Ryan/Jon #17: Ryan, where have you gone?

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Happy Birthday AliGtr! :D That green really suits Jon/Ryan. Very nice pic. :)
Happy Birthday AliGtr
Just open the present

Also in green. It's so cool that in the picture previously posted the sweatshirt matches the backgroud :lol: Gotta love Miami's wardrobe :p

Gamblers Anonymous?! :eek: Ryan is really considered a gambler now? I thought it had been a one time thing. Ok, I mean, I know it was actually twice or something (I hate the fact that I am stuck in Man Down :p), but I thought he had control over it, and not that it was an addiction :rolleyes: Wow. I think it might be a good idea then, as long as he gets people's trust back and stops making stupid mistakes.

Cool animated icons wolfe_love_2007, btw ;) I especially like the opening credits one.
Those last few pics are amazing, thanks guys! :D
He looks really nice in green but I think I'm really liking the bending over in jeans ALOT!!! :lol:
It's CSI Miami night here in the UK and I've got to go out but I'll be setting my video so I don't miss my Ryan fix. Straight after CSI Miami is a re-run of the last season of CSI NY. I would love Ryan to go to NY. I think he would work well in the team there and I would get to see my two favourite CSI guys - Danny and Ryan - in the same show!!! :eek: My heart would be in danger of exploding with excitement!!!
Happy Birthday Ali! :)

Something else I'm liking is the sweater/t-shirt outfits. They're just clingy enough to give a hint of a lovely physique and leave the rest to an overactive imagination.

I like them too. :)
Thanks for the pic. The color is a little bit strange, but he looks good in it (like always).#
I also like the blue sweater in High Octane. I'm not sure if it was 'High Octane' but I mean the episode where he helped the guy out of the burning car.

Another crossover with NY would be great. ;)
They are always good episodes.

Ryan and gambling addiction.
Hm, I'm not an expert, but I think there's a thin line between control and gambling.
I hope there will be an explanation about the gambling and the money on his bank account.
FieldMouse said:
ilovejontogo4evr, you really should post a better warning with pictures like those.

"Warning: Picture may cause excessive drooling" ;)

Sorry for not putting a warning lol that pic must have caused a dozen heart attacks

Anyways I watched 'Kill Switch' and it was soooo sad!!! I think he frowned more in that episode than in any other ep. That was unbearable to watch! BUT atleast he looked soooo sexy in that grey suit!!! *drools over mental pic*!
Oh and I don't know if any of you guys have ever noticed but in the ep 'Crime Wave' when Ryan bends down to help Alex with the washed up body they found you see a little bit of his underwear!!
All I have is a really crappy pic of it that i took of the tv with my camera lol and I can't find it on the internet but if you pause the ep you can tell that it's his underwear cuz his shirt is black and the underwear is white.
AliGtr that is such a pretty picture of him. I really do think that green is his color. Brings out the green in his eyes. :)

Okay, I couldn't sleep last night so I took a little incentive from others and tried Googling Jon. I found a couple of articles online which may have been posted before, but there's just too many old threads to look through so worst thing that can happen is that they're posted twice. :)

These are about the same event and each has a picture of him from a different angle. I just wish the pictures were a little bigger because he's wearing his glasses, and I LOVE a hot looking guy wearing glasses. Oh and the articles are interesting too. :D

First Article
Second Article

ilovejontogo4ever That's okay I forgive you. No heart attack, but I think it did speed up a little bit. ;) Now I have to run off to watch Crime Wave, and see if I can grab a picture of that. ;)
Thanks for the articles! Love the pictures, too. ;)

Hmmm....JUST PB&Js? That's interesting...

P.S. Happy Birthday AliGtr (a teeny bit late)! I don't know what we'd all do without you and your great Jon pictures! :)
Oh, and I don't think I ever mentioned it, but your avatar is awesome. I love the picture you used and the orange color splash. Very nice!
Ilovejontogo4ever...that pic didn't need a drooling warning!! it needed my sexy guy warning!!!!

Sexy Guy warning:
WARNING!!! these pics are extremely sexy!!! viewing these pics may cause heart problems because they are just so sexy!! so it is strongly advised that before viewing these pics that you have a medical team waiting to revive you should your heart stop from all the sexiness!!! Happy Viewing!!!

OMG!!! I so wish i was there!!!! and he must be a good singer :D ....it said he sang "Summer Lovin'" in a school production of Grease....which just happens to be one of my fav movies!! and i love the song Summer Lovin'!!!! :D it must have been like a bajillion times better and sexier when he sang it!!! *drools at the thought of Jon playing Danny in Grease*
Need4Speed said:
OMG!!! I so wish i was there!!!! and he must be a good singer :D ....it said he sang "Summer Lovin'" in a school production of Grease....which just happens to be one of my fav movies!! and i love the song Summer Lovin'!!!! :D it must have been like a bajillion times better and sexier when he sang it!!! *drools at the thought of Jon playing Danny in Grease*

OMG!! When did this happen? Jon singing? WHERE? That would be sooo hot! He'll be in tight jeans and his hair slicked back! :devil: Oh I can just imagine it he'd be doing some funky dance but of course he'd make it look hot and sexy lol
Obviously the guy is a N - E - R - D. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Am I the only one who sees the pattern.............................
Obviously the guy is a N - E - R - D.

To quote Willow from BTVS: Nerds are in..they're still in right?

Personally, I'd be curious to see exactly what these "varying hairstyles" consisted of.
As they say - "To each of their own" (I guess thats how it goes)

He's still the new kid on the block. Is he a good person?
Maybe. Is he a good actor? Only time will tell.

In words: "You would have seen true clours(personality), if you didn't think he was soo hot"
Yes It is recent.

And Hey guys! :)(once again, for anyone who actually cares about what i have to say)

Heres' some other stuff I dig up on our boy:

There is not much on him, However "Googling" him was quite the entertainment. If you do.check the last few pages.Something about being gay. I guess that music video didnt exactly benefit his carrer, cuz he's mentioned in practicly every gay magazine. :eek: :eek:LOL. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

It was just funny- not thats it true,but you what they say there's THE TRUTH, and the theres the TRUTH according to Hollywood.( or in this case Gay magazine :lol: :lol:)LOL :lol: :lol:

In the meantime here's what i dug up:

FULL NAME: Jonathan Frederick Togo

Link: To a video, which I belive have been mentioned before. Twice. Ain't that bad. Right?????? :p


"Men are like parking spots, the good ones are taken and the free ones are handicapped."

Ok I'm not getting this link to work! :( :( :( **sniff**

*edited by Mod as all the asterisks were stretching the screen*
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