Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away Either

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Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Yay for being spoiled! Thanks for the pics dryprivet.

hahahaha Ryan's a leaner. :devil: I sorry, as soon as I heard that my mind went really, really deep into the gutter. Tis why I love this thread. :D
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Yeah it's a good thing we can make everything up :) the down side of them not meeting is that we can't get hot caps of the two of them ;)
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

That's true.
I found out what Greg has! It's SOD, otherwise known as Some Other Disease. :lol:

I made that up this morning while I was in bed listening to my MP3 player.

Nice caps. I likey. :D
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Some Other Disease! :lol: I wonder what that is :devil:

Ooh, nice pics, DryPrivet! Thanks for spoiling us :D

Well no hot caps but we could have hot manips ;) We could make everything up, the only limit is our imagination... and I know how creative your imaginations are :lol: :devil:

My gosh Twiz!!! Them walking on the beach :eek: Now you know why I buy a beach front property in Gutterville :devil: And I own a pair of binoculars too, for certain purposes :lol: :devil:

Katie, you gave me idea! *goes to the beach* Tanning oil! Tanning oil! *spotted Greg and Ryan* Tanning oil, Sir? :D :devil: *hides behind palm trees* Ooh, great view! :devil: :devil:
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

*hides behind palm tree with Sil* Oooh, I agree, great view. *notices Greg and Ryan are looking at them* Of, um, the ocean!! :devil: :devil: Great view of the ocean!! It's so lovely from here! *scurries to find another place, which turns out to be behind a potted plant* Perfect view!! Just lovely! :devil: :devil: *ducks back under the PG-13 line*

Hehehe... our beach scenes... what else do you think could happen on the beach? Do you think Greg could teach Ryan how to surf? (Well, assuming Greg knows how, because he comes from California.) Or do you think Ryan would teach Greg water safety, because of his OCD and his duties in the MDPD? Or do you think they'd a little bit of this and a little bit of that?
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Teehee. I think it would go something like this...

Greg would teach Ryan to surf. Ryan would be scared. Greg would...erm...convince him that every is fine. Ryan would learn how to surf. They would catch a few waves. And they would end up having an awesome time.
But surfing can be very tiring. So, they end up lying on the beach, watching the sunset.

And then... OW! aww man, derrn PG-13 barrier. :devil:
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Hey it's possible that Jon and Eric may have met now. They both went to the museum of tv and radio benefit for jerry bruckheimer and that was oct 30th..it be cool to think they met and was standing around joking around about how peeps mistake each other for the other or maybe they know about us shipping them..wouldn't that be a funny conversation, jon and eric talking some of the scenerio's we make up for them...OMG that be great...not really..eeek sry guys if you read this...

jon at the museum of tv and radio benefit for jerry bruckheimer eric at the museum of tv and radio benefit
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

OMFG!!!! Twiz, your right!! That would be soooooo cool if they met!! I can totally see that:

Greg: Hey man, you're Jonathan Togo aren't you?
Jon: Yeah and your Eric Szmanda.
Greg: Yeah, nice to meet you. It's like looking in a mirror.
Jon: Really?
Greg: No. I don't see it.
Jon: Me either..
Greg: Weird.
Jon: Yeah.. Wanna go grab something to eat?

:lol: Hope you like it hehe.. You know what would totally rock? If they got their picture taken together there.. And someone was a doll and posted it on the internet. :D
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

I did a Google search for the two of them... nothing came up... of course, it is really new so nothing could've been posted as of yet. *goes back to her little caddy-corner where she does all of her searches to make sure everything is true*

What was the benefit for? Anyone know? (I mean, I know it was for Jerry Bruckheimer who, by the way, is an awesome producer to be executive producer of PotC.)
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

*gasp* Twiz, you're so right! They could've met now! :eek: Omg how great it'd be? Just the image of Jon and Eric talking to each other... Hehe I hope they'd be discussing us :D Wonder how that conversation went :devil:

ETA: Just read sandersidle's post now. Omg I'd love to see that! :D That'd be so great... The last part of 'wanna grab something to eat' is interesting. Maybe they could... eh, grab some other things too along the way :lol: :devil:

You know, maybe the other crews or producers or writers saw them together talking, and one of them started thinking "Hey they look good together. Really good. Maybe we should make a crossover and put them together on screen." Oh yeah... *takes out voddoo* You go and do that, give us crossover... And possible Ryan and Greg walking down the beach of Miami, SHIRTLESS! :devil: Hey my voddoo seems to work with Sandle, maybe it could work now too! ;)

