Ryan/Jon # 18: Why can't we cap our dreams?

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(I read this thread through, you all are fantastic, I really enjoyed reading :D)

and the video, I was like wtf shirtless pics? :eek: and also hoped the guy would really call him :rolleyes:. I wonder what Jon's answer might have been :lol: "Well, if these girls really want it" :D

btw, I have a gorgeous manipulated!! shirtless pic of him, it seems so real, when I first saw it I almost stopped living for a few secs.(the body is Jake Gyllenhaal's from jarhead). a friend of mine sent it to me, i really want to show it to you but i dont know how to do it yet :rolleyes:
That chic that got the tour from Togo I believe is one of our mods on here or she was a mod on here. THat was done during 3rd season and I believe there is an awesome interview w/ him that goes w/ the pics. Lucky chic!!!

Welcome to the board to all the newbies.

Monamia, I think I know which pic you are talking about. It was done by someone from this board who rarely pops in mow. Her name is Silehoutte (sp) I always get it wrong, sry Irma. BUT she is the master at manips and I have that pic and will post it. I know there were 2 versons. This was her x mas greetings for us. I'll have to look for the other one.

hott togo
Oh man, they should give us all a tour hahaha, well in groups but you know :)

haah that photo looks so real eh, someone did a good job with it.
Ah i love jontogo interviews!
dude haha im a tv reporter, if my lame company would pay for a trip i so would go down there to interview the cast, well especially jon!!!
Well studio tours of some sets are offered, just depends on which they want people to vist and which are closed. Sadly at the present time they aren't doing them, ovbious reasons...

The set tour looks totally amazing and she is a totally luck woman! :D
ive been on set tours before, they are sweet.
if only when Miamis set is re-opened.... they fly me down to LA or miami.. haha
well im going to Miami for Christmas..... sooo its all good!
Well I would love to have a studio tour if Jon was my tour guide....preferably a private tour guide. :lol:

So I wonder if Jon is doing anymore internet things like Casted while this strike is still going on..........
hahah well a little look at his new myspace photo, looks like he's having a good time LOL.

hahah i know eh kat, it would be awesome if he was the private tour guide. I'm sure he would love it ;)
sorry for double posting,
but i was just re-reading the chat post, and jonathan is hilarious!!! i forgot how funny that chat was

"* gelover has quit IRC (Quit: gelover)

Jonathan Togo: And gelover has quit apparently. Good riddance "

"Jonathan Togo: I also like to tease her when the show is on and ruin the ending"

"Jonathan Togo: How come no one has taken teenwolfe... come on people."

"Jonathan Togo: I can't even read that name... is that in Flemish? That is the coolest name I've ever seen."

"Jonathan Togo: Did I just read that there is a guy whose name is "Jon Togo owns a gay club?"

Christian: Yes, but we got rid of him:).

Kristine: Erm, yeah, but he's gone now. ;)

Jonathan Togo: Awesome.

Kristine: :D

Jonathan Togo: I miss him already. "

does anyone else find that hilarious?!
I love that chat, especially how he kept obsessing about Adam Rodriguez.

"I miss Adam. Anyone else?"

he's hilarious, both in writing and on tv :) It makes me happy.
I loved that chat he had us rolling in it. I was nearly peeing myself with his answers and yes how he kept talking about Adam. Yes I was there and I wish we could have another chat w/ him. My fav part of the whole chat was when he remarked about my name. I nearly fell off my chair..

Christian: A fan with the improbable name TwiZtIdJuGGaLo would like to know if you'll be doing any talk shows to promote the new season, or any other promotional events?

Jonathan Togo: I can't even read that name... is that in Flemish? That is the coolest name I've ever seen.

Christian: Being Dutch, I can confirm it is very definitely not Flemish :).

Kristine: Netspeak, I think. ;)

Jonathan Togo: We will undoubtedly be doing tons of press for the new season.

I read that and was like OMG he ripped on my name but then he said it was the coolest name ever.....I'm sad I changed it but I like my name now.
katelynn, just a small reminder that you have up to 24 hours to edit your posts if you wish to add more. And the fact that you have apologized on two occasions indicates to me that you're aware of the guidelines or the policy in general--but they stand either way, kay? ;) Thanks for your cooperation!

I have to say the thinking pose is one of my favorites. Wonder what he is thinking about. :)

Has there been any Jon news lately?

I guess with the strike there hasn't been much. Just wish there was a tiny bit of something. :(
Well heck, I didn't even know about that chat. Guess that's what happens when disappear for months on end. :p
I'll have to look for the transcript.

I love the "thinking pose". I do that all the time at work, but I'm usually thinking how I'd rather be doing anything else like looking at pretty pics of Jon.
You didn't miss it fieldmouse, well you did but that was done back in season 3, yeah i've been around here a while!

I loved how he played with eva's daughter during that interview, makes him seem like he likes kids and will be a good dad some day.
speed_cochrane said:
katelynn, just a small reminder that you have up to 24 hours to edit your posts if you wish to add more. And the fact that you have apologized on two occasions indicates to me that you're aware of the guidelines or the policy in general--but they stand either way, kay? ;) Thanks for your cooperation!

Actually, to be honest I haven't read over the guide lines yet. If I ever do something wrong like when i first joined my signature was the incorrect size, I received an ever so nice PM from CSI_Kat...thanks for making me aware, kay :)

Sue, oh man... hahaha i thought that was funny with your username. Ah i hope they have another chat later... that would be sweet!

I like the thinking pose too. it's definetly cute!

He probably will make a good dad someday! Mini Jonathan togos!!!
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