Great job Katbug with the new thread...
Yeah Katie got me..I just saw "SHIRTLESS PIC" and I didn't- couldn't read anything else and I opened it..fool me. BUT Irma is awesome and that pic just rules.
I didn't like the new name of the thread when I first read it but I guess it is fitting for this season. Maybe for the next thread if he's not back to being a csi we should make it..Ryan/jon petition for his CSI job back or something like that idk..
Rack I really think your right about the "wishful thinking"
Ok I'm going to go on a little rant here about Ryan losing his job. I'm not sure if I posted this thought in here but it's a new thread so I will. OK, I don't get who and how Stetler found out about his gambling. I mean Yelina caught him on tape paying the dude off, but she was working as a PI, not for Dade County. SO she told H about it and H asked Ryan and he lied. NOW did H go running to Stetler with his info just because Ryan lied to him or because he's just so good that he can't do wrong? I mean come on how did Stetler find out? Ryan paid the dude so I'm sure he didn't tell. This has been bugging the shit out of me because basically I hate the whole gambling/ fired story line, but really, how did Ryan get busted? The TPTB did a really bad job with this story line IMO. They left too many loose ends and not enough info. I mean to me right now I'm left feeling like either Yelina or H squeeled on Ryan. Did I miss something in that ep?