Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away Either

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Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Aw that picture of Eric with the dog is adorable :rolleyes:

Yeah I don't Ryan's OCD is that severe, and I think that Greg would have some problems trying to adjust to it, seeing as he probably is very different from Ryan in that aspect. But I think they would work it out somehow :)
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Aaack! What happened? :confused: Gutterville was buried in page 2, and I had to resurrect it.

Okay, sorry I've been out. I had a deadline on Monday, and I was in a real crunch to get things done. But I'm back for a little while, so lets get this Gutterville partying again. *hands out smoothies and cookies to everyone*

I think Ryan's OCD isn't nearly as severe as Monk. At least it's not to the point where it hinders him from living his life or from doing his job. In fact, I think his OCD has found a home in CSI and allows him to do his job well while still being a cop at the same time. I think Ryan would be a really clean and organized person, and he might be a pack rat on certain things. But I don't think he's one of those who act 'visibly' paranoid or repetitive to the point where people look at him weird, does that make sense? I think he's handling his OCD just fine, and he's not allowing it to control his life in a way that it affects everything he does and determines how he lives his life.

I think Greg's mess might drive Ryan nuts, but if they could set some ground rules and compromise on the little things, I think that would be enough to satisfy Ryan's OCD. If they were living in the same state, they might take things slow at first (and long distance relationships would really slow things down a lot). But knowing how hot they are for each other, their relationship might move pretty quickly and not without the normal arguing that comes when 2 different people clash.

I think, however, that that's a huge part of the attraction between them, and if they really want to be together, then they'd learn to compromise and be unselfish to help the relationship to work out. It's my belief that if you love the person enough, you'd want to make that person happy b/c if he's happy, then you're happy too, and vice-versa. Does that make sense? So, I think even with their differences, they'd somehow manage to work it out so that they're not driving each other nuts and they could keep being together in their HOT, HOT, HOT relationship. :devil:
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

I do agree on them having to set some rules, that might really make it a heck of a lot easier for them. With a foundation of rules, they may focus on.. shall we say 'other things' :devil:
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Wow, every time I see my avi or banner I think, "Who is that?" and then I think, "Is that me?" when I see the screenname.

If you look on the Wikipedia page down at the bottom, you'll see Ryan's name. (I just felt like saying that.) Anyways, Ryan has said that he has a mild case of OCD. Greg has a mild case of "you-better-leave-me-the-hell-alone-so-I-can-do-my-work". (Otherwise known as ADD.) In MY little world, they're 100% compatible. :D
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Heh-heh! I like the way you think, Neelie! :D

The logic goes like this:

50% OCD + 50% ADD = 100% Compatibility!


Ryan + Greg = :devil: :devil: :devil:

I think you get the picture. :lol:

ETA: It occurred to me that my math was a little, um... off. :lol: Guh, I hate math, so there... I fixed it. :p
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

szmandatogoholic said:
Greg has a mild case of "you-better-leave-me-the-hell-alone-so-I-can-do-my-work".
Lol. I have given this subject more thought then I really should have, and given my love of math, Ryan+Greg= :devil: :devil: :devil:. So I agree with Shadowfax. It just works, there's no two ways around it. I'm not one to argue with facts. I haven't seen many episodes of Miami, does anybody know about Ryan's family?
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

:lol: I didn't notice that I did that!!

That should be our next thread title: 50% OCD + 50% ADD = 100% Compatibility! Ryan/Greg thread #3" although we ain't NOWHERE NEAR a new thread. *tick tick tick tick* Too late, it's decided. :lol: :lol:

Adios, I'm off to write and shower... I have three doctors' appointments tomorrow!!
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

:lol: Nice... Yeah we could use that. But we're so far FAR away from new thread :( Oh more the reason, GO POSTING LIKE CRAZY PEOPLE!!! :D (almost wrote 'TOGO posting like crazy' :lol:)

Btw, has it ever stated in CSI that Greg has ADD? I can't remember, which season/episode? :confused:

szmandatogoholic said:
Greg has a mild case of "you-better-leave-me-the-hell-alone-so-I-can-do-my-work".
Are you sure it's not 'you-better-leave-us-the-hell-alone-so-we-can-do-our-*cough*-thing'? :devil: :devil:

