Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away Either

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Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Well, I have ADHD and, while a smyptom could be not paying close attention to detail, I don't have that symptom and Greg probably doesn't. There are lots of little things though. Some of mine are, fidgeting, and squirming, talking really fast and more then I need to, feeling restles often, and toying with things, like tops, or balls, or dolls. :rolleyes: Greg seems very much like that. He might, or might not take medication, I don't. ;)
I think, in the long term after Greg might be a litttle jumpy, and have nightmares. Right now, I'm working on some fic's involving his beating, and Ryan might need to, hem, 'comfort' him. :devil: I'd love for Ryan to be taking care of him (non dirty people!) and have Greg's mom come over without his knowladge. Greg would be like, " :eek:...hi mom." And I think Ryan would be really freaked out.
Has anyone else noticed Greg's need for attention and approval? Makes me think of a Daddy/Boy situation :devil: :devil: :devil:...wait you said pg13? Damn. :mad:
Here are some pics to share the love. :D
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Ohhh I like the idea for the next thread name! That’s awesome! :D

They’ve never come out and said Greg has ADD but it has been implied a few times. If he does have it it’s a very mild case.

DryPrivet said:
I haven't seen many episodes of Miami, does anybody know about Ryan's family?
To date cannon has said the fallowing about Ryan’s family:
Ryan mentions that the only thing his parents are leaving him is their lawnmower, implying they’re alive.
He’s fairly close with his uncle, who he went to check on in crime wave.
He has at least one sibling since Calleigh mentioned she got his niece’s ipod for him.
That is all.

I think the events of Fannysmakin’ would have a pretty big impact on Greg and Ryan’s relationship. This was Greg’s second close call :(. So if the relationship was new it would probably get them moving faster into things, because of the whole life is short feeling. And if they are already in an established relationship then it would deepen thier commitment and require large amounts of vigorous comforting! :devil: :devil: with a lot of *thud* ouch! right then, I'm sure my fellow gutterminded posters can fill in the rest! :D:devil:
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

I'm backkkkk. Haha.

And about Greg having ADD. I could see that, but even so, like everyone is saying, it would be a mild case. And it would fit perfectly with Ryan's OCD. :D

Teehee Ryan comforting Greg after Fannysmackin'. :devil: :devil:
Hahahahahahaha. My mind is going crazy right now.
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Silhouette said:
Or even though Greg really has ADD, it's a mild case, or he has it under control, cause I'm thinking it could interfere with his job. I don't really know much about ADD, but doesn't the person would have trouble on focusing attention into details? (while as CSI it's all about details) And difficulty to get something done? When he was still in the lab it requires long hours of sitting, carefully testing all those DNA samples, it'd be hard if he has ADD.

Haven't you noticed how Greg is always up and walking around the lab? He hardly ever sits down.

Come to think of it, so does Ryan.
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

oooohhh I've missed all this Gutter talk from you guys..I in the need for a gutter scenerio Shadow or Sil..come on feed my need..

I love the math..sounds right to me but I suck at math..either way it = hottness overload.

nah Ryan sits down a lot and he's a leaner..well jon's a leaner..I've noticed. He leans on everything in everything..Mystic river he leaned on the counter and su2..he leaned on walls, desks. he like to hold things up I think, just kidding.

I think your right about their close calls that they would jump into a serious relationship, plus them two together are just so hott how could they resist. I think ryan would be the jealous type. I think he would be jealous of greg's friendship with nick..one nick is hott too and two..they just get along so good. Ryan doesn't seem to have a connection with any of his co workers like greg does..closest would be calleigh. I dont think greg would be jealous of her but lets say maybe he'd be flirty with her because he seems like the flirty type that can't help it and then ryan would be mad at her..

I can't think of anything else we know about Ryan either gnome. Hoping for more info this season, I mean they mentioned a neice for some reason..lets hope.
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Hmmmm.... Ryan's a leaner? I gotta say, I haven't really noticed that. Good point Twiz! I guess we know who'll be leaning against, uh... stuff when they, uh... :devil: you know?

Aaaaackk! Stop feeding my plot penguins, you evil, evil woman! *shakes fist* :lol: *runs and hides from penguins* :D
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

*Tempts plot penguins with naughty Ryan/Greg treats and leads them to Shadowfax’s hiding place!! :devil:* Mwahahaha!! :lol:

I can see Ryan being a jealous type, and since we all know Greg is a flirty, tactile person, it could indeed lead to some interesting situations! ;) Awww but the making up would be Sooooo Hot! :devil: *eyes pg13 barrier* I’ll leave it up to the rest of you to fill in the blanks. :D
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Ryan's definitely a leaner :lol: I've noticed that too :)

Aaw, Ryan could totally take care of Greg, how cute wouldn't that be? :)
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