You know that interview with Jon where he's joking how he has a crush on Adam R? It's so funny. I wonder if someday he gets interviewed again and the interviewer would be like, "We heard that you finally met Eric Szmanda." And he'd be like "Oh yeah Eric Szmanda is so gooorrrgeousss! Wait, that's not the question isn't it?" :lol: I'd die from laughing and excessive Rugged Wonders overload :lol:

Ryan and Greg surfing... :devil: I'm sorry but I can't think of anything else other than: shirtless AND wet :lol: :devil:
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

It would've been really cool if they met :D I guess it's not too likely there will be some pics around, but you never know :lol:
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

I searched everywhere but still no result :( Oh well... Maybe they do meet... but just in private :devil:

Anyway I've just read Jon's interview with CSIfiles (very late, I know :rolleyes: leave me alone :lol:... I think I've read it but forgot) and yes I do think they meet each other would be GREAT!!! :D That interview is a proof...

Jon: [Szmanda] is great. I think he's a handsome guy. I haven't met him. I think when we meet it's going to be akin to Elvis meeting Nixon. We're going to both implode--our DNA is too similar!
I almost sprayed grape juice all over my monitor when I read that :lol: Omg Jon said Eric is a handsome guy :eek: :devil: :devil: *speechless* That's just great. BEYOND great. :devil: :devil:

And I love the 'our DNA is too similar' part :lol: So funny. But really, how could he know? Maybe they should do some kind of experiment... you know, exchanging DNA... :devil: :devil:

OMG JON!! Stop feeding my gutter mind! :lol:
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

OMFG!!! Cold shower here I come!! A quickie shower, that is!! *thankfully her sister is in the shower and the water WOULD run cold*
Sil, Why must you feed MY already-in-the-gutter mind? I've been so worried about my grades and junk like that I just post blah-blah-blah and go off-topic.

I could write a fanfic with that... I could do it tomorrow while I'm in the neurologist's office!! *squee* I think he's a handsome guy... I wonder how he knows that if he's never met him? Google searches? STOP IT!! *grrr* How is their DNA similar? I've heard tons of times that they ain't related. "implode"... What does that word mean? *runs to sign in on her Google homepage*
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

OMG! That's sooo funny!! He thinks Greg is handsome! Thats just code for "Greg is the sexiest person i've ever seen. I want to jump him, NOW!" :D

Silhouette said:
The last part of 'wanna grab something to eat' is interesting. Maybe they could... eh, grab some other things too along the way :lol: :devil:

*Spits out water* What's that!? What could they grab on their way?! :lol: :devil: Your hilarious!! :D

Im sooo excited. There's a very good chance that they saw eachother! Andd got their picture taken together... Maybe *prays they had their picture taken.* Oh pleaseee!! I would die from hotness overload! :lol:
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

szmandatogoholic said:
Sil, Why must you feed MY already-in-the-gutter mind?
It's not me... It's JON! :p :lol:

szmandatogoholic said:
I wonder how he knows that if he's never met him?
Isn't it obvious? *starts singing* I knew I love you before I met you... ;) :D

OR, maybe he lied. Maybe they've met... And not just met :devil: Then right after he said "He is a handsome guy" he realized what he said and so he blurted out "I've never met him" to cover it :lol: :devil: Oh Jon, you're sneaky...

sandersidle said:
Thats just code for "Greg is the sexiest person i've ever seen. I want to jump him, NOW!" :D
My point exactly :devil:

sandersidle said:
*Spits out water* What's that!? What could they grab on their way?! :lol: :devil: Your hilarious!! :D
Umm... *hits PG 13 border* Aowww!! *grunts* Sorry I can't tell :lol: :devil:
Well they could... *PG 13 armed guards looks at her suspiciously* eh, you know, grab each other's shirts :devil: or collars... and some shoving involved... or some leaning on the kitchen counter :devil: :devil:

Another part of the TalkCSI interview that's so funny:
CSI Files(and Talk CSI member ThisIsMe): What is the Togo Dance?

Togo: It's like a fit or a commotion--sort of like The Humpty Dance. It's like if Eric Szmanda did The Humpty Dance!
:lol: :lol: :lol: I LOVE HILARIOUS JON!!
But I think that's sweet how he keeps mentioning Eric's name :D Omg now I really REALLY want them to meet SO BADLY!!!
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