Ryan/Jon #16:Obsessive Togoholic Disorder Support Group

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i just watched "shootout: and i didn't get the ending when ryan says he feels bad for that baby and then h says it happens more we know. is he talk ing about his childhood or ryans childhood or something else. the reason why i'm curious is because right after h said that ryan changed the subject.
hahaguy said:
i just watched "shootout: and i didn't get the ending when ryan says he feels bad for that baby and then h says it happens more we know. is he talk ing about his childhood or ryans childhood or something else. the reason why i'm curious is because right after h said that ryan changed the subject.
I think Horatio ment parents not paying that much attention to their babies happens more then we know. I don't know why Ryan changed the subject. Maybe there's a good reason or the writers aren't smart enough to use that for a storyline.

I want season 3 Ryan back. Period.
I love Ryan everything about him is dreamyyy!!!! he looks so much like Greg Sanders from CSI:Las Vegas!! I hope he gets his job back im gonna cry if he doesen't come back! :(
Speedle? I think Wolfe will come back, it just might take awhile for him to get his job back still as CSI. I know he'll be back.

I mean when the new show starts? I'll be hugging the tv set when I see him. Who knows? Maybe I'll kiss the screen too. :)
wolfesgamergirl said:
Thanks Katbug, the sweater vest always makes me laugh. It's like his inner nerd over took him for a while.

Honestly, I love the sweater vests on him. He always looked really cute when he wore them. But like ILuvJonathanTogo said, it would be weird if he started wearing them again. I liked what he wore in season 3, but I really liked his wardrobe in 4 and 5, too. It was like he was maturing, and his style matured, too...for instance, the episode that comes to mind is Curse of the Coffin. If any of you have seen that one, I think you know what I mean...*thud*
But for the record, I am in love with is hair from season 3, too. It's sort of nerdy, but in the best possible way.

life_style said:
He is too cute with that baby! My heart seriously melts everytime I see a picture of that.

Ooh, that rerun was on tonight! I recorded it, but haven't watched it yet. I saw that same picture a couple of weeks ago and knew that that episode was one that I wanted to see.
Good stuff...

Ok, I think I've rambled on enough...
Katie said:
The Ryan, where have you gone is funny. Funny but true.
Unfortunately, that's so true :rolleyes: I like that thread title anyway!

Missing sweet inocent Ryan from season 3, with that adorable longer hair? Who doesn't? :rolleyes: Thanks for the cute pictures posted.

I saw "Backstabbers", and needless to say I am pissed at Ryan. Stupid luminol mistake. Bah :rolleyes: Not fair that Ryan doesn't get one right.

I just hope the next season brings something fresh, new and especially better.
So, correct me if I'm wrong.
will come back on the show? I read that he'll be a bodyguard or something.
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I think I have Shootout on my DVR - think it was on yesterday or the day before. I love him in that eppy. Him and the baby.....that will always be one of my fav Ryan moments. I found this pic yesterday. Just liked his eyes in it.

nice eyes
OMG! i'm so glad to be back from the bahamas to my comfy room and my csi miami episodes i was having a meltdown without my daily dose of ryan! anyways so i just saw shootout yesterday for the first time and OMG!!! he's sooooo adorable with the baby it's so cute. i really do miss season 3 ryan so innocent and sweet not in any gambling problems then it's like BAM!!! season 4 and he's different. :(
I know!! i loved Ryan in shootout!!! it was so cute!!!!! and i loved the jacket he wore in cop killer!!! i miss his casual yet sexy style. he went from these sexy t shirts and jackets to still sexy but slightly more casual to full suits. it's like he's truning into "Mini H". i think Ryan needs to stop hanging around H and hangin more around Eric because i think H's style is affecting him. but i have to admit he looks sexy in the suits.
Welcome back Angeline!

With all this talk of missing Season 3 Ryan, we should make our new thread title have something to do with that.
Season 3 Ryan, Where Have You Gone?
Or something I always say

Where for art thou? :lol:

Kat, I needed that picture, Ive been stressed out with school and what not :lol: Thanks! Oh and lovin' your icon!
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