:lol: I haven't notice that Twiz, but you're so right! Oh yeah, Shadowfax, that makes it clear who'll be leaning against... uh, stuff :lol: (kitchen counter? dinner table? locker door? :devil: :devil: what? I was saying he's just leaning on them, I don't imply... more ;) :p)

Hmm this is good. Now we know who'll be leaning and pushing the plates aside :devil:

Hehehe maybe Ryan would be jealous and they have an argument. Ryan would lean ( ;) ) on the kitchen counter and crossing his arms across his chest, "I can't believe you were flirting with Calleigh, of all people!" And knowing Greg, he'd maybe laugh, or make a joke, like "Somebody's jealous..." :lol: Except that, you know, you don't mess with jealous-Ryan... They'd get into an argument but finally Greg could calm him down. Ryan couldn't get mad at Greg for too long, especially in his position sandwiched between the hot sexy guy in front and the kitchen counter against his back, he had no where to go... :devil: Especially when said hot flirty sexy guy starts to calm him down using his deep, low voice... How could he get mad at Greg for long? He can't.
And then you would hear dinner plates breaking but there's no need to worry :devil: :devil:

*ducks under PG-13 radar* Oops... :p

Lee, come to think about it, Greg could have ADD... he's always HYPER!! :lol:

hollie!!! Glad to see you're back into WONDERful Gutterville! :D :D It's been sunny here... and hot too :p
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

:eek: :eek: Guuuuh! *runs off to take cold shower*

That's exactly the scene I had in my Gutter mind, Silhouette! :devil: You are sooo good to me for filling my mind with that. Of course Ryan would be leaning on stuff and Greg, the experimental of the two, would be the one to sandwich him against whatever he's leaning on at the time. :devil: There's no way he could resist that or stay mad at Greg for long. Making up after a jealous argument between these 2 would be sooooo HOTT! *THUD* :devil:

Where's Twiz? She's gonna want to read that soon. Her mind needs to be filled with Gutter material, and that hot scenario would do the trick. :lol:

Gnome!! *grumbles for leading the plot penguins to my hiding place* :mad: Bad, bad girl!! :lol:

life_style, I agree with you there. Ryan taking care of Greg would be incredibly sweet.
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

:eek: Silhouette, you are too evil. :devil: I'm not going to be able to get that out of my head. Though, I do thank you. :devil: *falls deep into Gutter* Ouch! :lol:

I would actually love a fight between them.. (Now the Angsty side of me is coming out) Not only would it be interesting but SOOO hot!! *falls over just thinking about it* I love how we can just make up anything with this ship, since they haven't met. We have no clue how they would act so we just... make it up :devil:

Ryan's a leaner? :lol: I've kinda noticed that. Well, I notice him when he's leaning.. It's very hot :devil: So Ryan's a leaner, and Greg's a 'very-hot-when-he-walks'... person. :lol: I can always tell by his walk that its him :D
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

MAN all I said was Ryan was a leaner and damn you guys write all this gutter stuff filling my innocent mind with such.....filth....thanks sooooooooooooooooo much Sil. OMG that was really hott. Ryan leaning against the counter oh and dinner plates crashing. You would think they'd go out and buy paper plates, saves on money and not as hard to clean up.

Hey Katie you know ryan is the champ of slow motion walking. Could you imagine both of them walking side by side on the beach shirtless...slow motion..faints...wakes up, what did I type...faints again. I have it bad for beach scene..what could ryan lean on at the beach.....a sand castle um no...come on someone find something for him to lean on.
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Twiz be quiet!!! Look what your doin to me! I was giggling so much when you said that!!! :lol: :p Ryan AND Greg slow walking.. SHIRTLESS! *drool* OMFG.

I know what Ryan can lean on.. So Ryan is at the beach, shirtless, his tanned skin shinning because he has tanning oil on him, and he is leaning on the equally tanned Greg :devil: :p. Or he could be leaning on... I dunno.. Greg sounds the best to me :lol: :devil:
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

It wasn’t me Shadowfax! :p It was my evil twin! :devil:

I’d suggest leaning on a palm tree, but if you’ve ever done that with bare shoulders, you know it hurts, so I’ll just agree with sandersidle and have him lean on Greg! :D Mmmmm that’s a pretty image! :) *goes back to lurking*
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Ya know, you guts are temptin' me to write Ryan/Greg. :rolleyes: The one pairing I haven't put on paper yet...aww hell! Leaning is so very nice... but why can't I see Greg with a tan?!! :( :confused: He just, seem so un-tan like... Do you think that Greg would be hesitant becuase of stuff like scars from the explosion, or being all whumped? And finally, what about Greg atracts Ryan the most? And vice-versa. Now for the piccys!!! :D :D Really I spoil you people. :p
http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q31/dirty_pervert/5190285st.jpg :devil:
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