Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away Either

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Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

WHIPPED CREAM?? I officially hate school. (I am coming on here tomorrow sometime... I HAVE TO!!)

I noticed that it was on the second page too, snadersidle. I actually got a bit depressed. (Well, even more depressed than I already am. Will explain later.)

*talking like a robot* Must have a pic of Ryan & Greg together to make through school day!! :lol: :p
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Oooh, whipped cream. Dirty ladies :lol: I can definitely see them using it ;)
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Okay, so I'm on here at my aunt's house. How lucky am I is it that she has a color printer? :D :p *runs and finds nice manips of RG* I'll print one out!! (And carry it around in my wallet... I hardly EVER open it!)
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Yes the pics are from True Vinyl which I should be getting tomarow! :cool:Yey! Aren't you forgetting something? ...CHOCOLATE SAUCE! :devil: With Ryans OCD he just couldn't leave any on Greg now, could he? :devil: :devil:Ohh, yummy! :devil: :devil: Pshh, binoculars? I have a hidden camera! :devil:Apperently Greg got some fashion tips from Ryan, what with his sweater-vest. :rolleyes:
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Hello people of Gutterville! *waves* :D

Still remember me? I've been gone too long, I know... *hangs head in shame* but I come bearing a sweet gift that I'm sure would bring a smile and a giggle to your lovely faces... :lol:

Here's the link to Chapter 1 of my newest Ryan/Greg story, entitled: "Sanders, The Wolfe, & The Wardrobe"


Remember back in page 2 when we were discussing Ryan and Greg's choice of clothing for each other? I think I mentioned that Ryan would probably get rid of Greg's worn and rattier clothes, but allow him to keep some of the wild ones that are at least decent and presentable enough to wear out in public. It's a part of Greg that he loves -- his wild and fun side, and let's just face it... opposites do attract! :devil:

Anyway, the little scenario I had posted to accompany that comment is at the heart of this fic, except that I ended up expanding the beginning and the end just a bit. :D

So, go ahead and read the first chapter, and if you so feel inclined, please leave me a review on the site. I've dedicated it to all of you, especially to Twiz, whose question about the boys' choice of wardrobe inspired the third chapter of this crazy little story that's bordering on becoming a crackfic. Let me know what you think of it. :D Ta-ta!!

Oh, and I totally agree... Greg got his sweatervest from Ryan! Now we have two hotties who look smoldering in sweatervests! :devil: :lol:
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Hehehe... I'm sure you'll notice something from an 'adorkablecsifan'... that'll be me. I changed my screenname yet again. :p

I printed out the 'Rugged Wonders' manip last night in a hurry along with my pics for Spanish. *blush blush* And my aunt was with me the whole time. (Until I printed them.... that's when she was getting ready to take me home.) So now I have a manip to carry around! (I even put creds beside it.)
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Shadowfax!!! Almost sprayed water all over my monitor reading the title of your fic :lol: Omg I can't believe you make reference to Narnia (*cough* which I'm a fan of *cough* :p) It just amuses me so much!

And the story amused me more :lol: :lol: Oh God I could so imagine Ryan sleeping, clutching a broomstick :lol: :lol: That part really got me. Damn you're good, Shadowfax. Have I ever told you how amazing you are? :D

Oh btw, forgot to mention in my ff review... About this part: "the same way Greg would hold onto him in the heat of their horizontal dance." ...Hmm I love how you're refering to it as 'horizontal dance' :lol: :devil:

*cough* anyway, back on topic... Hmm the sweatervest. See? That's a sign! :D Our boys should meet. Period. Damn writers, why they never listen to us? Hey sandersidle, any luck with spiking the writers' coffee? :lol: :devil:

Lee, now you could have your daily dose of R/G anytime and anywhere :D I could never be brave enough to expose my love for R/G to the outside world... :rolleyes: Well my 'outside world' doesn't know the word 'slash'. So yeah, this is like my 'dirty little secret' :lol:
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Oh I love your story Shadowfax and yes the horizontal dance was one of the best parts for me..guttermind. Thanks for the dedication, I feel special...aawwww. I'm always glad to fill your minds with gutter related stuff to get you writing.

I'm with you too Silhouette about no one around me knowing what slash is and keeping it in my closet about R/G...ssshhhh our little dirty secrets.

I'm so bumming because I haven't come up with a pic from that tv, radio thing of a pic of eric and Jon together. If I do i'll will surely fall over. Just the thought that they may have hung out together there just thrills me. I don't know I mean the set of these shows have to be pretty close to each other and I don't see how they haven't met in real life yet. One emily Procter is good friends with Jorga fox(sara) and i'm sure they are friends with eric and emily and jon hang out after work, they have to know each other. OK i'm done thinking about it.

