Ryan/Jon #17: Ryan, where have you gone?

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Thanks for the caps athlov ! :)
I hope you feel well and everything is ok with the baby and you. :)

I saw 'Curse of the Coffin' tonight and I really enjoyed this episode. Ryan had some nice scenes and I wanted to hug him because he was so scared.
There were a lot of nice and sweet scenes between the characters and I liked them all. My fav moments are the scene between Eric and Ryan at the graveyard, the scenes between Alexx and Ryan (aw, she was concerned about him because he couldn't feel his hands and she reassured him) and the last scene between Eric, Calleigh and Ryan. :D
Athlov - you are the absolute best! Hope all is well with you!

So - tonight......wonder what odd job Ryan will be doing tonight.....sigh.
So, basically Inge, you liked any scene that had Ryan. ;) You forgot to mention the case of the flaming laptop, and the other graveyard scene involving Calleigh. :lol: Just messing, Curse of the Coffin is one of my favourite episodes, if not the best one. The case was cheesy, and the Horatio lines cheesier (burn, baby, burn) but it was an hilarious episode.

I also love it when Eric and Calleigh and Ryan are all in the same room, their energy and personality bounce off each other and just makes it hilarious (Three-way, Cyber-leberity, anyone?) I just noticed that we get those kind of scenes from episodes at the beginning of the season. *sigh*

Ryan Wolfe's Odd job #3525- Dejaying!

That, would be awesome. ;) There could be a murder in a club, and of course, Ryan's in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Happilyhapp, you read Twiz's and my minds. We were thinking Ryan should do something musucally involved, like singing or dancing. The dehaying would be awesome too, as well as him being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Grea minds think a like! :)
There were some suggestions over in the spoiler thread for tonight's episode for Ryan putting on a chicken suit to advertise fast food...odd job #3526!

I could see something related to singing or dancing, too, wolfesgamergirl. A singing telegram, perhaps?
Singing telegram, I love that idea. I could also see him trying to sell vaccums or random things door to door. I think I'd invite him in for a private show. :devil: *bring out a fan* :D
Ooo, singing. Yeah, Jon can sing - he was in a band.

Maybe he could pull out the old saxophone and play in the clubs again - except this time as Ryan Wolfe's hidden tallent. :D (A girl can dream can't she?)

Glad you ladies like the caps. I was worried I wouldn't get to them until before the next ep. :lol: I haven't been on the computer much, cause this computer chair just isn't as comfortable as it was 2 or 3 months ago. :p

*Only 6 1/2 weeks to go until I'm due!* :D
Jon was also in a high school production of Grease...so yeah....he can sing!!
and congrats Athlov!! :D

and remember how i told you all i had Jon's autograph? well i just got my scanner fixed!! so here's the proof!!

Jon's autohraph!!!!!!
Very nice, Need4Speed! I'm jealous (but that goes w/out saying)!
I like how he circled himself, like you had forgotten which one he was (right, like we could forget)...that's cute.

Congratulations, Athlov!
i dont know what it is exactly, but somethings not right with this guy. i just dont like him. especially after last nights episode, where he screwed natalia over. that was just so wrong...
I can't really decide if he did anything wrong or not. I hate to turn on him cause' I've always liked Ryan but yea...just not sure what to think.
I was really impressed with this ep. I thought it was going to suck but it actually came through as the best so far. It wasn't just all because Ryan had some decent screen time either. I actually liked the case as far fetched as it seemed. Also, the fact they made Ryan look like a douche bag to some, I see. I may be blinded by love w/ him but I don't think he did anything wrong. Natalia made a mistake and it wasn't him that told on her, it was her own big mouth blabbing it to that stranger. He's just trying to make a living doing what he was trained to do and likes to do, so he ended up on the wrong side this time. He didn't screw Nat over. He did her a favor and she screwed up, plain and simple. Her lashing out at him was so wrong and I felt so bad for him..*huggles Ryan* In the end he did come through for them finding that gun and doing the right thing with it. He followed the procedure the right way and did his job. I was glad she didn't dish any dirt on him, very shocked. I'll admit at the beginning when the lawyer told H he had someone to dispute them and it was Ryan I let out a scream and I was cussing at the TPTB but in the end we all knew he wasn't the bad guy. I hope his co workers see that too and realize it was Nat's mistake not his. I hope when he gets back to being a csi they don't have all that stupid tenson again between him and them. Well see...

*Only 6 1/2 weeks to go until I'm due!* Holy smokes girl time has went by so fast. I'm sure it seems like it's been creeping for you though, with those hot summer days. COngrates and keep us updated on when he makes his entrance into the world. YAY :D
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