OMG DryPrivet that picture is so ADORABLE!!!! Awwwwwww!!! :D :D Thanks for posting. And... hi, btw :D Haven't welcomed you into this board, have I?
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

There you are, Silhouette!! *runs and tackles* :lol:

I haven't watched CSI enough to know whether Greg, in fact, has ADD. Hmmm... maybe he's just attention-deprived as far as Ryan's concerned. Knowing Greg, he just wants more and more of Ryan's attention all to his adorable lonesome. :devil: Maybe his ADD isn't really a disorder, but has something to do with a certain handsome Miami CSI. :devil:
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

I don't think CSI ever mentioned that Greg had ADD.. Or atleast I don't remember. But i'm pretty sure it's never been mentioned. I still love that idea about the 50% OCD + 50% ADD = 100% Compatibility thing. :devil:

Oh and Silhouette, I love your "you-better-leave-us-the-hell-alone-so-we-can-do-our-*cough*-thing" :devil: ;) That sounds more like it!!! Come on, we need all the citizens of Gutterville to come back. Right now the population is: 'Gutterville Population: Ryan and Greg'... Or maybe it's not so bad that they're by themselves :p :devil:
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

I think CSI has mentioned Greg having ADD. In "High and Low", Nick and Warrick are in Greg's DNA lab. Greg gives them their results and then kicks them out. Warrick therefore asks him, "Have you taken your medication today?" (Which is the FAQ for ADD peeps.)

I found a Wikipedia page for Greg. I gotta go, my mom's mad!! *I also love the you-better-leave-us-the-hell-alone-so-we-can-do-our-*cough*-thing!!*
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

As far as I remember, they never really say the word 'ADD' about Greg... well though he could be a bit hyper sometimes :lol: I remember that scene when he kicks Nick and Warrick out :lol: It's funny. I think Warrick was joking though...

Or even though Greg really has ADD, it's a mild case, or he has it under control, cause I'm thinking it could interfere with his job. I don't really know much about ADD, but doesn't the person would have trouble on focusing attention into details? (while as CSI it's all about details) And difficulty to get something done? When he was still in the lab it requires long hours of sitting, carefully testing all those DNA samples, it'd be hard if he has ADD.

But come to think about it... he does always seem a bit hyper and restless :lol: I still love that idea about the 50% OCD + 50% ADD = 100% Compatibility though... :D Oh yeahhh OPPOSITES ATTRACT :devil:

Anyway, do you think Fannysmackin would have effects to Greg long term? And how far could it affect his relationship with Ryan?

PS: Been reading about ADD... why on earth now do I suspect myself having it? :rolleyes: No wonder my parents told me I was a bit hyper as a kid :lol:
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

That's why I only put in 50% for the ADD because I didn't think he had a severe case... maybe just enough to explain why he's so hyper sometimes. But yeah, I think having too much of ADD would interfere with his job and might not qualify him to be a CSI.

I didn't see 'Fannysmackin' :( so unfortunately, I can't answer this question. I know that Greg gets beat up, but I'd imagine that Ryan would be there to comfort him one way or another. :devil:

What?? :rolleyes: I meant taking care of him, like bandaging him up and dressing his wounds and undressing... :devil: :p :devil: Mind in the gutter... I'll shut up now. :lol:
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

I haven't watched it either... but I'm already spoiled :rolleyes: Not everything, but I know just enough.

I was thinking... other than that they could relate to each other more with what they've gone through (Greg with the beating, Ryan with getting shot with a nail gun).
It could be considered near death experience right? Who knows, maybe it really makes him realize how short life is. Then... you know, maybe he'd take more chance in life.

Like, if before he had to work the courage to tell Ryan he loves him, or to come out of the closet, now he'd be like "Who cares? Life's to short!" :lol: and just 'go for it'. Hey, who knows tomorrow the hot guy is gone? ;) And by taking risks... maybe he'd be more... eh, daring... As in "C'mon Ryan, enjoy it while you still can... so, do you prefer the liquid latex or whip chain?" :devil: :devil:

*THUD* Aowww... The PG13 border again :rolleyes: *runs after mind into the gutter :devil:*

Shadowfax said:
What?? :rolleyes: I meant taking care of him, like bandaging him up and dressing his wounds and undressing... :devil: :p :devil:
He he he me likes :devil: :devil: *THUD* ...damn border!! :mad: :rolleyes: :p
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