Ryan/Jon #17: Ryan, where have you gone?

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Ok, so this is really random, but I thought I'd mention it. My school's homecoming is coming up in a few weeks, and part of the whole week is the powderpuff football game (Junior girls against Senior girls). Anyway, I won't be playing in the game, but I did order a jersey so I can cheer on my fellow seniors. We get to make up a name to put on the back of our jersey, and so for mine I came up with...

CSI Wolfe :)
I thought about putting Mrs. Wolfe on it, but I didn't really think anyone would get it, so...
Once I get the jersey, I'll post a picture!

Anyway, sorry to ramble...

By the way, I really like that picture of him with the guy we don't know. I like his expression...
Hey WolfeWhistle I have a few q's...one is for these games do the boys dress up in cheerleading outfits and cheer and two ...where do you live? State I'm talking. I've heard of games such as these and they sound cool and the whole jersey idea is sweet. I just got a sweet jersey for my fav band and I'm thinking about having Twiztid4togo on the back.

Great pics Ali. I've seen the first one it's from the wrap up party for csim last season down in Miami. The second one kind of looks like the same outfit her wore when he was in Germany but I could be wrong seeing the dude's tag says 2006. Ok I just looked at a few pics I have and the outfit looks the same as when he was in Canada w/ brenden and the dude that plays Tripp for some prmotion of csim. Once again I could be wrong.

It's my first time EVER and I mean EVER posting in this thread. I actually went to the S6 spoiler thread and saw a clip of what Ryan looks like on the first ep and I must say..... NICE!!!
looks good with hair on his face. When he turned to Natalia I honestly said DAMN!!!! It's pretty sexy to me being that I'm not a Ryan fan!!hehe But on another note remember when Eva said in a interview that she might get involved with her gun instructor or something like that, is it suppose to be Ryan since he works there or am I way off base?

Let me know please you Togoholics!! ;) :D
Twiztid4Togo said:
Hey WolfeWhistle I have a few q's...one is for these games do the boys dress up in cheerleading outfits and cheer and two ...where do you live? State I'm talking. I've heard of games such as these and they sound cool and the whole jersey idea is sweet.

my school does that too!!!! and mines gonna say "CSI Speed" and of course i'll be on the senior side cheering too. and yes the senior and junior boys dress up as cheerleaders. i know this cause my school does the same thing at the end of the year. :D
Yup, the boys dress like cheerleaders at my school, too! Two years ago the junior guys had shirts that said "Real Men Cheer"...pretty amusing stuff. But yeah, I was sitting in class trying to come up with a name when I thought of CSIM and the lightbulb went "DING!" I thought of maybe putting Duquesne on it, but I though CSI Wolfe was the better choice. :)

Anyway, I'll get back on topic...
One more day! I'm so stoked for tomorrow and I'm clearing my schedule for 9:00. Hopefully I'll be able to get all of my other junk finished by then.
I have only seen a few promo pictures, so it's very exciting to be able to see the actual thing on TV.

OMG tonite!! I can't wait!!

I really hope we get some answers and I really hope that he is active in episodes - and not just showing up in like 2 or 3 scenes for the next month or however long!!

I tell ya - Jon is having some competition because I have been watching Ghost Hunters on SciFi (while checking to see if SU2 is on yet) and that Steve Gonsalves is pretty hot!! LOL
I'm soooooooooooo excited..the day is finally here and I just can't believe it. 9 more friggin hours woot woot. I'll be so upset if he's only in a few scenes and there's not story line for him. I have a really bad feeling about this. I just don't see how they are going to use him. I'm hoping maybe we'll get some Ryan at home time, that be nice.

Steve is a cutie but he's not close to Togo hottness, sry.

Thanks so much for the info about the powderpuff games. I'm old and my school didn't have those but I've heard of ...some that do.
I'm hoping that auditions for the theatre show that I have to help cast don't take forever. We're starting at 7pm....I really hope to be home before 9pm. If not I have the trusty vcr set. But until I see the show I won't be checking in here. *crosses fingers for Jon to get some sort of awesome arc*
OMG!!!! I'm so excited!!!!!! i can hardly contain myself!!!!!!!!!! i really really want some answers now!!!! i rally hope that we get to see lots of Ryan :D
can't wait to read the your reviews about the episode. :D
I hope he has some screen time and a nice story.

I saw 'If Looks Could Kill' today and it was a nice episode. It was so scary as Eric and Calleigh had to watch the woman dying and couldn't do anything about it.
Ryan had some funny scenes in it. I liked the scene with Alexx as Ryan saw the DNA trace.
The other funny moment was as the suspect said to Ryan that his outfit is old-fashioned. It doesn't matter IMO he looked good. I like the sweater/jeans outfit. :D
Hey everyone go vote for Ryan in the elimanation game..come on togoholics show our power, show your love for the togo king. Right now he's neck and neck with Nick. Last game Nick won so come on don't let him take this again.

OMG 5 hrs To Go and I'm feeling so crazy right now. I'm excited but worried I'm not going to be pleased.

Inge, I'll make sure to come on afterwards to you informed of Ryan's parts.
Only a half hour to go now!! I am so excited!!

And you are right Twiz - Steve is a cutie but DEFINITELY no Togo!!

You wanna know something cool? My husband just told me that a guy that he works with hangs out with Adam Rodriguez's sister. I didn't even know he was from Rockland County (NY)!!! I went to college there!
OK I watched it and I'm not happy. Not nearly enough Ryan time. Man come on that just killed me. The story line w/ H and the kid was interesting but I did find myself bored.
ok so everyone that watched that clip on yahoo saw most of Ryan's part for the night. Natalia shows up at the shooting range and he takes her for some practice, she sucks and asks him not to tell anyone and he says don't tell anyone I'm working here.. The thing where his pic and name came up as a suspect was his print was found on a casing, which BOA fingured out quickly how it got on there. He has to load all the bullets in the guns at the range and that dude had him load his gun, lame. So they are q'ing the dude and he's like I don't know that dude and Ryan walks into the room and he's like, "Yeah you don't remember me? I do you." Then they show the vid of Ryan loading his gun and him firing it..then Boa thanks Ryan for coming in and that was IT..Lame.

Ryan did look extremely hott and had a lil beard on his face. Trying that bad boy look or that i'm so depressed I can't shave look. He looked awesome just not nearly enough of him on the screen. next week is looking a lot better.
I've got to agree with Twitid4Togo. Disappointed with the lack of screen time (hopefully that will change next week), but I enjoyed the time that he did have. OMG, did he look good with the stubble.

I know that there will be good pictures up soon enough. I don't normally post pictures because I have a problem getting good quality ones, but here's a little peek for anyone who can't wait:

Stubbly goodness

More goodness

And a little more
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