Ryan/Jon #16:Obsessive Togoholic Disorder Support Group

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Oh sorry lol :lol: But in my defence, mine was little different.

Season 3 Ryan, Where Have You Gone?


Anyways, I really want Season 6 to start. Like sometimes I'll be sitting down and just start like jumping because I'm thinking about Season 6. I get so excited! :lol: I can't wait to see Ryan's style, woo! I took a picture of Ryan I had and got a picture of a guy with semi-long hair and Paint Shop Pro-ed it on Ryan :lol: Im not even going to post the results, it's embarresing :lol:
thanx ILuvJonathanTogo i'm glad to be back! :) I also like the idea of Ryan, where have you gone? also because it's perfect!

oh come on! i wanna see it! lol please :)
yeah!! i want to see it!!! i've seen what Rory and Adam look like with long hair, Rory in Dazed and Confused, Adam in JLo's video, but never Jon!! I want to see it!! please? :D
ilovejontogo4evr, just a reminder to please refrain from double posting. If you wish to add more, you may use the 'Edit' function beside the 'Reply' button for up to 24 hours. Thanks! :)
Thanks ILuvJonathanTogo

It is from Raccoon. I have a few more.....I hope to get my LJ updated today with them. I will post a link to my site where they are at in fanart when I get it updated.
sorry speed_cochrane it won't happen again. :) i saw "one night stand" last night and the scene were horatio and ryan run out of the building was awesome i just wish they showed ryan running in slow motion more instead of the building on fire :(
Who knows how to set up a poll? LOL

Sarah - in addition to the list you have we also said
Ryan, where have you gone?
Ryan Wolfe - bringing sexy back
I can't remember what else we said.

Ryan Wolfe - Keen grasp of the obvious - would also be cute for a thread title
I can set up the poll. I'll wait a few days though just to see if anyone has any more ideas to add.

And sorry guys, I deleted the Paint Shop Pro-ed Ryan with long hair on accident :( I might try it again later :lol:
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