Ryan/Jon #16:Obsessive Togoholic Disorder Support Group

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Ok, here we go: I appologize if I missed any suggestions, just remember to put your thread name idea aside, and we will use it for the thread 18 poll. This poll is also using names that didn't win last time. :) You guys will have one week to vote.

And, again, I'm sorry if I missed any thread ideas.
HoratioStalker said:
I'll Have a Sexy ToGo cracked me up. Imagine if that was the latest offering from Starbucks? The lines, oh the lines....

No kidding! I'd go to Starbucks a lot more if they had that...
Nice job, whoever came up with that one. All of the entries were really good, though!
Thanks Happily for putting up the poll :)

I thought I would just point out that one of our earlier threads was Togoliciously Bringing Sexy Back. So I don't know if we should include Bringing Sexy Back since it was already used ;)

I voted for Ryan, Where have you gone? :D
So what are we all doing? Coming up with a new thread for when the new season starts? Hey? You think when the new season starts there will be nice pictures of Jonathan Togo/Wolfe again? :)
Yes - that is what we are doing. Picking a new thread name.

Sarah - I have only been around for a few threads so I did not know we had already used that one!

I would hope we would start seeing promo pics by the end of August or beginning of September.
I thought I would just point out that one of our earlier threads was Togoliciously Bringing Sexy Back. So I don't know if we should include Bringing Sexy Back since it was already used

Which is probably why "Thread Recycling Plant Here!" was given as a thread idea too. :lol:

No problem with the poll, I remember the last time we did a poll we said we'd use the unused names.

I don't remember who came up with I'll have a Sexy ToGo, but I love the name, and it WILL be a thread name one of these days. :lol:
has anyone seen or heard anything about any of the CSI: Miami stars other that Rory and David? where's the Ryan info? seriously!!
Hm, already new thread titles! Cool! I had to vote for "Ryan, where have you gone?" one, because I feel that it really is in accordance to the current situation. I would have voted for "I'll Have a Sexy ToGo" (amazing funny title), and I just didn't because it can be used in another time as well ;)

Anyway, I saw "Blood in the Water", from season 4, Ryan had a good screentime. I obviously liked the cute scene with Alexx, when she says "Look at my boy, all grown up." It is one of the best scenes between the two of them :)
Besides that, and even tough I missed this scene for some reason, isn't this the episode where he is dropping glass stuff to prove the theory and Calleigh comes and asks him (well, joking, of course) something about anger issues? :rolleyes:

Blood in the Water is the episode where Ryan tests spill patterns by dropping things. I think the scene might be before Ryan goes to see Alexx, but I can't remember.
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