Anyone have any hot scenerios' of them? I'm thinking of one now after reading Shadow's story..maybe them doing laundry together. Ryan could be showing Greg how to do it and they could be leaning on the washer during the spin cycle....now we're back to that leaning thing again. I'm just going to think about whip cream and them again and go take a cold shower..
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

OMG. I forgot to come here and comment on your fic Shadowfax!! I did on ff.net a few days ago though. ;) I. LOVE. IT. :D I was laughing so hard at the broom thing! :lol:

Silhouette said:
Hey sandersidle, any luck with spiking the writers' coffee? :lol: :devil:

Well, it worked in the other thread, so why not here? :devil: I could go to Gutterville and pick up some coffee, then switch it with the writers coffee. :lol: How does that sound? :p They should be coming back to Gutterville for more very soon. ;) :devil:

Twiz said:
Anyone have any hot scenerios' of them? I'm thinking of one now after reading Shadow's story..maybe them doing laundry together. Ryan could be showing Greg how to do it and they could be leaning on the washer during the spin cycle....now we're back to that leaning thing again. I'm just going to think about whip cream and them again and go take a cold shower..

Ohh, the whipped cream and laundry senario made me think of a scene in the movie 'Just My Luck.' Has anyone seen it? Well, at one part the main girl (Lindsay Lohan) was doing the laundry and she put too much detergant in, so foam came out of the machine and went everywhere. She was completely soaked and was slipping all over the place. :lol: Wouldn't that be hot if that happened to Greg and Ryan? What if Ryan forced him to wash his clothes or he would be sleeping on the couch, so then Greg makes sure he puts alot of detergant in. (He doesn't want to sleep on the couch... ;) :devil:) Then it started foaming and Ryan came in like, :eek: "What the hell did you do Greg!?" Then they both slip and fall and Ryan gets all upset because he just cleaned the clothes he was wearing, not to mention the laundry room was then a huge mess. He would probably have a mad but cute look on his face as he sat on the floor pouting with his arms crossed, foam all over him, while giving Greg the evil eye. :lol: Then Greg would start laughing at him and.... Well lets just say Ryan forgives him because Greg gave him puppy dog eyes and promised him he would be clean later that night... *cough* Shower together *cough* :devil: But thats after they have some "fun" at their foam party. ;) ;)
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Okay, so Sil, your nice little Brokeback Mountain-turned-Rugged Wonders manip is now rested snugly inside my wallet. No one has even noticed it was there. :p Yayyyy!! :lol: And I even pulled it out today to check on my money. *wide-eyes*

And shower together? Foam? What HAVE I missed? :lol: (*I think it's supposed to snow down here in Tennessee tonight. Anyone want to do a new Rugged Wonders forecast?* :D
I have definitely missed a lot, apparently, on my daily Ryan/Greg dosage. Must catch up later.
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

FOAM?? :eek: *runs to take a cold shower* See what you've dragged my mind into, woman! :lol: This reminds me of that one LV episode (Lady Heather's Box?) with the guy killed in the foam party thing. Damn, the image of Ryan and Greg both soaked and slippery and Ryan leaning on the washer just to keep steady... what? :p I mean the floor is slippery, so he should lean on something to keep from falling... and Greg could lean on him :devil: :lol: But then they slip and Greg falls on top of him. Foam is rising. And... let's just say the pile of clothes were the last thing on their mind :devil: :devil:

I think even the cold shower couldn't take the image of soaked Ryan and Greg out of my gutter mind :lol: OMG could you imagine their wet shirts cling onto their skin and Greg's fingers raking on Ryan's wet hair down the back of his neck? :eek: *hits by PG13 armed guards* Aowww! :( That hurts...

Lee, glad to know that now the manip is a new resident of your wallet :lol: Hope it could do you good... I can't put anything in my wallet cuz my friends sometimes wanna look inside it :rolleyes: (I have friends photos inside and sometimes they wanna see it, like they wanna see the photos inside my cellphone) Imagine if they find R/G manip inside. They'd be --> :eek: :eek: :eek:
Would be amusing to see though :lol:
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

First time *but hopefully not last time* posting in this thread... I love the idea of the two of them together, so much, that my Muse has decided to make me write fic *or attempt it anyways* about Ryan/Greg together, while I was busy outlining my term paper... So I had to abandon the paper to indulge the Muse and write about the slashiness of the two of them together...

My concentration is all shot to the gutter now... *continues to write fic*
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Woo Hoo! New fic! and welcome to the thread! *hands cookies* we're always glad to welcome new people to the joys of Rugged Wonders! :D

and to everyone else, :p wow the things that go on in gutterville while I'm away! :eek:*eyes slippery wet boys* that's an image that's going into my must draw folder for when I'm over my artist block!! :devil: :devil:
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Thank you :)

*munches cookies while writing fic*

Shadowfax, I read your fic, and it was veryyyyy good... Am looking forward to the next part :)
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Welcome loozy!!! It's always nice to see new people around :D Here, have some smoothies... It tends to get really hot in here ;) :devil: *hands smoothies*

OMG! New fan fic?? YAY!!!!!! :D :D
Ahem, I know the feeling... I, too, abandoned my mid term assignment to work on a manip... (it's so hard to resist!)

You all know how I'm a sucker for hurt/comfort right? How I wished Ryan would be there during Fannysmackin? *cough* In my reality, he did:


"Don't you dare die on me, Greg"

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