.

Those pictures are cute, katelynn! I think I've seen the second one, but the first one instantly brought back memories with the sweater vest he's holding. Reminds me of the good ol' sweater vest adorkable days...(sort of looks like that's when it was taken, too)
Thank you!!!

haha i know that vest reminds me of one i had to wear as apart of my school uniform--well when i was in school.

Oh man, lucky... i wanna go on a tour of CSI miami with jonathan... LOL that girl is lucky!!!
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