Ryan/Jon #17: Ryan, where have you gone?

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Going along with the t-shirt discussion and the t-shirt related title I came up with...I have a few more. The sounded good in my head so I'm sorry if they don't sound good outside of it.

Ryan/Jon #18: We Want Skin!

Ryan/Jon #18: All In The Accent

Ryan/Jon #18: He's Back, Bring It On
Goodness! Time for thread names! *thinks hard*

Ryan/Jon#18:The Incredible Shrinking T-shirt Society (referring to my favourite t-shirt from Driven and COTC - next time we see it, it'll be even smaller!)

Ryan/Jon#18:Get the Full ToGo Experience Here! (I see "ToGo" everywhere now! Obsessed, much?)
Wow - what a great list! Should we put together a poll like we did last time to decide?
I definetly like the ones mentioning the t-shirt society :lol: Maybe we should gather up some more suggestions and then in a couple days, start a poll. But its totally up to you guys!
Ali, I'm so with you on that incredible shrinking t shirt. I really hope it makes another appearance this season and it's been through the wash about 10 more times. It's getting smaller and he's getting bigger. The last few pics I've seen of him he looks like he's been hitting the gym on his time off. I'd say even it that shirt hasn't been washed it will be better fitting, meaning shorter and tighter hehe.
ooooh you mean the gorgeous purple t-shirt??? I would love to see that on him again! :p

Ok so if you wall want - I can make a poll sometime in the next few days for the thread title. I am actually excited I finally figured out how to do that - like 6 months later! :lol:
Purple t-shirt...where?!?! Oh we're just imagining it...darn got my hopes up! :p

Pool sounds great, Kat. Hey catching on later isn't so bad. :D
I know what I want - Ryan! :p :lol: I can't really answer this question here....I will need to go into the shipper thread for that! :devil:

Oh and maybe I will try to get that poll together this weekend.
I think Ryan would love a new bright sweatervest...not. Maybe a new gun cleaning kit or a nice tight purple t shirt.

Jon i'm guessing a better story line for Ryan and make him not look like such a dork!
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: New sweatervest! Oh how funny! What color this time?

and just because we are talking about them again....how about a pic of Ryan in a sweatervest?

:lol: sweatervest?! I thought we got over that phase!

Hmm let's see Ryan would want a healthy Christmas bonus so he can pay his rent and bills. Also more t-shirts, assorted colors but a lot of shades of purple, since it is Miami after all.

Jon...Have to agree with Sue about not so dorky. But a bit of dorky can be left behind. :D
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