Ryan/Jon #17: Ryan, where have you gone?

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Ooo yay, thanks! ;)

Yeah sorry I haven't been here for a while. I've been on a Harry Potter kick lately. I'm sure things will get more interesting when the new season starts.

Oh, and yay! I'm 29 weeks pregnant today!

athlov~ well congrats and best wishes! :)

As many have already said Ryan is NOT Stetler and never will be!
I LOVE the glasses he has on! ;)
And fan club??? Where do I sign up??? :D :D :D
:D :D :D
I just have to pop in to say how incredibly HOT Jon looks with those glasses.

And also, a big congrats Athlov!
*walks in with a textbook to her face, drops it an jaw falls on floor* holy video! I think Jon has been hitting the gym in the off season, and got the menta messages we were sending about the tight shirts. :D *keeps drooling*
I guess you guys arent "bloggers" like some of us........LOL :lol: :lol:

Let's see what else i can dig up on this guy..........
OMG!!!! *drools* he looks so sexy!!!! and he looks like he lost some weight and gained some more muscle :D *drools more* and i LOVE the sunnies!!!!
dna_girl said:
That clip is great. Justin & Drew are really sweet but JT is an unexpected bonus :D
He looks really muscly though; has he been hitting the gym big-time?????????? :)

Holy crap! I was just sitting there waiting for him to show up and...surprise! Muscly, for sure! That might even be understating it a little... ;)

Oh, and I love the glasses, too. (acutally, I went back to the link and watched it again to pay more attention to the glasses) For some reason, I really like seeing a cute guy wear glasses when he doesn't on a regular basis. Not sure why, but I just do. *adds to drooling*

Well, that was fun. Thanks for the video!
He looks so cute in that clip. I really like him in glasses. They're kind of odd glasses, but they suit him.

He does seem to work out during the hiatus. He bulked up between S3 & 4 a lot! During the seasons, he can get a little bit... flabby, dare I say? *hides* (I'm thinking of 10-7 in particular). But I suppose he doesn't have so much time to exercise then. At the start of every season, he looks muscly and toned, like he's been cycling and running every day. He likes his cycling. :D

And congrats to Athlov! I hope everything's going well. :D
Holy Beefcake Jon!!! :eek: That was NICE!!! Thanks for that catch!

And I thought that Drew Barrymore was very much so involved with someone - like just short of engagement - and it wasn't Justin Long. When was this clip taken? Just recently?
Yes It is recent.

And Hey guys! :)(once again, for anyone who actually cares about what i have to say)

Heres' some other stuff I dig up on our boy:

There is not much on him, However "Googling" him was quite the entertainment. If you do.check the last few pages.Something about being gay. I guess that music video didnt exactly benefit his carrer, cuz he's mentioned in practicly every gay magazine. :eek: :eek:LOL. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

It was just funny- not thats it true,but you what they say there's THE TRUTH, and the theres the TRUTH according to Hollywood.( or in this case Gay magazine :lol: :lol:)LOL :lol: :lol:

In the meantime here's what i dug up:

FULL NAME: Jonathan Frederick Togo

Link: To a video, which I belive have been mentioned before. Twice. Ain't that bad. Right?????? :p


"Men are like parking spots, the good ones are taken and the free ones are handicapped."
He certainly did! His arms were really well-defined and big!!! :D
It would be so great to find out where he worked out and be able to watch him in action :devil:
(A girl can dream................ :rolleyes:)
Yeah! Can you imagine the race to get to him to be the one to offer to mop his glistening brow? :lol:
(And not just his brow, I suspect ;) :devil:)
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